Angels in the Shadows

Chapter Fifteen: A Joyous Occasion

Amy pulled up in the parking lot of the hospital, running for the doors at a dead run. She skidded to a halt as she spotted Kitty, a concerned look on her face. "I got your call. What happened?"

Amy gulped. "Anthony's been shot. They bought him in a few hours ago and…" she gulped, and her sister came forward and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sure he's fine, Amy. Let's go inside and see how he's doing, okay?" Amy nodded, wiping her eyes, and she and Kitty headed into the hospital. The Angels were already inside, and Amy looked at each of them in turn, a pleading expression on her face. Dylan gave her a hug.

"He just went into surgery about an hour ago. Doctor said it may take a while, and that he'll tell us the outcome-whatever it may be."

Amy nodded, and then sat in one of the hard plastic chairs in the waiting room, her hands clenched together as she stared with unblinking eyes at the doors leading into the OR. Kitty and the Angels took seats next to her, and Natalie tried to engage Amy in conversation. "So…how long have you and Anthony been together?"

Amy's voice was flat as she answered. "Six months."

Nat smiled nervously. "Wow, that's amazing. Do you mind that he can't talk?"


Natalie sighed, realizing that she wasn't going to get an answer out of Amy, and gently patted her arm. Amy politely pulled away, continuing to stare at the door, not moving. Natalie exchanged sad glances with Dylan, Alex, and Kitty, seeing the same thing on all their faces. 'I hope Anthony makes it.'

The double doors opened, and a doctor dressed in surgical scrubs came out, stopping in front of Amy. "Amelia Chase?" Amy nodded, and the doctor smiled. "The surgery went fine. We were able to remove the bullet, and patch him up."

Amy gave a gasp of joy. "Can I see him?"

The doctor smiled. "He's still under from the anesthesia, but I suppose you could go in for a little bit. I'll take you to his room."

Amy nodded, and the doctor led her down the hall to Anthony's room. He was alone, and she walked in, tears brimming in her eyes at the sight of him sleeping in the bed, his face pale. She placed her hand on his chest, feeling the stitches, and then moved upwards to his face, stroking his cheek. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I would never have guessed Deavers would stoop to trying to kill you. You saved my life, my soul. I love you so much, my silent angel. Don't sleep too long; I have something that I need to tell you." She kissed him, tears flowing down her face, and then sat in the chair by the bed, clasping his hand in hers and stroking his inner palm with her thumb, humming softly.

Anthony slowly swam up out of unconsciousness, trying to piece together what had happened. The last thing he could clearly remember was seeing the sun flash off a rifle barrel and then the feeling like he had been socked in the chest with a hundred pound weight. He didn't know if Amy was safe, but if she wasn't, then no force on Earth would stop him from finding Deavers and ripping him apart with his bare hands. He blinked the harsh lights of the hospital room coming into focus and realized that there was someone holding onto his hand. He turned his head, and a great feeling of relief swept through him as he noticed Amy sitting next to him, her eyes shut in sleep.

Anthony squeezed her hand once, and Amy's eyes shot open. "Anthony!" She launched herself at him and kissed him as hard as she could, tears flowing down her face. "God, baby, I'm so sorry, I never would have guessed that….I'm so sorry, this is my fault, I'm so…" Anthony placed his fingers on her lips, shaking his head in a stern No. Amy gulped. "Baby, if not for me, Deavers might not have…" Another firm shake of the head. Amy stared into his eyes. "You saved my life."

Anthony smiled, and then kissed her. He gave her a tight hug, crooning in her ear, and Amy deciphered the message. 'You saved mine as well.' She smiled, clinging to him.

The doctor came in, smiling at Anthony. "It's nice to see you're doing better. Would you like a pen and paper so you can talk to your girlfriend?" Anthony nodded, and the doctor handed him a notepad and pen. Anthony took them, and wrote, handing the paper to Amy.

'Amy, don't you dare blame yourself for what happened. Deavers was disturbed, and he clearly felt that you were the only girl for him, and he was the only man for you. I'm just glad he didn't shoot you. That would have destroyed me. Now, in your note yesterday you said that you had something of great import to tell me.'

Amy smiled. "I did, and I wish I could have told you in a better setting than a hospital room. Plus, I…I didn't know how you'd react to the news."

'What news?'

Amy took a fortifying breath and stared into his eyes. "You're going to be a father."

Anthony blinked at her in stunned joy and disbelief, and Amy gasped as his pale blue eyes began to glow with pure joy. He glanced down at her stomach, then back at her, a happy question on his face. Amy smiled. "Yes, you heard right. I am carrying your child."

Anthony howled in joy and kissed her, tears of joy running down his face. He was going to be a father. That thought scared him and overjoyed him at the same time. He kissed Amy's eyes, her cheeks, and lips, whimpering and crooning in joy and love.

Amy placed his hand on her stomach, and he gently traced it, awe on his face. He looked at her, a joyous grin on his face. 'How far?'

"About three weeks. The doctor said that it's perfectly healthy."

Anthony grinned. 'Does Kitty know?'

Amy shook her head. "I want to wait until you're out of the hospital to tell her. I had planned a romantic dinner to tell you, but…"

Anthony chuckled. 'Do the dinner anyway.'

Amy laughed. "Good idea. Everything's going to change, you know. Anthony, I know you love me, and I've never asked you to be more than you are, but I…oh, hell I don't know what I'm asking."

'Are you asking if I'll become scared of the prospect of fatherhood and run? Because I swear on my parents' souls that will never happen. Amy, I love you, and I will love our child as well. I won't deny the thought of being a father is scary, but it's also joyful, and amazing, and I wouldn't miss it for the world.' He took her arm, tapping on the elbow, and Amy looked down, her eyes widening at what he wrote.


She looked at him. "Are you asking because…" Anthony shook his head.

'I've wanted to ask you for a while now. I love you, Amelia Chase. Please be my wife.' He closed his pad, staring into her eyes.

Amy blinked back tears, and then smiled. "Yes."

Anthony gave her the widest grin she had ever seen, and kissed her, his heart pounding in joy. 'She said yes, she said yes!' He pulled away, sighing. Amy placed her hand on his cheek, and Anthony grasped it, crooning in happiness.

Amy grinned. "I just realized-I don't know your last name."

Anthony chuckled. 'My full name is Anton Dragomir.' Amy repeated the name, and he gave her a wicked grin. 'Your Romanian accent needs work, but you say my name in quite the sexy voice, babe. I just wish I could speak your name.'

Amy kissed him. "Anthony, I have never cared that you can't speak. You say more with your eyes and hands than you ever could in a lifetime of speech. Besides, even if you never speak it, you've said my name. When you hold me close in the night, and croon in my ear-I know that's your way of saying my name. I never was a big talker, anyway."

Anthony kissed his angel, joy and relief coursing through him. For the first time in a long time, he was glad he couldn't speak. Words were meaningless-shells that could be shattered on the sand. What he and Amy had went deeper than words could ever express.

He couldn't wait to see where his life was going to go, and he was thrilled at the thought of spending it by her side.