Hello, ffnet...This here is something I wrote for the Portal kink meme over at livejournal. The prompt was basically GLaDOS brings Wheatley back, puts him in a human body and has him do ridiculously complex tests for her. I...strayed a bit from the prompt when I wrote this, especially in later chapters. It eventually degrades into lots of Wheatley x Chell fluff, smexiness, and...fun times. Rated M for a reason. (I mean...this was written for a kink meme, so...yeah. There be sex.)

Ah, space. The endless black emptiness, a vast abyss, a void of nothingness…

It was huge and limitless and it had been his prison for…for how long now? A quick check of his inner clock told him it had only been a couple of weeks, though it felt like forever. Space Core had inadvertently left him several days ago to orbit a passing meteorite, so now he was stranded and alone.

Not a day went by that he didn't think about her, and how he had left things. He knew it wasn't entirely his fault – GLaDOS' body had corrupted him, that was why he had acted the way he had…but had he even tried to resist it? The thought haunted him, adding to the misery that now dogged him mercilessly. If only he could go back, apologize, make it all better…

"There you are."

Was…was he hearing things?

"My calculations were correct, then. Although that goes without saying."

He turned to face the source of the all-too-familiar voice just in time to see a robotic arm, complete with menacing claw, protruding from a nearby chunk of space debris. An orange, glowing ellipse at the base of the arm explained how it had gotten there.

In the split second before it reached him, he made a vain attempt to process whether it would be optimal to remain floating in space forever, or be forcefully returned to earth under HER control. Neither option was particularly appealing, but in any case, he didn't exactly get to choose. Before he could finish processing this thought, he was in her grasp and yanked through the portal, back to the inner chambers of Aperture Laboratories. And then he found himself dangling right in front of her, that glowing yellow eye piercing as always.

"H-hello, thanks for bringing me back, I was starting to get sort of lonely out there, you know? And oh, wow, look what you've done with the place, it looks, well it looks just like it did before, before –"

"Before you destroyed it." The icy edge to her voice made him shudder.

"Yeah, big mistake, big mistake, that. Good thing you're back in charge now, that's for sure. So I guess now you can just, er, just hook me back up to my old rail and it'll be business as usual, yeah?"

"You really think I went to the trouble of pulling you back from space for 'business as usual'?" Her voice was mocking, derisive. "You really are a moron."

"I'm not – aahh!" He was cut off by a tightening of the claw's grip around him.

"I have much more…enticing plans for you," she continued. The claw rotated and lowered itself so that he was now facing an elevated platform. Shackled to the platform was what appeared to be a lifeless human body. "Recognize him?"

He scanned the body, searching for both familiarity and meaning. When he realized who he was looking at, he was too stunned to reply.

"It's you, moron," she sneered. "You know we keep the bodies of all of Aperture's… 'volunteers' frozen in our cryogenics lab. So it's exactly as you left it. Should be working perfectly."

"Well, that's all well and good, I suppose," he replied with a nervous chuckle. "But, ah, what do you plan on doing with it? Are you going to put me back in there? I suppose I wouldn't mind – gaaaaah!" The claw tightened around him again.

"Oh, yes, you're going back in there," she replied. "Humans make the best test subjects, after all. As long as they're not smart enough to find a way to kill you, and without her around, I won't have to worry about that."

"T…test subjects?" he said, in a voice that was little more than a squeak.

"Yes, Wheatley," she answered. "You're going to test for me. Until your frail human body shuts down. Until you die."

"Can't we – can't we talk about this? I promise I won't turn against you. I'll be a good core. I'll keep to myself and just, just, you know, keep things running smoothly. Please, please don't make me – nnnnaaaah!" For a third time, the claw's grip tightened; it was nearly breaking through his casing now. GLaDOS said nothing as the metal arm holding him moved him into position over a glowing port near his human body, then lowered him into place. He could feel the wires locking him in.

The last thing he heard before his system shut down was her menacing, penetrating voice:

"Good night."