Puck sighed as he hung up another one of Kurt's shirts. Sure, most of his stuff was dry-clean only, but he was really particular about the stuff that wasn't and after the second time Puck accidentally shrunk a sweater, just the tiniest bit … well, let's just say that Puck didn't shrink sweaters anymore.

He often wondered why he got stuck doing laundry and mowing the lawn, when Kurt liked to criticize his work with such a heavy-hand, but Kurt said, "We're equals, Puck. We do the same amount of housework and that's that. If you have any opinions about how I cook and do the dishes every single night, I'd love to hear them."

"We should have meatloaf more," Puck replied, smirking when Kurt made an annoyed noise and shook his head as he walked away. What? Kurt's meatloaf was awesome.

Puck eventually, maybe two or three years in, realized that when Kurt spent all day criticizing the people around him as his job, he had a hard time leaving it at work. He started greeting Kurt after he got home with a loud kiss and a no-nonsense, "Bitch-mode off?"

It made Kurt laugh and broke the tension he carried around all day, so Puck kept doing it. Eventually their son started greeting Kurt that way too, much to Puck's amusement and Kurt's dismay. Just hearing that little, tiny voice say, "Hi, Daddy! Bitch-mode off?" was enough to have Puck chuckling for a minute or two, every day.

When Puck was sick of his construction job, he went to the police academy and then got a job as a patrol officer. He started coming home to Kurt asking, "Cop-mode off?"

Most days Puck could smile, put himself in his husband's arms and nod happily. Some days he couldn't. Kurt didn't seem to mind too much, and Puck was always grateful for that.

The day their son left for college, Puck folded and packed Jake's clothes while Kurt made him breakfast and double-checked that the car was running well and that damn tire was still holding pressure alright. Driving home, Puck asked sadly, "Parent-mode off?"

Kurt looked over at him from behind the wheel, wiping the corner of one of his eyes and replied, "Never."

This whole month has been amazing you guys, and a big part of me is glad that it's done with, partly because there's so much else to do and partly because I can now be proud of myself for making it to the finish line. On the other hand, I'm going to miss writing all these little fics and all your great reviews! I won't miss all the plot/story ideas that I get from them and the guilt over how few of them I'll probably get back to! It's been awesome! –Ptera