Grey's Anatomy.

Old school Disclaimer: As much as I'd love to, I don't own it :'(.

So, this is actually based from this idea of a story had when I started watching Grey's online a few months ago. See, this disclaimer isn't even a sarcastic comment or something of that sorts!

Don't ask me how I got the idea, I don't know.

Lexie, April, Jackson - 17. Meredith, Cristina, Alex, Izzie, Callie, Arizona - 18. Mark, Derek, Owen, Teddy, Henry - 19.

Thanks to all reviewers, all I ask for is feedback! :D Thanks everyone! I honestly mean it! I'm gonna try to reply to everyone's reviews via PM, even if it's just to say thanks!

Title Song By Taylor Swift, Chapter Song By All America Rejects.


Never Grow Up

Chapter Twenty One: It Ends Tonight

Year 11.

Week 3, day 1.

Meredith arrived late for Summer Camp again, just like last year. No, nobody died this year. The only thing that sucked for her was that she had to relocate her life to Boston. She was late this year because her mother insisted that they take care of buying a house in Seattle big enough for her and a few roommates, which was totally out of character for Ellis Grey, because she wanted Meredith to succeed on her own. She didn't need anyone. She had brains. That was enough.

Meredith entered the camp, suitcase in hand, only to be tackled by Lexie. Her sister hugged her and kissed her and gave her twelve months of love in one minute.

"Lexie!" Meredith got one kiss in on her sister's cheek. "I missed you!"

"Me too! I tried to convince Daddy to let me come to Boston, but... he needed me."

"He's a drunk, isn't he?" Meredith asked. Lexie sighed and looked at her sister.

"It's okay, Mer. Molly's at Grandma's because Mercy West Grade School closed. She's fine. I took a picture of her- she's so cute. She looks just like Mom."

"She looks exactly like Susan. She's lucky."

"I know, she's so beautiful. She misses you so much."

"I miss her." Meredith smiled. "Where's-" She stopped. Derek wasn't here anymore. He was SGU. She hadn't been able to get there like she'd hoped.

"Derek? I know, I spent the first three days searching for Mark.." Lexie admitted. Meredith laughed at her sister. "But, the good news is, is that no pretty girls go to SGU. Seriously, you'll be the first."

Meredith laughed. She saw black curls out of the corner of her eye. "Cristina!" Meredith ran and hugged her person.

"Mer! Where the hell have you been!"

"Setting up a house near SGU for me and future roommates." Meredith told her.

"You got in?"


"Me too! Oh my God! We're gonna live together in a house near the SGU campus, and the guys could move in too, right?"

"Of course! I totally forgot! And since we'll already have stable relationships-"

"We can focus on studying!"

"Little Grey! You got in too!" Cristina grinned.

"Yeah! Thank God I skipped third grade. I couldn't deal with high school without you guys."

"Yeah, Mer. It was Senior Year and you missed it, bitch." Cristina grunted.

"Hey! I had to start out in a whole new city alone!"

"Do I hear a dark and twisty blonde somewhere in this building?" Izzie grinned, running to her three best friends. "OMG Mer! We all graduated!"

"I know, izzie! I did too!" Meredith laughed. "Where did you get accepted?"

"SGU, I know... it sucks..."

"But it's got an awesome medical program!" Cristina, Meredith and Lexie finished.

"You guys are going?" Izzie's smile grew (if possible) as they nodded. "WE'RE ALL GOING TO SGU! We can buy a house together!"

"My mom bought me one, well, we're splitting the bill, it's huge so I can move in with some roommates!" Meredith told her as the four girls walked into the grand hall to see Jackson looking at himself in a compact mirror, Alex and April in a fight over who has more authority and Callie and Arizona singing KT Tunstall. (PREVIEW OF SEQUEL IF YOU GUESS WHICH SONG)

"Meredith!" The Chief grinned as she walked in. Everyone looked up and said hello.

"Where the hell is everybody?" Meredith giggled. Nine people. Not even ten were left! She relaxed into a chair.

"Hey, did anybody apply to SGU? I have to start applying for schools next year but I can't decide where to go." Jackson asked, putting his mirror away.

"I did." Everyone but April and Jackson said.

"What?" Everyone started discussing it.

"So... have you applied?"

"I'm about to apply to SGU..." April snickered. Jackson giggled.

"Me too."

"I went to SGU. I'm a brilliant doctor." Bailey informed them.

"Yeah, they turn out a lot of fantastic doctors there. My mother attended."

"In fact, I'm so brilliant, that SGU offered me the Biology teacher position." Bailey boasted. "Of course I accepted... before I knew all you nasty's were going."

"I'm in the running for new Head of Science and Medicine." Webber smiled. "What a coincidence!"

"This is awesome! The entire crew together again!" Lexie grinned.

"Except George." Izzie sighed.

"And Reed." April looked down.

"Charles." Jackson smiled, thinking of his best friend.

"Addison." Callie said.

"Burke." Cristina told them.

"Lucy." Alex grunted.

"Erica." Arizona scowled.

"Rose." Lexie frowned.

"We've lost so many." Bailey sighed, putting a hand on her head.

"But we've gained so many!" Webber grinned. "April, Jackson, Henry! Sarah!"

"We've had a good run, Chief." Meredith smiled.

"That we have, Meredith." The Chief smiled. "That's the attitude we need!"

"We've had an awesome run, actually." Arizona grinned.

"Well, how about the girls get Meredith settled into the dorm and then we'll come down here and have some fun!" Webber suggested.

Everyone came back downstairs to find a note on Room 7 saying 'Play Room'. They all walked their chatting away at each other.

"Like, seriously, Mer. Your house better be huge!" Izzie laughed. She stopped when they got to the play room. Standing there was everyone, everyone.

Derek, Mark, Owen, Teddy, Henry, Burke, Addison, Erica, Rose, Lucy and last, but not least, George.

"GEORGE!" Izzie screamed at the top of her lungs. She sprinted to her best friend forever and hugged him until he turned purple.

"Derek!" Meredith ran to the love of her life.

"Mark!" Lexie leaped into her boyfriend's arms.

"Addie!" Callie hugged her friend. Everyone else said hello's.

"Let's do the scavenger hunt then!"

Team Awesome: Mark, Lexie, Owen, Derek, Addison, Callie, Meredith, George, Lucy and April.

Team Kill: Cristina, Teddy, Arizona, Izzie, Alex, Jackson, Erica, Rose and Burke.

"KILL!" Cristina yelled.

"Awesome?" Mark copied Cristina, slightly.

Team Awesome won.

"And the winning streak begins anew!" Mark gloated.

"I HATE TEAM AWESOME!" Cristina broke Jackson's compact mirror in half. He cried.

"Well, we all have to go." George sighed. He loved it here. Sure, he loved the military school he was in and was getting ready to be a medic in the Army, but he missed Izzie and Meredith and everyone else.

"We'll miss you." Meredith told everyone.

"Doubt it." Erica scoffed.

"Goodbye, Hahn." Derek said. "Flack."

"I love you all!" George called to them.

"LOVE YOU GEORGE!" Everyone yelled, even Alex!

SGMWSC was a brilliant place that brought them all together. It's helped make relationships that will last for an eternity. It's created love that would never have exsisted other wise. Seattle Grace-Mercy West Summer Camp was the best place on Earth. Dr. Bailey and Chief Webber made it from scratch. It's been the home of grief and anger, but more importantly, love and happiness. It turned girls into women. Boys into men. SGMWSC. We'll miss you.

Meredith Grey smiled as her father pulled in, dropping her and her seventeen year old sister off at Seattle Grace University. She was eighteen years old and excited to spend the rest of her education with her closest friends...

So, it's... OVER? Did you like the ending? I know, totally corny. But... I love corny. It makes for a happy Kat! Well... it's... over...? OMg. I can't handle it! Anywhooo... try my little KT TUNSTALL Thing for a preview of the sequel: My Medicine.


Welcome to Seattle Grace University... home of great surgeons and even a writer! Love, drama... DEATH? All to come in My Medicine, Sequel TO NEVER GROW UP!



Thanks my faithful readers. You kept me going. It's been a pleasure to have you reading since chapter 1 of this wacky story. It's been an excellent 5 months writing for you. Please view the sequel and give your honest feedback.

Thanks guys. :)