A/N: Last one! Fine & Dandy is now complete! Next story to be completed is Go Figure! I should start posting that one again soon!

Happy reading!


69. Explode

Dana bit her bottom lip as she pulled her canoe toward the Camp Rock pier. She tied it off and then very carefully got out and then made her way to the Mess Hall. If she'd timed it right their lunch would just be ending. It was Saturday and Brown gave them a reprieve from classes on Saturday and Sunday to allow them time to enjoy the people and places that surrounded them.

That was yet another reason Camp Star's attendance was dropping. Her father didn't do that. He honestly thought that if the kids at his camp really wanted to be superstars then they needed to become used to having a non-stop schedule. Dana knew he thought he was doing it for their own good, but really it just pushed more kids toward Brown's camp. Honestly, if she wasn't the director's daughter she'd be at Camp Rock.

As a way of competing though, Axel had started giving his campers Saturday to do whatever they wanted with, and Dana had never been more grateful for it than she was today. She was going to talk to Andy today. She was determined. And knowing that they both had an open schedule was a relief.

She reached the Mess Hall just as people were starting to trickle out. She smiled warmly when Ella and Nate came out of the doors hand in hand.

"Hey guys," She said as they approached her.

Ella released Nate's hand long enough for both of them to hug her before she slipped it back in his. "So, is today the day?"

Dana nodded. "Yes, we're halfway through the summer already, and I just can't wait on him to do this any longer."

"Well," Ella said with a smile and wink. "Good luck."

Dana took a deep breath and nodded. "Thanks."

Nate patted her shoulder and grinned. "You'll be fine, Dana. I don't think you really have anything to be nervous about."

Nate spotted Andy coming down the front steps and whispered his own rushed good luck before leading Ella away. Andy's eyes widened when he spotted her and he smiled brightly.

"Hey," He said. "I wasn't expecting you for another hour."

"We need to talk," She said nervously.

His brow furrowed. "Good talk or bad talk?"

She bit her bottom lip and again and grimaced as she thought. "I don't know. It could be pretty subjective. Is there somewhere a little more private we can go?"

Andy nodded and motioned for her to follow him. He led her to one of the rehearsal cabins, signed his name to the list posted outside the door, and then locked the door behind them. "So, what's up?"

"We're pretty good friends now, right?" Dana asked.

Andy nodded. "Yes, definitely."

"So then I can talk to you about…anything?"

"Of course."

"Good, well," Dana started before she took a deep breath. "There's this guy, you see, and I really really like him—"

Dana cut herself off as Andy suddenly turned his back on her. Her brow furrowed and she hesitantly put her hand on his shoulder.


She heard Andy huff indignantly before he turned and glared at her. Dana's eyes widened. She'd never seen him glare at anyone or anything (well, except for that tree stump he tried and failed to kick), and she certainly never thought the first time she saw it that it would be trained on her.

"You like a guy, huh?" He asked in a short tone.

"Yeah, I do," Dana said with a wince. This wasn't going according to plan. She didn't count on him being angry.

"So, then I guess I just wasted half my summer," Andy said as his jaw tensed. "Story of my life. Who is it? Barron? Sander? Oh, let me guess, it's Luke."

"No—ew, no—it's not any of them it's—"

"It's not any of them? Well, then you must have some guy back home you're pining after right?" Andy asked. "That would have been a great thing to know upfront, Dana."

"Andy, I'm just trying to—"

"Yeah, I get it," He said as he interrupted her again. "Thanks for your honesty. Too little, too late, Dana."

Now it was her turn to glare at him. She smacked his shoulder and poked his chest with her finger. "Will you just let me talk! Geez, why couldn't you have been this talkative all summer? I mean, I could do without the snapping and the glaring, but not having to almost literally pry words out of your mouth is a nice change."

He sighed and leaned back against the wall. "What? What do you have to say?"

"Andy," She said softly. "The guy is you. I was just…trying to be dramatic I guess or trying to ease you into the idea or something, but clearly that didn't work. I've been sending you signals all summer, but you're just so darn shy that I can never tell if you actually get them. But I guess you have been if you think my crushing on someone else would be that big of a betrayal. Not that you don't have the right to think that, but, really Andy, I would never lead anyone on like that. That's cruel. I really like you and I would never want to hu—"

Dana cut herself off as Andy suddenly reached forward and took both her hands in his.

He smiled softly and squeezed her hands. "You're rambling, Dane."

She blushed and looked down at the floor. "Right, sorry. I'm a bit nervous and frazzled and—I don't know—everything, I guess. You surprised me with that glare and how upset you were."

"I'm sorry," He said quietly. "I don't know what came over me. I just…I guess I exploded. The idea of you liking someone else after the month and a half that we had just struck me as so…unfair."

"But, I don't like someone else, Andy," Dana told him as she hesitantly looked up and caught his gaze. "I like you."

His smile brightened and he nodded. "So you've said."

There was a lingering moment of silence before Dana cleared her throat worriedly. "This is supposed to be the part where you tell me you like me."

Andy grinned in amusement before he leaned forward and gently captured Dana's lips with his. He didn't know where he'd found the courage to do that. Somehow, he just knew it was the right response. Dana froze for a moment before she relaxed and leaned against him. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. Andy smiled against her lips before he pulled away.

Dana smiled and blushed and kept her arms around him. She sighed happily before she finally looked back up at him. "You kissed me."

"What's that old saying?" He asked thoughtfully with a grin. "Actions speak louder than words. I thought I'd test it out."

Dana chuckled and shook her head. "Oh, you tested it, alright."

"And the verdict?" Andy asked as held her a little tighter.

"Well, I do like words. It's nice to have a verbal confirmation of the actions, but I'm definitely not gonna argue against actions. Considering I look forward to kissing you more often," Dana told him with a smirk and a wink.

"I'll keep that in mind for next time," Andy said with a grin. "I do really like you, Dana. Just so we're clear on that."

She chuckled. "We're clear. We're very clear."