Hello. Since I spotted a lot of mistakes, I decided to make a few adjustments to my very first fanfiction. I'm not going to change the contents drastically, so don't worry. Starting from today, I'm going to edit chapters one by one.

Rating: T (Will go up in some of the later chapters).

Disclaimer: Durarara and its characters belong to no one else but its creator Ryogo Narita (and whoever else that has rights to it).

A Certain apartment in Shinjuku

"Don't you think the town has been awfully quiet recently, Namie?"

The thin, dark haired man who asked the question was visibly bored. The beautiful woman who busied herself sorting various files simply shrugged.

"I don't know anything about it."

"Tsk. You're so boring Namie. Probably still thinking about you dear little brother?"

"Not really. Right now I'm thinking what kind of poison should I add to your soup, next time when I'm making it."

The man frowned for a second but then started giggling.

"I didn't know you had some sense of humour!"

Namie decided that further discussion with Izaya was as productive as trying to teach a pig how to fly, so she returned to her work. Izaya spun on his swivel chair.

"Hmmm. Maybe I should pay a little visit to Ikebukuro?"

The ringing of the door bell interrupted Izaya's loud contemplations. Namie shot a quick glance at the screen of Intercom.

"Looks like it's an old acquaintance of yours, Izaya."

"An old acquaintance? Who do you mean?"

Izaya curiously looked at the screen. His usual smirk disappeared when he saw who said "acquaintance" was.

"Shizu-chan? What is he trying to accomplish ringing to me like this instead of just kicking my door down?"

Indeed, the person displayed on the screen was a tall, blonde man in bartender's suit.

"Should I let him in?"

"Of course not. There is a chance he'll think nobody's home and just go away."

As if sensing Izaya's intentions Shizuo kicked the door down and proceeded to move towards the apartment. Izaya sighed and pulled his switchblade out. Namie wondered whether she should call for police or ambulance first.

"What is it this time, Shizu-chan?"

"Put your penknife away. I didn't come here to fight. I just want to talk."

"Oh really? And that is why you destroyed my door?"

"It's your own fault for not answering my call."

Izaya hesitated for a brief moment. He couldn't help but notice that Shizuo's behaviour was rather odd. He was not calm by any means. His fists were clenched and the veins were appearing on his face as usual. Yet he seemed to be much more composed than he ever was in Izaya's presence. Finally, Izaya's curiosity won and he retracted his blade.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Shizuo cast his eye over Namie.

"Who is this woman?"

"Namie is merely my secretary and housewife."

Namie slightly frowned at this statement but refrained from any sarcastic comments.

"I'd rather talk to you face to face."

Izaya analysed his chances. Shizuo was less likely to get in an unstoppable rage in a presence of the woman. However, he seriously doubted that Namie would be of any help, if Shizuo really tried to kill him.

"You may leave early today, Namie. Aren't you happy?"

"Like hell."

Namie grabbed her purse and quickly headed for the exit. In her heart she was actually relived that she didn't have to participate in the confrontation of those two freaks. Shizuo waited till she left and then continued.

"I want to reconcile with you."

"Could you please repeat yourself because I'm not sure if I heard you right?"