Harry and Hermione landed in the marshy swamps of Louisiana, but there was an odd buzzing noise that was not present the first time around. Hermione let out a scream of surprise as something the size of a medium sized dog flew close enough to her head that it tangled her hair. Both Harry and Hermione had their wands out quickly, but soon became apparent that they were in more trouble than they initially realized.

There were about 15 or so of what looked like giant mosquitoes circling the duo. The mosquitoes had bright blue bodies and furry green legs, although their most frightening feature was their eyes, which were the color of blood. Besides their daunting appearance, they looked like they wanted nothing more than to rip both of the humans standing in front of them limb from limb.

"This isn't a species that I recognize," Hermione said in a calm, almost inquisitive voice. "Maybe if we can figure out what they want, we can get out of here without fighting them. Maybe we are on their territory or something."

"Um, Hermione? That thing that they want? I think we might be standing on them," Harry said, trying to keep his voice level.

Hermione looked down and discovered that they were standing in a pile of off-white looking ovals with grey spots that were pointed at the top, and half of them were broken due to their apparating on top of them. A greyish substance oozed out of them and covered their shoes.

"You know what?" Hermione asked. "I think that we can safely assume that because we killed oh, what? About half of their children? Yes, we can safely assume that we are not going out of this without a fight."

"I agree," Harry responded, and he fired a stunner at the nearest mosquito.

The stunned mosquito dropped into the brownish-green waters of the marsh, splashing everything within a close distance with a few gallons of dirty water and bits of plant life and dead things.

This seemed to serve as the catalyst for the rest of the mosquitoes to attack. Harry learned the hard way that the mosquitoes' spit was quite acidic; one glob of green spit hit him in the shoulder, which ate right through his shirt, skin, and most of the muscle, leaving a large amount of bone exposed.

Taking out the rest of the mosquitoes was easy, considering whom they had fought against in the past. After Hermione had hit the last one with a jinx Harry didn't recognize, she rushed over to aid him. He was lying on the ground, breathing in ragged breaths.

"Essence of Dittany, Essence of Dittany..." she muttered as she rummaged through her beaded handbag, which was coincidentally the exact same handbag that she carried when they were on the run from Voldemort.

"Would appreciate you hurrying up a little bit more, if you don't mind," Harry said through cringed teeth.

"Looking for this?"

A green bottle rolled toward Hermione and stopped with the label facing up. Harry could barely read it, as his vision was beginning to blacken. Suddenly his vision returned to clarity, and he felt his shoulder, which was completely healed. He sat up and looked at the mysterious stranger who supplied the liquid that saved him from blacking out, but it turned out that he wasn't a mysterious stranger at all.

"Looked like you two needed help, and you know, because I'm just jumping up and down at the opportunity to help others, I decided that I just had to come to the rescue."

"Harry, is this Henry?"

"You had to tell her my name?"

Harry would have thought that the ride back to the Crouix's house would have been somber, seeing as the fate of his unborn child relied on this voodoo stuff working. Hermione was bubbling with questions, so most of the ride was Henry's explanations to her various questions, although some he could not answer. Hermione was so involved in asking her questions, she didn't even notice that the airboat was going in circles. This surprised Harry; Hermione was usually so observant.

Hermione didn't look nearly as awed by the Crouix's ramshackle house as Ron or Harry had. Harry guessed that she must have seen something similar to this in her research.

Laura Crouix greeted both Hermione and Harry warmly, although she made a point about Henry and Harry staying outside on the porch, while she invited Hermione inside. Harry decided not to take his chances with the decrepit rocking chair and walked to the edge of the porch to look out at the swampy landscape.

After a few minutes, Henry said, "You know, Laura has never taught anyone voodoo before." He paused, and Harry turned around to face him, encouraging him to continue. "She never found a girl she trusted enough to take on as an apprentice, and she's never just taught the cure to someone before."

"What would make her want to teach Hermione, a woman she never even met until a few minutes ago, something about voodoo?" Harry asked.

"I wouldn't know, but she would. Divination, you see," Henry responded.

"I pretty much failed divination, so I wouldn't really know much about it."

"I pretty much failed everything in school, so I couldn't tell you much about anything. Kind of odd how I ended up with Laura. She was a straight O student, you see."

After he said this, Hermione banged open the fragile wooden door, and this time one of the hinges actually did break off.

"I've got it. Let's go."

People ran through St. Mungo's all of the time: healers, worried family members, owls that couldn't fly. So it wasn't particularly unusual that Hermione and Harry were running around corners, up stairs, and through people. They saw Ron standing outside of Ginny's room, a somber expression on his face.


"I'm sorry, Harry. There was nothing I could do."

Harry's face fell, and he brushed past Ron and into Ginny's room, where he saw her sitting up and looking down at her hands, which she had placed in her lap.

"Ginny..." he said as he turned her face up with his index finger. Her face was streaked with tears, both wet and dry, as if she had been crying for a long time.

She looked as if she was going to say something, but the effort reduced her to tears. Harry pulled her into an embrace, whispering comforting things into her ear, but she continued to cried into his shoulder.

A/N: Wow! Finally done! As of now, this is going to be the last chapter; however, if I get enough reviews/messages in my inbox, I might consider continuing. Hope you liked it!