Yo! :D Hehe! Shizaya1398, thank you for coming up with the plot for meh! ._. Though, I did alter it...a bit...Actuall a lot, sorta. I know this chapter was supposed to be fluffy. ^^|| But you'll see how that went~!So everyone, thank Shizaya1398!
Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara...Or any of its sexy charaters. ^.^

Shizuo opened his eyes, feeling the heavy bags under them. After kissing Izaya, he hadn't been able to get any sleep at all. He shuddered at the thought. He didn't even remember last night.

"Ooohh, Shiiiiiizuuu-chan~!"

Shizuo picked up his head and was pelted by three or four snowballs in the face. He fell backwards and laid there for second before yelling his famous line: "Ii-zaa-yaa!" He picked up his backpack and threw it at Izaya.

Izaya easily dodged it and grabbed another handful of snow, shoving down Shizuo's shirt.

"Ahh!" Shizuo yelped.

"That cold Shizu-chan?" The Izaya asked grinning.

"Izaya! I'm going to kill you!" The blonde began to run at him.

Izaya turned and ran quickly out into the snow.

Eh? This snow's really deep… He turned to see Shizuo right behind him

Izaya gasped as Shizuo lifted him up off the ground by the hood, almost knocking the wind out of him. As he was dropped to the ground, he was ambushed by a punch in the stomach, sending him flailing backwards into the snow. Izaya began to get up, but was then kicked extremely hard in his crotch, making him groan in agony.

"Sh-Shizu…chan?" He coughed as another punch was delivered into his face.

"I hate you, Flea!" Shizuo yelled, kicking and punching him.

Izaya had no clue that stuffing snow down his dear Shizu-chan's shirt would make him so angry…


Both men froze at the sound Izaya's arm being crushed under the blonde's foot.

"Heh," the blonde laughed, pushing down harder. "Damn Flea."


Snap. Went his right leg.


Shizuo stopped at the sound of his real name.

"Eh. You're not worth my time. Lay here and die for all I care!" he said as he began to walk away.


It hurt…

For once, it hurt…

Izaya wasn't used to experiencing this…this pain he was feeling. Shizuo had caught him off guard , and he was now paying for it.

He clutched his broken arm; it was bare…Shizu still had his jacket… Great, now he was going to freeze to death.

A burst of pain shot up through his body. The boy laughed at himself; he was so pathetic.

"Sh-Shizu-chan?" He moaned out into the empty wasteland of snow.

That's just…great. I didn't think he'd actually leave…

Izaya faded into a vast darkness.


A town! A large smile spread across Shizuo's face . He ran to the nearest hotel, nearly kicked the door down, and ordered a room.

"10,000 yen , please." the clerk yawned.

Geez, expensive hotel… Shizuo pulled the last bit of money out of his wallet.


The blonde turned, "Tom!"

"Yeah. What are you doing here?"

Shizuo explained the situation to him.

"And you just left him there? Isn't that kind of cruel Shizuo?" Tom asked.

The blonde shrugged as he lit a cigarette.

The debt collector tried again. "You know…There's supposed to be an awful blizzard tonight. Would you really-"

"I thought you would've figured it out before," Shizuo said, exhaling smoke. "I hate that Flea."

"All right then. Your fault if he dies."

If he…dies? That hit Shizuo a little hard, giving him a weird feeling in his stomach. He quickly pushed it away.

"Night, Tom," Shizuo said, walking up to his room.

Hmm…A blizzard, huh? Shizuo turned on the television to the news.

"And reporters say this is going to be a record-breaking blizzard. One of the biggest blizzards in years," the news lady said.

Record-breaking…That sounds bad…And Izaya's…Ah, what am I saying? That flea deserves every bit of this… He thought. Besides, that stupid jacket of his will…keep…him… His thoughts came to a halt as he felt the weight of his enemy's jacket on him.

. . .

"Izaya!" Shizuo bellowed, bursting through the door and out into the storm.

The snow hit him, and every step he took against the raging wind was a struggle.

"Izaya!" he called again.

After about five minutes, Shizuo was freezing.

"I…Izaya?" he whispered.

The blonde was just about to turn back, when he felt something under his foot. He crouched down and wiped the snow off of it…


"Mmm…" the limp, cold body mumbled in response.


Shizuo sat the informant down on the bed and called room service for a bowl of warm soup.

"Flea, can you hear me?"

No answer.

"I thought not. Dammit."

Shizuo had ordered some soup from room service, hoping the warmth would be enough to wake Izaya up.

After he had gotten the soup, Shizuo tried to force it into Izaya's mouth.

"Come on! Open your mouth!"

When there was still no answer, the blonde grabbed Izaya's jaw and squeezed it open. When Shizuo had given him about seven spoonfuls of soup, the informant began to stir and color came back to his face.

"Mmm? Shizu-chan?" Izaya mumbled, opening his eyes. He felt the warmth of his jacket and snuggled deeper into it.

"Listen…Flea- I mean…Izaya..." Shizuo scratched his head and began to blush. "I'm sorry I-"

"Now, now Shizu-chan. I'm not accepting any apologies," Izaya said sleepily. "Unless…"

"…Unless what, Flea?" the blonde asked a bit angrily.

"Nope! Nevermind! I don't answer to mean people!" Izaya tried to turn on his side, but winced when his arm didn't move.

Sighing, Shizuo tried again to say it in the most soothing tone possible: "Unless what?"

Izaya just shook his head.

Shizuo then went into a fit of anger. He picked up the refrigerator and was about to throw it at Izaya, but stopped when he saw the Flea actually cringe back in fear. Shizuo slowly placed the refrigerator back on the floor, walked over to the bed, and knelt down beside it.


Izaya's eyes opened slowly.

"Unless you agree to two conditions! Condition one: I want to go on vacation with you!"

Shizuo froze and began to get angry again.

"Why would I-"

"You want to hear condition two?" Izaya grinned wickedly.

"No. Let me get you healthy again…And then you can tell me your…conditions…"

"Mmm…Okay Shizu-chan~! Whatever you say!" Izaya's eyes flashed down to his broken arm, and then to his leg. "I believe we might need a doctor."

"I'll call Shinra." Shizuo sighed.


Shizuo had been forced out of the room while Shinra patched Izaya up. Celty was there with him, watching him pace back and forth.

[Why so nervous?] she typed on her cell phone.

"Nervous? Me nervous? I don't have a reason to be nervous," Shizuo growled.

[Well, you look like you are. I mean, it's not like he's having a baby or something. Relax.]

"Great news!" Shinra came out, "It's a girl!"

"What the fu-"

[Shinra, you idiot!] Celty punched him in the arm, knocking him over.

"Ow…I was just kidding! He's just fine. Though he's got a cast so, be careful. Also, his leg was broken up pretty bad. Make sure he doesn't walk on it without the crutches I've left for him. I know how stubborn he can be." The doctor said, "Come on Celty."


Shizuo was just about to walk them out, when they heard a crashing sound in the bedroom.

"Have fun!" Shinra said running down the steps.

Shizuo quickly opened the door and found Izaya facedown on the floor.

"Why, hello there Shizu-chan! These casts are pretty heavy!" The informant grinned big.

"Get up, Flea. You're aren't supposed to be out of bed," the blonde ordered.

"No thanks! I'm perfectly capable of-"

Shizuo picked him up off the floor and began walking over to his bed.

"Let go of me!" Izaya pulled out his switchblade and stabbed Shizuo's arm.

The blonde dropped him roughly on the bed.

"Heh. I'll be taking this." Shizuo removed the tiny blade from his arm and stuck it in his pocket.

"What? No! Give it back!" Izaya complained, fighting to retrieve his knife.

Shizuo sighed and began looking around the room. His eye caught sight of a note.


If you are having trouble controlling Izaya, just give him a shot from the syringe I've attached to this note. Depending on how much you give him depends on if he'll go to sleep, be immobilized, or get loopy.


P.S. Good luck!

Well, that's real descriptive. How much do I give him?

"Did you hear me, Shizu-chan? If you don't give it back I'm going to hold my breath until you do! 1,2,3!"

Maybe I should give him just a little…?

"Shizu-chan! See? I'm holding my breath!"

But…What if it makes him loopy? Gah, Why does this have to be so damn complicated?

"Shizu-chan! I'm almost out of-"

The blonde stabbed him with the needle in his arm and injected only a little bit.

"Ow…That hurt…Now, Shizu-chan," Izaya pouted. "Give me-hey…I can't move!"

Well, I guess this is better than him being loopy.

"Shizu-chan! I can't move! What did you do to me?" Izaya tried to tilt his head over to look at the blonde, but he wasn't even able to do that.

"Oops…" was all Shizuo said. He looked down at the note again and saw another P.S.

P.S. small amount= paralysis

Medium= sleep

Lot= loopy

"Damn you, Shinra," he sighed.

"Hey! Why can't I move?"

I can't believe I didn't see that a minute ago…


Now he's not going to shut up!


There's got to be something to shut him-



"…I can't move," Izaya mumbled.

I've got to find something to shut him up. But what?


"I've got it!" Shizuo bolted out of the door.

"H-Hey! Shizu-chan?"

Izaya groaned as he tried to move.

Wonder if Shizu will agree to my conditions? he wondered.

Then, something else occurred to him…Why was Shizu taking care of him in the first place? Was there some strange possibility that…

Of course not! Shizu-chan couldn't like me! We're worst enemies!

"Got it!" Shizuo burst through the door again. He had something in his fist, and he began to walk over to the bed with it.

"Thank god you're back Shizu-chan! I was beginning to worry you died or something! Heh…you know, it would've been funny if you did di-"

The blonde stuffed the thing into Izaya's mouth. When the informant opened his eyes, and crossed them to see what it was…

"Even you can be shut up. All it takes…is a pacifier."

A…Pacifier? He tried to spit it out, but his jaw was to numb to move. …This is humiliating!

"Gish…Utif….mie…mouf…!" Izaya tried to yell through the object.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up, you baby," Shizuo said lighting a cigarette.

Finally, the informant gathered up enough strength in his mouth and spit the pacifier across the room hitting Shizuo in the head.

"Dammit you." Shizuo picked it up and began walking it back over.

"N-no! wait Shizu-chan! I'll be good! I will!" The informant begged.

"Nope. Sorry," Shizuo said.

"Shizu-" It was forced back into his mouth. "Mm-phm…"

"Heh…how cute." The blonde chuckled.


The clock read nine o'clock.

"Izaya! You're going to bed. You need rest." Shizuo said getting up to get the syringe.

By this time, Izaya's paralysis had just about worn off.

"No! No, you can't make me!" He wiggled around as much as he could.

"You're acting like a two year old, Flea. Man up. Have some pride." Shizuo grabbed the medicine.

"All my 'pride' vanished when you stuffed that contraption in my mouth!" Izaya said, trying to squirm away.

"Hold still!" The blonde ordered as he stuck him with the needle.

He began to inject the medicine, when Izaya swung his arm back and injected half of it.

"You idiot!" Shizuo yanked it out.

That stupid idiot! He put the syringe back on the table. He injected too much…That means…

A quiet, crazed-sounding giggle erupted behind him.

Oh god…please help me…

:3 Like it? :DDD Well, you can also thank my beta reader Exxal for that. ._.|| You shoulda seen how long the list of screw ups there was. XDD But there we go! Thank Exxal too! ^o^

Shizuo: Review! o.o quick I wanna get this next chapter over with as soon as possible!
Izaya: (loopy) Hehehehehehehehe~ I love you Shizu-chaaaaan~ :3 Review really fast so we can get to the next chapter~ It's really sexy :D
Shizuo: O_O