Did I mention just how much I love Katekyo Hitman Reborn right now? And did I mention how much I love My Heavenly Judgement by colbub? Seriously guys, if you have the time you should go and read it. RIGHT NOW.

Basically, I liked the whole idea of someone dying and then being alive again in Katekyo Hitman Reborn as a trial of sorts.

Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I do, however own the OC who is going to be the main character in this fic.


Noelle didn't even think about what she was going to do one she reached the roof as her legs ran as fast as they could take her. The only thing on her mind was finding Madison and warning her about the completely snapped and insane Angie who was hell intent on taking the former out once and for all.

Angie Hart, Queen Bee of Hollywood High School and probably the bitchiest person to have ever existed in the school's history, apparently could not stand the idea of anyone breaking up with her.

Especially if that person was Jayden Matthews, the most popular boy in school who was also the nicest guy around. Because together, they were the hottest 'IT' couple of Hollywood High.

But a few months back Jayden finally had enough of his girlfriend's -now ex-girlfriend- attitude towards other people and broke it to her firmly, but in the nicest way he could, that they shouldn't be dating any more.

There was of course drama and much playing victim on Angie's part, but the fact that the Queen Bee just got jilted by someone had made many people very happy. Noelle was one of the people who rejoiced, but it was more of the fact that karma had finally gotten to Angie and her heart breaking humiliating ways rather than anything else.

It wasn't Jayden breaking up with her that made Angie snap. In fact, she recovered quickly enough and was on the dating scene again, going out with some popular boy in North Hollywood High.

No. It was when Jayden decided to go out with his childhood friend as well as Noelle's best friend since junior high, Madison Carter. And why shouldn't he? He deserved someone much better than his previous girl friend who treated him like her own personal chauffeur and a must have accessory that would look good with her.

Angie didn't see it that way as most jealous exes would.

She did everything within her power to make Madison's life a living nightmare. She turned nearly the entire student body against her (save for Jayden, Noelle and six other of their close knit friends) who in turn made her life difficult.

And it didn't stop there.

Not only did Angie practically make everyone at Hollywood High hate Madison, she got her expelled from the school and had made it near impossible for her to attend another school within the district without getting the same treatment she had gotten at her former school.

Apparently she knew everyone on the social scene.

Despite her reputation being slandered and being turned into the most hated person among her peers, Madison had remained strong with the support of everyone who knew that Angie was just a spoiled brat who took things over the top.

But what no one predicted was that Angie would go so far as to take a gun and shoot Madison in her vengeance for 'taking' Jayden away from her.

Noelle kicked down the door that stood between her, Madison and Angie. Under the force of the inhuman strength she was well known for, the door splintered right in half allowing her to arrive on the scene just moments before her friend was shot by the gun wielding Queen Bee.


It was like her mind was on automatic. She didn't even stop to think about the dangers of the situation and instead acted by shoving Madison out of the way. Gun shots echoed within the air and Noelle fell backwards from the force of having something slam hard into her twice; right in the upper chest and another in the stomach.

It was like she had been punched, but the pain was so much more agonizing.

Her entire body felt like it was on fire.

She landed hard on her back in paralyzed agony and felt something soaking her clothes. Her mind was going haywire from the pain and she couldn't think straight enough to pierce together her thoughts.

It took her about half a minute for her mind to fully register what happened; it wasn't too hard to figure out since she had saw Angie pointing the gun at her friend.

Noelle had been shot. Twice.

Somehow, everything else seemed to be in slow motion. She could hear screams, another gun shot, more screams and the sound of the two people struggling and then the stampeding footsteps and voices of other people running onto the chaotic scene.

Noelle could hear Angie's maddened shrieks as she directed her hatred at Madison for ruining her life and she could also hear hysterical shouts for someone to call an ambulance.

Just as her vision was beginning to blur, she saw Madison leaning over her with a tear stricken pained face.

She felt something being pressed onto her chest and stomach hard and assumed that her friend was trying to stop the bleeding.

"Ha, ha... got here on time, didn't I?" Noelle laughed weakly, forcing herself to talk. It was a little hard to breathe and talk at the same time, but she forced herself to do so anyways.

Her mind should have been focused on the fact that she was currently bleeding to death, but for some reason her mind seemed to accept the fact that she was going to die and that there was nothing she or Madison could do about it.

Madison didn't seem to know what to say. She opened her mouth several times but ended up clamping it shut in the end.

"J-just hang on, okay? The ambulance is going to be here soon and they'll get to the hospital and you'll be fine!" Madison seemed to be trying to convince herself of that fact more than Noelle.

Noelle struggled to get up to try and evaluate just how much damage had been done but found that she had no strength to do so.

"M-maddie, just... tell me..." She could barely see her friend any more. "How bad is it?"

"Wh-what?" Madison stammered out in a choked voice.

"H-how... bad are my wounds? I... don't want you lying... to me and saying that everything is going to be okay... when it's pretty obvious that I'm... likely... to die..."

"How can you say that?" Madison shouted, sounding angry and broken at the same time. "How dare you say that? Everything will be fine you can't... you can't just give up!" Her voice broke off on a sob.

Noelle winced slightly at making her friend cry, but what else was she supposed to say in a situation like this? The burning feeling that had consumed her body minutes before and that had made her feel like screaming to the high heavens was fading. In fact, she was starting to feel cold and some sarcastic part of her mind that was still functioning told her that that was not a good thing.

"Madison," A third voice that Noelle immediately recognized as Jayden's cut in. He sounded completely exhausted; not that she could really blame him since it was probably quite a shock that his ex-girlfriend had just moments before tried to kill his current girlfriend. "She's surrounded by a pool of blood that's nearly as big as her..."

"But that doesn't mean she'll die!" Madison was outright screaming now.

Jayden didn't say anything; he just sighed.

"I'm sorry." Noelle couldn't tell if he was apologizing to her or Madison. "I... if I could turn back time, I would have made sure that none of this had ever happened."

"Just take good care of her, alright?" She forced herself to smile in the direction of where the blurry Jayden was. Her eye lids felt so heavy and she finally gave into the temptation of closing her eyes.

The last thing she remembered was Madison screaming her name and the numb feeling of someone slapping her cheeks.


The girl who had been dreaming about her past woke up with a start. Sitting up, she gazed at the surroundings she had been seeing for... as long as she had been here.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, the girl got up and stumbled towards the same river that soothed her to sleep earlier. Bending over by the edge, she peered down at her reflection; a girl with long platinum blond hair and light sky blue eyes stared back up at her.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear to get it out of the way of her eyes while her reflection did the same.

How long had it been since she died and departed from the world of the living on that faithful day? Noelle had tried to keep track but that was an impossible task since there was practically no sense of time wherever she was.

After her death, she had found herself surrounded by darkness and lying by the feet of a figure that could only be described as the grim reaper because whoever they were, they were wearing a dark cloak and their face was concealed from view. The figure weren't holding a scythe, but she wasn't about to ask them where it was.

The mysterious being conjured up a brown door that stood entirely on its own. She assumed that she was supposed to go through it, but she wasn't sure. The door, for all she knew, could lead her to hell.

Which had been a possibility at the time.

The figure jabbed their hand (which was thankfully fully fleshed like a human's) at the door and the girl reluctantly walked towards it, pressing down on its gold handle.

The door swung open to reveal a field, the kind you'd only see in the movies. Tall grass swayed occasionally with the wind and there were a variety of flowers scattered all around the field. She also saw a running river by her feet.

She stepped on to the grass, completely enamoured by the scenery. When she turned around to ask the figure where she was, the door had vanished taking the unknown cloaked person with it.

That was how Noelle found herself in the field that she assumed was the after life. In the time she had wandered around the Fields, she had found that she was the only person there.

She had yet to come across anyone else other than her no matter how much she searched or walked.

And she had walked. A lot.

Noelle was beginning to suspect that she was going around in circles because the scenery still looked the same.

With a sigh, she tugged up the white dress she had automatically found herself wearing when she had stepped through that door and swung her legs over the side of the river so that she could feel the cold water running against her bare flesh.

It made her feel almost alive again; the cold numbness of her legs when she stuck them in the river too long, the gentle wind that caressed her bare skin and the rough grass that was pressed beneath her feet whenever she walked.

She had discovered that she no longer needed to eat, drink or sleep in the Fields. Which was, in a way, a good thing since there wasn't anything to eat in the fields. Noelle could no longer feel the annoying hunger pangs that clawed at the insides of her stomach whenever she was hungry.

But at the same time she missed being hungry. Of being able to eat food. She could still drink the river water and go to sleep, but they were no longer the basic necessities she needed to keep her alive.

Then again she was already dead, so what was the point?

Closing her eyes, she smiled when the gentle breeze of the Fields touched her. She liked the wind in the Fields; it wasn't the harsh and cold wind she felt most of the time back on Earth.

Allowing her mind to drift, she nearly missed the feeling of warmth coming from behind her.

This made her eyes snapped open immediately and she whirled around. She had never felt anything so warm in the Fields. Of course the sun stood proudly in the sky and provided her with warmth, but the feeling on her back was very different than the sun.

What she was certainly not expecting to see was a tall, tanned muscular male figure standing behind her dressed in a gladiator outfit that left very little to the imagination (of his physical form, not down there). She couldn't see his face at all since it was hidden by a brown cowl.

Noelle reacted like any normal girl in her situation; she screamed loudly, instinctively jumping away from the sudden appearance of the visitor. This resulted in her falling backwards into the water with a splash.

She didn't even have time to take a breath of air as she submerged underneath the new element.

As the blond struggled within the strong grasp of the river, she realized that she didn't need to breathe either. It was a strange experience; her body was flailing within the thick waves as it unconsciously struggled to bring herself to the surface while her mind was amazed by the new phenomenon.

Eventually, Noelle obeyed her body's mixed signals of going up. She broke through the surface and her body instinctively inhaled the air around her like any swimmer who had been in the water holding their breath for nearly a minute.

The man was still there.

But now that she wasn't freaking out by how he suddenly appeared, she could see as plain as day something behind him that made her look twice.

She couldn't help but openly gape like an idiot at the sight.

"You have... wings..."

They looked exactly like the white, bird like wings she often saw in the paintings in church. There was no doubt in Noelle's mind that she was staring up at (and being stared by) an angel.

"Your time has come." The gladiator angel stated in a deep, monotone voice that matched with his physique. He was either completely ignoring the fact that Noelle was in a river that went up to her shoulders or he just didn't care at all.

"My time for what?" Noelle's eyes were wide as she continued to gaze at the gladiator angel, not being able to bring herself too look away from him even though his face was hidden and she was well aware that it was rude to stare.

Though considering that she had been staring at nothing but grass, flowers, the blue sky and the running river, he was certainly a sight for sore eyes.

"Your trial as an angel of heaven."

"Excuse me?" Noelle didn't even bother hiding the complete incredulous tone in her voice.

"I am only a messenger who has come to deliver a message. My role ends here but I will direct you to the one who will give you the tasks you must fulfill."

He stepped to the side and something appeared just behind the spot he was standing before.

It was a whirlpool of a variety of swirling colours. Blue, white, red and purple flashed within the whirlpool; Noelle estimated it to be as big as the gladiator angel.

Was it a portal? He said he was going to direct her to the one who was going to give her 'tasks' and it seemed that that was the only way she'd be able to go anywhere else other than the Fields.

She tried to push herself out from the water but after several minutes of struggling, she realized that she was probably going to need a bit of help. She glanced at the angel and saw that he wasn't moving; only watching her.

Cheeks burning, she realized that she must have looked really pathetic.

Noelle held out her arm towards him, a blow to her pride but if it got her out of the water faster she'd have learn to deal with it. "Do you mind helping me up?"

Without a word or any trace of exasperation, the angel bent down and hauled her up easily as if she was a rag doll.

As she stood in front of the portal (?) uncertainly, she looked over at the gladiator angel again. Now that Noelle was standing on even ground with him, she could tell that he was over six feet tall. With her being five foot four, Noelle was a dwarf in comparison.

"I go through this, right?" She asked him.

The only response she got from the gladiator angel was a curt nod.

Noelle stared at the whirlpool uncertainly and taking a deep breath, moved forward. She stuck her leg through the swirling mirage of colours and braced herself for what was going to be on the other side.

I'm done! Yes, the first chapter does not depict any trace of KHR, but every person has a back story and it's tedious if my character didn't really have a back story.

In a way, this story is similar to My Heavenly Judgement but of course I'm adding in some twists to make it different from what colbub worked hard on. And I have permission from the creator of that really awesome fic to work on this.