Authors Note:

My first ever fan fiction!

Written at 1 am in the morning, I'm so tired so if there are spelling or grammar errors I'm sorry.

Song listened to whilst writing this: Alice by Hatsune Miku

I don't own Durarara! or any of the characters


Don't like, Don't read

A familiar scene played out in the busy streets of Ikebukuro. The scene was so familiar to the residents of the town that they didn't even bother to turn their heads and look anymore. Two men were running, one was running away while the other was chasing. A routine that they had been doing since high school. They soon found themselves running through the empty back streets, nothing could be heard but the sound of feet hitting the ground.

It was all so familiar to the smaller man, turn this corner, dodge that piece of upturned pavement, climb over that fence. However, things weren't the same for the other man. Sure, everything may seem the same to the onlookers and to the other man, but they weren't. The other man had started to feel differently towards the smaller man lately, not that he'd ever admit it. He would continue to suppress his feelings, hide them under his rage and now empty threats.

He knew he could easily catch the other man if he wished but, the will just wasn't there anymore. He didn't want to pummel that face into the ground anymore or wipe his existence from the earth. It was easier for him to just let the smaller man get away so he wasn't put in a situation where he had to actually hit the man, when he couldn't even do it anymore. He would never let that stupid flea know he had a weakness, especially when that weakness was him.

He knew this could never change no matter how much he wanted it to. Ugh wait, why was he thinking like this? Suppress those disgusting thoughts and feelings. He turned the corner only to confronted with his worst nightmare. The stupid idiot was lying on the ground, having obviously fallen over. He knew he what he had to do, fulfill the role he had been given.

The smaller man turned his head around.

"Oh Shizu-chan! Haha looks like you finally caught up-"

He cut the man off when he picked him up by shirt and flung him up against the brick wall. He noted the way the man winced as his head hit the wall behind him. While the man tried to buy himself some time by rambling on about nothing in particular, he quickly removed the flick blade from his pocket. Maybe if he wasn't armed it would give him an excuse to not hit the man, he knew deep down that wouldn't have mattered to the old him.

Soon enough, the smaller man realized he wasn't going to get free by just talking and stuck his hand in his pocket for his knife. A look of panic suddenly came across his face, Shizuo knew why.

"Looking for this" he said as he held up the knife "I know better than to leave you armed"

"Haha Shizu-chan, looks like your learning"

The smaller man watched as the other man threw his beloved knife across the alleyway, he heard it land with a clank somewhere in the darkness. He could feel cold sweat start to run down his back as the panic set in, he was now completely at the mercy of this monster. He waited for what felt like a lifetime, waiting for pain to envelop his entire body as this monster destroyed him.

The blond man took a long breath, this was it the smaller man thought. He cringed as he waited for a fist to come smashing into his face but, nothing happened. He peeked up to see the other man staring at the ground. Confusion, why was he taking so long to hit him?

"Shizu-chan? Not that I'm not happy your not killing me yet, but what's wrong with you? Normally I'd be a bloody mess by now and-"


He was taken aback at those sudden words. He had heard them before, many times before actually, but this time they seemed different.

Shizuo knew he had to do something, he couldn't just keep Izaya suspended against this wall here forever. He knew he couldn't let him go it would be too suspicious, the smaller man would definitely know something was up not that he wasn't already starting to guess. He couldn't work up the courage to hurt the man, his stupid feelings were stopping him.


Crimson stared deeply into mocha, trying desperately to work out what was going on. Something was wrong, Izaya knew that. He was annoyed that there was something going on with Shizuo that he didn't know about. He hated to be missing such an important piece of information that could possibly bring this monster down.

"I thought I told you to shut-up!" The blond man yelled.

"Just one question then, why aren't you hurting me?"

The dreaded question came from those beautiful lips. Shizuo would like to know the answer to that question too but, someone was being cruel in withholding the answer from him.


"Well what! You stupid piece of dirt! Your not even worth the time, I cant be bothered playing this stupid game with you anymore!"

Shizuo dropped Izaya back to the ground and turned to walk away. Izaya didn't want to admit it, but those words stung a bit.

"Where the hell do you think your going!" He screamed out after the blonde "What do you mean your sick of this game! You started it! You cant just quit halfway! Finnish what you started!"

Shizuo snapped, his mind went blank. The next thing he knew Izaya was lying on the ground screaming in pain. Horror.

Thanks for reading Chapter 1, reviews are greatly appreciated~