I don't own Durarara! Or any of the characters that may appear here~

Shizuo ran as fast as he could towards the doctor's apartment, the note clenched tightly in his hand making sure it wouldn't get blown away. A parcel that he had found hidden under the box in his apartment was tucked in his pocket, the contents rattled around. He turned the corner and was confronted with the huge building which he had been trying to desperately keep away from.

Shizuo ran up the many flights of stairs until he came face to face with the door to the apartment. He froze, all the guilt, fear and regret he had forgotten about came rushing back to him. What was he going to do once he got in there? More importantly what was Izaya going to do?

Shizuo decided it was time to stop listening to his head, the same one that told him the way he felt about Izaya was disgusting. The same one that told him the only way to get over him was to hate him. The exact same one that told him he was a monster. If Shizuo loved Izaya, he was going to make sure that stupid idiot knew it.

His fist came pounding down on the door.

"Shinra! Open this fucking door now!"

The door swung open slowly, revealing a smiling Shinra.

"I knew you would come eventually Shizuo"

"Just tell me where he is!"

"Ugh," Shinra started, "He is in my room, you know I had to give up my room for him! Celty won't even let me sleep in her bed!"

Shizuo pushed Shinra out of the way as he made his way into the house. Celty snapped around as she heard the sound of heavy footsteps nearing her.

"Shizuo! Your shoes! This is our house you know~!" Shinra wailed

Shizuo clearly ignored all of Shinra's complaining as he opened the door to Shinra's room and slammed it shut behind him. Shinra looked at Celty and smiled.

"Took him long enough huh?"

Shizuo stood frozen as he saw Izaya sitting in the bed. His usual black attire was replaced with white, it looked strange seeing him in such light colours. His head snapped up from the book he was reading as he heard the noise. Izaya's trademark grin came across his face as he looked at Shizuo, his black hair shone in the moonlight behind him. He patted the space on the bed next to him, motioning for Shizuo to sit down.

Shizuo cautiously walked across the room, all emotions forgotten as he saw Izaya. He carefully sat down on the bed, trying to make sure he didn't accidentally hurt Izaya more. Izaya lent over and grabbed a notepad and a pen.

'What's up?'

Shizuo frowned at such a casual question, he had expected something different. Something more along the lines of 'get out of my room'.

"Is that what you really want to say?"

Izaya pretended to think for a second before he scribbled more on the paper.

'Yes, I want you to tell me what's up'

"Well… Not much I guess"

'Shizu-chan is you're brain truly that small! There are lots of things up! The moon, the sky, the stars'

Shizuo did not like where this conversation was going, it had gone much differently in his head.

Izaya could tell he was getting on Shizuo's nerves, he wondered if Shizuo even noticed that he was screwing his face up. If he could, he would have laughed.

'By the way Shizu-chan, what type of idiot wears sunglasses at nighttime! And are you wearing shoes, how disgusting'

Shizuo's hands flew up to his face as he realized he was still wearing his sunglasses. He took them off and placed them on the table. He kicked his shoes off and pulled his legs up onto the bed, crossing them

They both sat there in silence for a while, Shizuo closed his eyes and tried to think of how to begin what he had came here to say. He felt something cold on his face and opened his eyes to see Izaya touching the dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep. Shizuo jumped and flew back, Izaya instantly retracted his hand and grinned again.

'Having trouble sleeping Shizu-chan?'

Shizuo grinned this time.

"I was until I found this"

He shoved the note into Izaya's hands and lent back against the bed frame. Izaya unfolded the note, Shizuo quickly noted how Izaya's eyes momentarily widened as he read the note before regaining his composure.

'You kept a note my sisters wrote to me years ago? That's a little stalker like Shizu-chan"

"It would be if it came from your sisters though wouldn't it? If you ask me I think its weird that you wrote a note to yourself from your sisters"

Izaya frowned, Shizuo was starting to gain control of this situation, he didn't like it. He quickly turned the light off on the bedside table, trying to hide the fact he was actually blushing.

Shizuo smiled at the sudden darkness, fully aware of the reason why.

"What's wrong Izaya, I can't see you properly now, nor can I read your notes"

Izaya cursed inwardly, Shizuo had a point. He reluctantly turned the light back on and lay down, pulling the covers up over his face.

'I'm tired now Shizu-chan, you will have to come back another time'

Shizuo chuckled, like hell he was leaving now.

"But Izaya, I bought you a present"

He pulled out the old box and rattled it next to Izaya's covered ear. Izaya had to admit he was curious as to what this un-evolved creature would bring him. He pulled himself up again, hoping his cheeks had returned to their natural colour and took the box. It was covered in dust.

'Geez Shizu-chan, how old is this thing! It looks almost 100 years old!'

"To be honest I bought it for you as a thank-you present for all the candy you gave me that day"

If Izaya's cheeks were normal before, they definitely weren't now…

He undid the ribbon on the box and opened it.

'Are you serious?'

Izaya pulled out a brand new flickblade, much like the one he used to have in high school.

"Remember how I snapped you're old one in half? I guess I bought you this one to make up for it."

Shizuo watched as Izaya flicked the blade in and out a few times before he put it on the bedside table next to him.

'You know giving someone a knife as a get-well present could be taken in a different way Shizu-chan'

"Izaya don't you remember anything I tell you" Shizuo sighed, "I'm giving you the knife to say thank-you for the candy. This is you're get well present"

Izaya's eyes widened as he felt Shizuo's lips press up against his, he heard his pen and paper clatter to the ground as they fell off the bed. The kiss seemed almost too gentle to come from this monster, yet it did. It was much too short for Izaya's liking and he found himself craving more as Shizuo pulled away.

Izaya's expression was one of pure shock as Shizuo pulled away. He had to stop himself from laughing as he noticed how red Izaya was. He lent forward again.

Izaya jumped as he felt Shizuo's cold cheek press up against his own, how was he so calm and collected!

"Izaya, you're face is so warm, it feels nice…"

Izaya could have sworn he couldn't get any redder than he was at this very moment. His heart was beating erratically and he was pretty sure he was shaking. He felt Shizuo entwine his fingers with his as he gently pressed his lips up against Izaya's again.

Shizuo lay Izaya back down on the bed, not letting their lips part once. He moved himself so he was leaning over Izaya. It took so much self-control to stop himself from just shoving his tongue down Izaya's throat. He smiled into the kiss as he felt the informant lace his fingers through his hair and pull down, obviously wanting more contact then he was getting.

Izaya gasped as he felt Shizuo's tongue lick gently at his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Shizuo claimed his mouth as he opened his lips, dominating the kiss much to the annoyance of Izaya. The need for air became stronger and stronger forcing the two to part, panting.

Shizuo didn't give Izaya much time to recover before he dragged his tongue up his jaw. He felt Izaya's whole body shiver as he planted kisses down the mans throat, noticing the bruises had all healed. He bit down lightly on Izaya's collarbone and a moan escaped the man under him.

Wait, what?

Izaya's hand flew up to his mouth as he realized his mistake, Shizuo stared at him, dumbfounded. Did Izaya just make a noise or was he simply hearing things?

"Oh shit…" Izaya mumbled as he hit himself on the forehead, "And things were going so well too…"

"D-did you just speak?"

Izaya looked up to see Shizuo staring at him, he couldn't quite work out what emotion was on the blonde's face, pain maybe? He actually felt a little bit guilty…

"Haha, looks like you found me out Shizu-chan~"

Shizuo just kept on staring at the informant, it was making him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Ummm, Shizu-"

"Why, why would you do that Izaya?"

Izaya looked down for a second, before looking back up with a crazed grin on his face.

"Well you see Shizu-chan, I was testing a theory"

"A theory?"

"Yeh, do you remember that night in the alleyway?"

Shizuo cringed as he realized what night Izaya was talking about.


"When I woke up here in Shinra's house, I was pretty angry at what you had done, but then I remembered something"


Izaya's grin got wider as he heard the guilt and pain in Shizuo's voice.

"Do you remember what you whispered in my ear that night? When you were checking out my wound?"

Shizuo felt his face get hot, he could have sworn Izaya was completely unconscious.

"No…" Shizuo lied

"Haha, you're a bad liar Shizu-chan~ but I'll refresh you're memory anyway. You said 'maybe things would've been different if I had told you how I felt back in high school'"

Izaya started to laugh

"How deep~" he teased

It was Shizuo's turn to go red this time.

"Anyway," Izaya continued, liking the fact he was gaining the upper-hand again, "I decided to test how much you really meant that. I must admit, when Shinra told me about how you had been acting, I thought maybe you were thinking about committing suicide~"

Shizuo felt anger surge through his body

"Is that what you wanted Izaya? For me to kill myself?"

Shizuo was surprised as he saw Izaya's face go blank, he lowered his head.


The words were barely audible, but Shizuo heard them nonetheless. All his anger melted away as he felt Izaya wrap his arms around his waist.

Izaya listened to Shizuo's heartbeat quicken as he leaned his head against the debt collectors chest. Everything was so calm in the room.

Shizuo heard Izaya let out a whimper as he quickly pinned him back down to the bed. He positioned himself so the he was straddling the man under him.

"Well the if that's the case," Shizuo said, a manic grin on his face, "I have to get my revenge don't I?"

Izaya gulped, he didn't like the crazy look in Shizuo's eyes, his own terrified ones reflected in his.

Shizuo slammed his lips down onto Izaya's once again, all previous gentleness long forgotten. Izaya bit down hard on Shizuo's bottom lip, and Shizuo returned the favor. They both tasted each other's blood as their tongues clashed, both fighting for dominance. Shizuo easily won the battle and bit down lightly on Izaya's tongue to teach him a lesson.

Both parted, panting, a thin thread of saliva still connecting them as lust filled eyes gazed deeply into each other.

"By the way Shizu-chan," Izaya panted as Shizuo sucked and licked down his neck once again, leaving marks this time, "You owe me a lot of money"

Shizuo groaned inwardly, did this man ever know when to shut-up?

"What for" he snapped back, trying to get the man to hurry up with his answer.

"For all the bills Shinra charged me, plus all the physiotherapy I have to go to"

"Well, you owe me compensation for all the emotional pain you put me through"

"What about my physical pain!"

Shizuo bit down on Izaya's shoulder, warning him it was time to shut his mouth. Izaya moaned as he felt Shizuo's tongue lick at the wound he had just created.

"Shizu-chan~," He complained, "If you leave such obvious marks on my body, Shinra is going to know what we're doing~"

"Good, then he will know you're mine"

Izaya felt his heart skip a beat as Shizuo said those words. He noticed that Shizuo was starting to remove his shirt, hands explored his chest.

Shizuo couldn't get enough of the creamy skin, he dipped his head down licked up Izaya's stomach to his chest.

Izaya eyes clenched shut and he let out a hiss as Shizuo sucked on the sensitive pink nub on his chest, his other hand playing with the other. He felt Shizuo's mouth move onto the other one and his free hand worked to undo the button and zip on his pants.

Shizuo slightly pulled down Izaya's pants on one side to reveal a pale hip. He bit down lightly on it, loving the sound Izaya made as he did so.


He bit down again, harder this time leaving yet another mark on Izaya's body.

"N-no, Shizu-chan you have to listen to me"

Shizuo looked up at Izaya's face, mesmerized by the way his chest heaved up and down.

"We can't do this, not yet anyway…"

"Why not?" Shizuo hissed becoming annoyed, he knew they both needed this.

"Because Shizu-chan! Are you forgetting something~!"

"No" Shizuo said as he licked up Izaya's waist

Izaya's whole body shuddered, but he had to control himself.

"Shizu-chan~! My knee~"

Shizuo snapped out of lust filled trance as he remembered Izaya's other serious injury.

"Oh, but its been seven weeks, shouldn't it be healed by now?"

Izaya sighed, Shizuo truly was stupid sometimes.

"Yes but, its still very weak" He explained, "I don't think it could handle what you have in mind just yet."

Shizuo let out a frustrated sigh and lent back against the bed frame once again. He saw Izaya put his shirt back on and do-up his pants. They both sat there in silence, a little embarrassed at their actions. Shizuo finally pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.

"Shizu-chan, this is a hospital you know~"

"No its not, it's a house technically"

Izaya pouted

"Fine, but you still shouldn't smoke anyway"

"Ugh, I'm starting to miss you not being able to talk"

"You're mean Shizu-chan~"

Shizuo laughed at Izaya's comment, and Izaya soon joined him. Shizuo sighed and pulled himself off the bed.

"What are you doing?" Izaya questioned

"What do you think I'm doing, I'm going home. It's late"

Izaya looked at the clock, 12 am.

"Oh, okay then…"

Shizuo smiled at the disappointment in Izaya's voice and lent forward to kiss him on the forehead.

"I'll be back tomorrow"

"I hate you Shizu-chan"

"That's a shame because I love you Izaya"

Izaya's eyes widened as those words left Shizuo's lips, he always had to have the upper-hand didn't he? He smiled as Shizuo gently clicked the door shut on his way out.

Shizuo walked back out into the loungeroom to find two forms hunched over something on the table.

"Shinra? Celty? What are you two doing?"

Both jumped as they heard Shizuo's voice behind them. Shinra slowly turned around, he looked very pale.

"Uhh Shinra, are you feeling okay?"

"D-did you guys just do that on my bed?"

Shizuo panicked, how the hell did Shinra know! Izaya wasn't being that loud was he? He looked through the gap Shinra had made to see a laptop, Shizuo froze.


Celty ran over and grabbed onto Shizuo's shoulders as she noticed the look of pure rage on his face, trying to hold him back from punching Shinra into orbit.

'You have to understand Shizuo! We only watched because we were worried about what you were going to do to Izaya!'

"You could have told me you had cameras installed in the room!"

"S-sorry" Shinra stuttered, obviously still disturbed at what he had seen performed on his bed. A sheepish smile suddenly made it's way across his face.

"You know what Shizuo," Shinra said in an evil tone, "how about you let me perform some tests on you"

Shizuo's rage was growing.

"How about no!" he growled

"Ohh but what if this was to get out onto the Internet~"

Shizuo froze as he noticed Shinra's hand dangling just above the post button. He was about to go over there and invert Shinra's face when he heard something whiz past his ear.

Shinra yelped as a knife flew into the computer in front of him, a little to close to his fingers for his liking. The screen went blank as the laptop shutdown permanently.

"Nooo~" Shinra cried, his only blackmail tactic lost forever.

All three turned around to see Izaya leaning against the doorframe to his room, crutches under his arms. A massive grin decorated his features as he moved himself to where Shizuo and Celty were standing.

"That knife is pretty nice you know Shizu-chan, It's light. Good for throwing"

Shizuo smiled back at him.

"Glad you like it"

Shinra ran over to Celty and wrapped his arms around her waist, crying into her shoulder. Celty laughed inwardly.

"Izaya just tried to kill me! And you're laughing! Celty~"

'Did you really think you would get away with blackmailing them?'

"Yes~" Shinra wailed

Celty sighed, she pinched Shinra's ear and dragged him into the other room.

"Shinra is in for it now~" Izaya laughed

"Is he?"

"Yeh, I've been here for the last seven weeks, and whenever she does that, he comes out worse than when he went in"

Shizuo couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, Shizu-chan?"

He looked down as he felt Izaya tugging on his sleeve. Shizuo noticed his cheeks had turned a deep shade of red.


"Umm, do you want to sleep with me?"

Shizuo's mouth opened a little in shock at the question.

"Well yes, but you said we couldn't…"

Izaya's eyes narrowed.

"Not that kind of sleeping you idiot! is that all you can think of! I meant do you want to stay the night with me, or whats left of it anyway."

"Oh, Okay" Shizuo replied, a little embarrassed at what his mind had jumped to.

He started to walk back to the room only to hear Izaya curse behind him as something came crashing down to the ground. He turned around to see Izaya sprawled across the floor, his crutch having fallen out from under him. Shizuo sighed as he walked over and picked Izaya up in his arms, flinging him over one shoulder.

"Ugh, you really are a caveman" Izaya said, he could feel the blood rush to his head.

Shizuo merely laughed as he kicked the door closed behind them.


It's finally completed!

Thanks to everyone who reviewed, favourited, added this story to their alerts, or just simply read it.

Like I mentioned earlier, this really and truly is the first fanfiction I have ever written. So if any of you have tips or constructive criticism, I'd be happy to read any suggestions you have for me~!

I think Izaya and Shizuo just kept on getting more and more out of character as the story went along, so I'm sorry about that.

Wow, things got way more heated between Izaya and Shizuo then I originally wanted. Ah well, I hope that's still okay~

Reviews make this author very very happy, so special thanks to everyone who reviewed.

Thanks for reading and reviews are loved~