Well, this is about three years overdue, but hey, I'm only human.

I didn't want to do it this way. I hate it when others do it. I get so excited for a new chapter, only to find; discontinued; it's not a nice word. It's basically a failure, so I'm not going to use that word, but I need to make this clear.

I don't watch Durarara! anymore. Not even with the recent launch of the second series. Not because I don't want to, but because I simply don't have the time to. I made this account around eight or so years ago now; I was 14 years old and still in school. Yes school is important and I'm not saying it was an excuse to why I could write, because it wasn't; I still had work, but boy was it easier than life is now.

As it stands, I have 9 till 5 lectures Monday, Wednesday and Friday with Tuesday and Thursday being 10 till 3, and when I'm not in class or working on projects, I'm attempting to be an active member of society.

So yeah, I'm now 22 years old and a fulltime University student. Yes, I can practically hear it from here;

'Big deal, millions of people are.'

True, millions of people are students, but there's only one me, so I have to be selfish here. I'm eventually going to be paying back, in total; £36,000 ($50,000) I can't afford to slack here; I'm naturally a VERY competitive person. I don't want to be the one that slid through with minimum passes, struggling to find even the most mundane of work. I want to be the one who walks out with Firsts in everything, and to do that, I need to work hard and not let myself be distracted by things I can return to once this chapter of my life is done with.

So watch this space. I'm not completely discontinuing any of my stories, should I get back into the series I will most likely want to make a comeback, but I need you guys to bear with me. As it stands, my writing style was appalling…so if I am going to go back to updating, I will have to re-write them all first...

And there you have it.

Also, please note; It doesn't matter how many times you send it, I won't reply to your private messages if you're rude to me. I have a LIFE. It's not my soul bound duty to write for you...want a reply? Speak to me like a human, not a piece of crap on your shoe.