A/N: Hey this is my first Glee fic! I'm stuck on my other stories, so I thought I'd try something new. Multichapter installments. It jumps around time, but dates will be included before every change. Enjoy!

Blip. Blip. The sounds of rain softly pattering outside Will Schuster's window were peaceful; calming at that. Will always loved the rain. It seemed as if a temporary escape from the angst of his everyday life.

Rachel, on the other hand, hated the rain. Rain made her hair frizz up and wrinkled her skirt. If she went out in the rain without an umbrella, she caught a cold. Yes, Rachel hated the rain.

But as Will once said in his lesson on mash-ups, sometimes the difference between two things is what really makes them great. Of course he and Rachel were not a mash-up. There is no easy way to take the best parts of each person and simply combine them. In a relationship you have to accept all of who the person is; even the parts that you don't like.

May 23, 2011

It was just an average Monday, except it was raining. Rachel had stayed after to rehearse with Brad her newest audition cut. Brad had been long gone, and Rachel was forced to stand outside, without any protection, in the rain. As she waited for her dad to pick her up, Will came out of the building, happy as ever.

"Rachel, shouldn't you be home by now? It's awfully late," He said.

"I'm waiting for my ride. He was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, but as you can quite clearly see, he's not!" Rachel spurted back. Her diction was clear and the anxiety rolled off her tongue like the raindrops rolled off the roof.

"Finn?" Will asked inquisitively.

"No," Rachel replied. She quickly shut her eyes, and Will couldn't tell if she was crying, or if it was just the rain. Regardless, he had hit a soft spot.

"Rachel, what happened?" he asked while soothing her by putting his right arm around her.

"I'd rather not talk about it, if that's ok Mr. Schuster," she replied in an abrupt, curt manner. She, obviously, was still tender about the subject. Will Schuster never pushed. He knew with women that if you pushed, you got pushed back. The best thing to do was to wait until she was ready to talk about it.

"Ok, well until your ride comes, would you like to sit in my car? I guarantee it's warmer in there than it is out here," he offered sweetly.

"No thank you Mr. Schuster," she replied, while brushing a clump of hair behind her right ear so as to see him more clearly, "I suppose I'll just walk home. I need the time alone to think."

"Alright Rachel, but don't get sick! I need you for rehearsal tomorrow." His words were soft and gentle, as they always were, but at the moment it seemed as if they left their student-teacher relationship at the door in favor of one between equals.

"Ok," she replied with a small smile to juxtapose her pained eyes, "I'll be careful. Goodbye, Mr. Schuster."

"Goodbye Rachel," he replied watching her hurry out into the rain. Yes, Will Schuster always loved the rain.