Two Black Tuxedos

A Malec Romance

"He's not coming, he's not coming…" Alec Lightwood said, almost in tears, as he stared out of the window into the courtyard. He choked as someone pulled him away from the window by the tie, and he found himself face to face with the very pissed off face of his sister, Isabelle.

"Will you stop worrying?" she demanded, straightening the now wrinkled tie and turning up the cuffs of his black tuxedo. "He'll be here. Knowing Magnus, he probably has a grand entrance planned. He wouldn't miss this, believe me. Now STOP WORRYING. You're going to mess up your hair."

Alec sighed shakily and sank onto his sister's bed, his hands shaking. This was harder than he thought. And he wasn't even out there yet…

He turned his attention to Isabelle to take his mind off the fact that it was five minutes to go, and Magnus still hadn't arrived. Izzy was wearing a long sapphire-blue dress, with six-inch stilettos and her electrum whip coiled around her wrist 'just in case.' Her hair was pulled back into an elegant ponytail, and had been curled for the first time that Alec could remember. She looked beautiful, and Alec was jealous. HE didn't look that put-together…

He heard a large explosion out in the courtyard followed by cheering. Rushing to the window, Alec caught sight of Magnus, standing in a patch of blue flames. The flames dissipated, and so did Alec's composure.

"Oh my god…" he said, falling to his knees in front of the window. I can't do this, I can't…

"Alec." It was Isabelle, pulling him to his feet. "You have to get out there. You'll do great. I'm right here. But once you get there, you're on your own. Can you do it?"

Alec took a deep breath, holding back tears, and nodded. He would do this, no matter what it took. He had waited for this so long, and he wasn't about to let his shyness take over and make him lose his only chance.

Isabelle smiled sympathetically and took her brother by the hand and led him out of her bedroom and down the hall as the music started. Alec tried to hold his composure as he stepped into the aisle, nearly crushing his sister's hand as he clutched it for dear life. He took one step after the other as everyone stood to get a better look. A few people smiled at him as he passed, as well as his mother, who surprisingly looked proud and happy. Alec used that smile as the strength that he needed to make it up the steps to the alter, and turn to face Magnus.

The second he looked into the green cat eyes of the warlock, Alec could feel his whole body screaming at him. His heart felt as though it would burst, and his head screamed that he couldn't go through with this, not with everyone staring. He was scared. But his heart continued to beat strong, and when Magnus smiled at him, he stopped himself from bolting down the aisle and locking himself away somewhere. He focused on that smile, and held Magnus's gaze as Jace began the ceremony.

"We are gathered together today to bind these two men in Holy Matrimony- Magnus Bane, Warlock, and Alexander Lightwood, Nephilim. If there is anyone who believes that these two should not be wed, too bad because I don't give a damn."

Alexander smiled widely at his adopted brother, who winked at him from behind the alter. Once the smile began, he couldn't stop it, and he slipped his hand into Magnus's. Butterflies erupted in his stomach, and he couldn't believe that it was actually happening. Magnus was going to be his.

Magnus turned to him, a smile lighting his face. He was wearing a simple black tuxedo, which was toning it down quite a bit from his usual ensemble. He didn't want to outshine Alec on his special day, though Alec didn't see that. All he saw was the man he loved.

"Alexander, in all my eight hundred years, I have never before been able to say that I loved anyone. I felt for people before, yes. But never before had I felt such an insistent need for someone until the day I met you. Others saw a shy, responsible young man, nothing more. When I saw you, I saw your bright blue eyes. I saw your nervous smile. I saw your silky hair. I saw the most striking boy that I had ever seen. I also saw a boy that I was sure would never be mine.

"Now, somehow, I'm standing here with your hand in mine, with you pledging yourself to me, and me to you. I wanted to be able to protect this fragile, beautiful boy, and now I can. Alexander, I love you with my whole heart and soul, and I want you forever. I always will."

Alec felt the tears falling down his face as Magnus said his vows, and could hardly breathe enough to say what he had always wanted to say.

"Magnus, I love you. From that first day, I was sure that I loved you. But for so long, I didn't want to admit it. Not to you, not to my parents, and mostly not to myself. I didn't want to end up hurt and heartbroken, and I didn't want to end up losing my family. My parents had no clue that I had an interest in guys, and I was scared of what they would do when they found out.

"You helped me realize that no matter what others thought, I still wanted you. You loved me even when I pushed you away and hid my feelings, and you told me when I was being stupid. You made me brave. You made me face my fear, and I want to thank you for that. I love you, Magnus, more than anyone else in this entire world."

"The rings?" Jace said, and Clary walked quietly up the aisle with a pillow that held the two rings. Alec gasped as Magnus slipped the gold band on his finger, right over the diamond engagement ring. He did the same, pleased to see that the ring fit perfectly on Magnus's bare left hand. His stomach did fifty backflips as Jace said the words that he had been waiting for.

"Do you, Magnus Bane, take Alexander Lightwood to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

Magnus smiled broadly. "I do."

"And do you, Alexander Lightwood, take Magnus Bane to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

Alec smiled as well, trying not to cry. "I do."

"I now pronounce you partners for life." Jace smiled at the couple, but Alec didn't see that. He didn't hear the cheers and clapping that erupted throughout the room. All he saw and felt and needed was Magnus. He threw his arms around his neck, kissing his full on the mouth, forgetting about everything and everyone else. He smelled Magnus's strong shampoo as his hands tangled in his dark hair, which was hanging down to shoulders for the day. His stomach was alive with butterflies and nerves as Magnus's hands slid around his waist, pulling him tight and lifting him off the ground as he wrapped his legs around Magnus's waist. Alec realized with shock that he was crying, tears of joy pouring down his face as he broke away and stared into Magnus's green eyes and smiling face. He was shocked to find tears in Magnus's eyes as well.

The music started as Magnus lowered Alec to the ground and offered him his hand. He pulled him close and they swayed together, crying together, holding each other tight. Others followed them onto the dance floor- Isabelle with Simon, Clary and Jace, and Alec's parents. They were sure to be interrupted later, but for now, everyone gave them their moment.

Alec looked up into Magnus's eyes, kissing him on the lips once again, still unable to believe that he was actually his.

"Baby don't you know that you're everything good in my life?" the music rang out, as the two men, finally together, turned on the floor, lost in their own world, having forgotten, for the moment, everything but each other.