Authoress Notes: The title comes from the song from Safetysuit, which I am obsessed with at the moment. The song, I mean, which reminds me of them. ^_^ 365 drabbles for my favorite couple that never officially get together at the end, but we all know will have little ninja babies. XDDD

Disclaim: I, sadly, had no part in FMA, and therefore there was little to no LingFan fanservice. Dammit. DDDD:

001. Vex

Since he had aquired this new meat-suit, Greed had found several things to his liking, and several things to his disliking. One, the fact that the upstart little snot who gave this body to him was still around, and could temporarily wrestle control away from him in short bouts. He tried to tell himself that he was letting this kid do it, but he knew the truth. This body was still Ling's, because his subconscious was still here, screwing up what Greed had been planning to do.

The second thing that annoyed him was that he could remember brief flashes of his old life, the one that everyone thought he still lived. He told them over and over that it had been a different Greed, but they didn't seem to listen. He scoffed. Stupid people.

And the last thing that annoyed him was the girl. Lanfan, Ling called her. She was annoying because she kept calling him Lord Ling, even though she was aware that Greed was normally in control, though it was less and less nowadays. Damn kids were making him go soft, and he swore it would be the death of him. [1]

He had already asked if he could kill her, only to get a very angry (and violent) reaction out of Ling, who swore that he'd find a way to exact his revenge, should any harm come to Lanfan. Upon being asked why he cared so much, the prince had gone silent and looked away, confirming Greed's suspicions. He loved the girl.

Greed swore this kid would be the death of him.

[1]: Haha. 'death'. Get it? If you don't, you obviously don't watch or read FMA. And in that case...why the *bleep* are you reading this?