Open Your Eyes

Chapter 11

I groaned along with my friends as we trudged into our apartment after a long day of dancing and harmonies. "Everything hurts!" Carlos cried, falling to the floor beside the couch. "I missed the couch." He mumbled into the floor.

"Who cares?" James crawled onto the couch, Logan and I following his example. "I'm just happy to be home, and away from Gustavo." He muttered, switching on the TV.

We all rolled our eyes and groaned when he turned to some celebrity gossip show. "Dude," Logan whined, his head rolling onto my shoulder to get a better look at the pretty boy. Despite my best efforts to conceal my feelings for the short boy, my heart still sped up, practically beating out of my chest.

I cleared my throat and tried to focus on something else. I looked back at the TV and rolled my eyes at the ridiculous story about some tan obsessed reality star doing nothing that would be of particular interest if she weren't famous for doing nothing of particular interest. "Why do you watch this trash?" I scrunched up my nose in disgust. I felt Logan chuckle at the look of it.

"It's interesting." The brunet tried to justify. "One day they will reporting about us on this show."

"Oh, yeah," Logan muttered, still not moving his head from my shoulder - not that I was complaining. "Breaking news: James Diamond just bought a new comb!" He said in his best impression of the news woman on the screen.

"Exactly." James grinned dreamily, never taking his eyes off the screen.

Logan and I glanced at each other, I could tell from the look on his face that we were thinking the same thing. I did the international "he's crazy" motion with my finger, causing Logan to laugh.

"Look, it's a story on Jett." James cut in, turning up the volume for us all to hear. I had to admit, that caught my attention. Even Carlos raised his head to see it. Logan didn't seem that interested from the way he rolled his eyes and stood to leave.

"Is the star of teen drama New Town High, Jett Stetson, dating Latin singer Maria Sanchez?" The female reporter sounded way too excited about this. "Shortly after Sanchez had a guest appearance on Stetson's show, the two were spotted at the movies, looking extra cozy in the center of the theater. Possibly the most conspicuous place to have a date. When questioned about it, Stetson said," They switched to a clip of Jett.

"Uh, Maria and I are good friends. We've gotten pretty close, but I'm taking it slow." I rolled my eyes when he flashed that stupid smile of his.

"After recently ending his long term relationship with singer Logan Mitchell, of Big Time Rush, we don't blame him for wanting to take things slow."

James finally turned off the garbage after that. We all looked to Logan curiously. The genius glanced up at us, shifting his eyes uncomfortably under our gazes. "What?" He finally asked.

"Are you okay?" Carlos asked.

Logan shrugged. "Yeah, why?" The three of us looked around awkwardly, glancing at each other occasionally, looking for the right way the word the question. "Oh, come on. You guys don't seriously think that stupid gossip report bothered me, do you? I broke up with Jett. It was for the best and I'm over it. No big deal."

I stared at the shorter boy looking for even the slightest sign that he was lying...but not finding anything, which confused me and excited me all at the same time. I quickly shoved the excited feeling away, knowing that it was very possible that Logan was just hiding his pain, or in denial.

"Are you sure? I mean, we would all understand if you weren't. Honest." I said, giving him a sympathetic look.

"Totally fine." He smiled at me.

"I don't know," Carlos mumbled into the floor. "if it were me, I'd be pretty upset. I'd cry and mope around all the time, just eating my emotions." My brows furrowed as he continued. "I mean, the guy I thought I was in love with is going after someone else and I'll probably never get him back..."

"Carlos!" James and I scolded him. I'm sure James was doing it out of consideration to Logan's feelings, but Logan only looked amused by it. But for me, Carlos' little emotional turmoil scenario was hitting a little too close to home.

Logan chuckled. "Well, geez, Carlos. If I got over it, I certainly thought you could." He smirked at the Latino still laying on the floor.

"What I don't get is why you liked him in the first place." James spoke up suddenly.

"James!" I hissed.

"What? You were saying the same thing the entire six months they were together, and I can't say it now that they're broken up?"

"Yes, but not out loud." I glared at him.

"It's okay, Kendall. I don't mind." Logan reassured, coming to sit back next to me. "I see how it could be confusing to anyone not in the relationship. Sometimes it was confusing to anyone in the relationship." He chuckled but then got serious. "But I guess the outstanding reason was because Jett was...sweet."

We all fell silent. "Jett was sweet?" I asked first, my disbelief most likely showing through my facial expression. The genius nodded at us.

"You are aware that sweet means he was...pleasant, right?" James raised his brow incredulously.

Logan rolled his eyes. "You guys asked, if you're gonna make jokes..."

I sighed. "Sorry, look we're listening and we'll be good." I paused, glaring at James. "We'll try to be good." I said.

The short boy sighed before continuing. "I know he doesn't show it all the time..."

"...Or ever." Carlos interrupted.

"...but Jett really does have a sweet side." Logan continued, ignoring Carlos' comment. "There was like this Jett that everyone saw in public and then the Jett that only I got to see. And that was fine for a while, but I can't be with someone who can't be himself all the time."

I felt my eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. "So, what? You're completely over him now?" I asked.

He laughed. "Yeah, I told you that. You guys just want me to go shovel ice cream into my mouth and cry." He nudged me.

I smiled sheepishly. "Well, it's just-I mean, it seemed like the right thing to expect. You were in love with him after all. I guess...I mean...I-we...just assumed you still were, and just hiding it or in denial." I shrugged.

"Well, I'm not hiding it and I'm not in denial. I'm over Jett." He said firmly.

"Well, then that's good. Now you can move on to bigger and better things." I smiled, not realizing that could have, and probably was, taken as if I were referring to myself.

"And maybe you'll find an even better guy to be with." Carlos spoke up, smirking at me. "Someone who hates being fake."

"Someone, maybe, taller with blonder, not as well kept hair." James shrugged nonchalantly.

I glared at the two (especially James for the hair comment), knowing exactly what they were doing. "Maybe someone who's eyebrows aren't so perfect." Logan added with a smirk of his own.

"Hey!" I screeched, turning and glaring at Logan. "My eyebrow's are perfectly fine, damn it. They're good, sturdy eyebrows." I finished looking up as if trying to look at them, and going over them with my fingers.

Logan chuckled.

Carlos and James groaned and slapped their foreheads. "Seriously?" James yelled in shock.

I blinked and stopped trying to look at my apparently 'not so perfect' eyebrows, and looked at James. "What?" I questioned, oblivious to whatever had the tall brunet boy in irritation.

James grew more frustrated. "Kendall..." he growled. "Think about what was just said."

I tilted my head in thought, trying to figure out what he was talking about, then my eyes widened, and my mouth formed the O shape. "Ah..." I managed to literally squeak out.

Logan raised his brow, studying my probably frozen face. "Dude, you okay?" He placed his hand on my head. "You're sweating." He pointed out.

I gulped, and with force managed to blink...and with much more force I managed to shake my head, and take a step back for the hand that was on my head."Yeah. No. I'm good." I managed to say much more calm than I thought I would.

"Dude, why are you freaking out?" Carlos stared at me.

"Do you realize what's happening here?" James added.

I continued to stare blankly in front of me. "Guys, give him a second." Logan stood, moving to the kitchen. When he came back he had a cold, damp rag and started dabbing my forehead with it. I glanced up at the genius' concerned face, giving him a thankful smile. "Are you okay now? I didn't mean to send you into a panic attack." He chuckled.

I chuckled, slightly embarrassed. "No, it's just-I wasn't expecting that. It was just kinda...bam, you know?" I cleared my throat and looked down.

The short boy chuckled again, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't, actually. I'm not sure if you're excited or you freaked out because you don't feel that way about me anymore." He mumbled.

"No! I'm freaked out...but in a good way." I stopped realizing that made no sense. "I mean, I do..still..feel that way about you. I just thought...with, you know.." I just left it hanging.

"I don't want to be with Jett!" Logan groaned, but still had an amused smile. "You can't keep dwelling on that. You have have to believe me when I say," He got right in my face. "I don't love Jett." He spoke slowly, putting emphasis on every word. "Got it?" He raised his brow at me again.

I blinked and opened and closed my mouth, realizing the only thing I had to say would so not make him happy. I sighed, and looked at the ground again, rubbing the back of my neck. "Okay." I whispered.

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "I won't have to...prove it?" He smirked at me.


"Dude!" Carlos groaned, now having enough energy to sit up.

I looked up at him, seeing him shake his head at me and James facepalming. "What?" I asked them.

"Let him prove it!" James yelled, clearly frustrated.

I blinked. It seemed like the only thing I could do here lately. I looked at Logan, and gave a barely perceptible nod. Logan smirked and slowly made his way forward, stopping when we were barely a millimeter apart. He lifted his hands to my cheeks, and his head tilted towards me, his eyes fluttering shut as his lips met mine. After a second of shock, my lids shut, and my hands went straight to his waist, pulling him impossibly closer as I kissed back.

I ran my tongue across his bottom lip asking for permission. He eagerly granted it and our tongues collided in a battle of domination. I let him win, because I was more interested in the feeling of our tongues, and lips, and bodies flushed together than anything else. It was the greatest thing I've ever felt in my life. It felt like hours we were at it, but it was more like minutes. We reluctantly pulled away from each other, for the need for air became too much. However, our foreheads remained touching as we looked into each others eyes, smiling.

"I love you, Kendall." He whisper. My smile grew.

"I love you too, Logie." I pecked his lips.

"Aw!" We suddenly turned our heads to see James and Carlos staring at us with huge smiles, and leaning against each other, fake crying. James put his hands over his heart. "That was so..."

"...sweet!" Carlos finished.

Logan and I rolled our eyes, smiling at the ridiculous pair as they began to fake sob into each others shoulders.

Wow, it's been a busy day. Anyone else listen to the Ustream for Crash FM? Funny stuff. This fandom is awesome.

This concludes Open Your Eyes. -sniff- It seems like just yesterday I posted chapter one. This is always a bittersweet moment.

But on the brighter side of things...I know someone out there loves me :)