Author's note: J.K. Rowling owns everything that is Harry Potter.

A 22 year old Hermione Granger, descended the first class lounge of the flight she was in from Paris. She felt anxious and was trying her best to keep herself from running to the gates where she would most likely stumble on people on her way, which she thought, the new Hermione would never even consider doing.

Gone were the bushy frizz that she once considered to be the makings of her hair, now replaced by soft ,glorious chestnut curls framing her face, emphasizing her dark brown eyes and accentuating the fullness of her lips.

Hermione was never one to care for superficial looks or even fashion in general, but when called for, she was also the type who would face a challenge head on and strive to excel in them, thus, when her grandmother suggested that she learn the art of fashion, she didn't even argue.

She understood that although fashion dictates are nowhere near as comfortable as those extremely unflattering clothes she mostly preferred, sacrifices have to be made to uphold appearances especially in the eyes of good business.

She handed her travel documents to a short portly man, with spaghetti mustache, she found highly amusing. 'Good Afternoon, Maam. Welcome to London!Have a pleasant stay!' greeted the man. Indeed. Hermione nodded and walked off.

'Emma, Have you sent me the details about that pharmaceutical lab in Geneva?' she asked when her errant secretary finally answered her phone. 'Yes, I did. I also sent you the bank's appraisal on the property.'

'Thank you. My flight just landed and I'm heading outside the gates. By the way, did you find me a new assistant?' she asked as she scanned the people around the entrance.

'Why I did even better, Boss. I asked that delicious male specimen to meet you there.' Emma answered slyly. Hermione smiled as she replied, "I hope you chose someone with a perfectly respectable qualification and not...' she started to say but was cut off when a man, with slicked black hair and perfectly tailored black suit carrying a black leather binder in one arm, went up to her smiling while extending his right hand in greeting, 'Miss Atherton?'

Emma squeaked, 'Is that him? Oh my God!that's him Hermione!how does he look?Is he hot?I think he's hot, I mean he sounds hot. I talked to him a couple of times over the phone to arrange your meetings and he has this smooth voice one could only dream of, and YES, he has all those high Hermione- standards, and' Emma started when Hermione cut her off, 'Yes, Emma. I believe you are right. Update me soon.' she muttered as she flipped her phone shut while mentally smacking the girl for being shallow.

Emma Harris has been in her employ since she started on the business 6 years back. The ample times they spent together proved to her that Emma was highly efficient. She could take on the long hours Hermione preferred when dealing with her job. Hermione grew accustomed to the girl's everyday quirks and provoking sense of humor that was more often directed to every eligible male they encounter. The girl was shallow sometimes and she loved her for it.

She shook hands with the handsome, young man. ' Yes, I am she, and you are?' she cursed Emma silently for not telling her his name earlier. 'Blaine Northrup, miss. I am your new assistant. Miss Emma appointed me for the post a couple of days ago. I hope you had a great flight?' He greeted. Hermione nodded, 'Please call me Hermione, Blaine.'

Hermione studied the man. From what she could gather, Blaine was mostly in her age group. He was lean with slightly tanned features, probably from playing quidditch, Hermione thought. Which would also explain why he was approximately 5 inches taller than Hermione's 5'3'', but she wasn't the least bit intimated since the man was extremely well mannered. He was good looking, but she meant business. Emma would practically drool over this man.

'This way...Hermione', He smiled warmly as he ushered his young boss to a black stretch car. 'I've made arrangements for your luggage to be taken directly to your grandmother's manor, I would suppose the manor would be your official residence for the duration of your stay here in London?' He asked. 'I haven't really decided yet, but I guess it's better to stay there until I come up with new arrangements as I settle.'she answered massaging her temples as she looked out the windows surveying the picturesque view of muggle London.

Blaine opened his leather binder and started dictating her schedule for the day. 'The Lady Atherton is awaiting your arrival at the manor today and strictly ordered me to tell you that you have to stop and join her for a late lunch before you go off wondering to the offices.' he looked up to her as she nodded. He took that as sign to continue so he carried on dictating further activities of the day, while she looked past the window half listening to whatever it was Blaine was droning on about.

The views outside the car reminded her of how much she missed London. She noticed that not much has changed since she left , in fact, most of muggle London stayed the same save for new establishments here and there and of course the new decorations from the tourist attractions she saw as they passed a couple of streets she recalled from memory. She felt a sense of peace seeing the familiar places she usually frequented and the people, the friends she would see...the friends she left.

Fear gripped her as she recalled the events that led her to leave this very place that she treasured so much, the very place she called home. Home. She also thought of the people whom she considered part of it.

The people whom she loved, and the same people who made her seal her decision to leave this place 6 years ago. She twisted the ring on her left ring finger. She remembered how she got the ring and frowned.

It was a beautiful ring, with a simple 'M' clasped in a platinum band holding two emeralds at the side. She placed a charm on it to hide it from prying eyes when she found out that she could never quite remove it from her finger. Over the years, she had tried countless spells and charms to purposefully remove it and even resorted to allowing healers to pry it off of her finger to no avail. It was then explained that the ring was an heirloom of several generations old, from what the healers rationalized , without her disclosing how she got the ring of course, that most pureblood family heirlooms are crafted with different charms unique to the family's purposes and sometimes only the family could take off those specific charms on the specialized objects they were placed.

Recalling everything, she couldn't believe she decided to return, and now that she's back to the place she once swore never to step foot again, she couldn't make out which feelings permeated through her more, longing? Or anger?

She looked out just in time to see the perfectly manicured lawn enclosing a vast estate where a large white manor settled. She smiled sadly. She was indeed home.

'Lastly, your homecoming ball is scheduled in a fortnight, so I just thought I'd remind you earlier so you can decide on last minute preparations and the meetings you wish to move to accommodate your attendance... as your grandmother insists that you be present on the eve of the event. The event in your honor, as she specifically emphasize that I remind you of repeatedly.' a cheerful Blaine interrupted her musings.

Hermione laughed and she nodded her consent, 'Thank you for reminding me this early, would I be wrong to assume that my grandmother is behind the ensemble of this event?'

Blaine sat up straight and continued in a business-like tone trying his best to contain his amusement, 'Actually, she also requests me to inform you that if you ever ask, the ball is technically being hosted by Atherton Consolidated Industries, and she was just being kind when she accepted the responsibility of being the planner...slash hostess', Blaine added chuckling.

At this Hermione laughed, knowing Isabella could be very cunning if she so desires. She'd do almost everything, be it blackmail, or even cursing her point blank, if it meant hauling Hermione to attend one of her famous 'social conferences', as she puts it.

The house loomed over her and she saw two men in dark robes with the Atherton crest, guarding the double doors and her favorite house elf, Minky. She grinned as she went out of the car and inhaled the fresh scent of newly mowed grass.

'Minky is glad, young mistress is back, young mistress. Minky is missing young mistress everyday.' the house elf, practically flew down the steps to meet her and bowed so low which made Hermione wonder how much further it would take for the house elf's pointed nose to touch the ground.

'Oh how I've missed you Minx!' she said as she hugged the house elf dressed in impeccable robes with the Atherton crest. The house elf blushed hearing her young mistress use the nickname she preferred to call her years back.

Minx ushered her in. She was led inside a yellow sitting room with a warm fire burning in the hearth of a fireplace sitting in the middle of the room facing the settee. 'The mistress will be here soon, young mistress, The mistress is currently preparing the tea herself, Minky is sorry young mistress, Mistress insisted on preparing, Minky is very sorry" the elf blabbered her apologies. She assured Minky all was fine, and dismissed her as she settled in the soft, comfortable cushions of one of the love seats facing the fire.

As she waited, She noticed the day's edition of the daily prophet and lazily scanned it. What she saw on the front page made her smirk.

Errant Heiress Back on Track

By: Rita Skeeter

She rolled her eyes. She never really liked that Skeeter woman. She knew that half of what the woman narratively describes in her articles were either hideous lies or grand omissions for the sole purpose of making her stories interesting. Below the bold letters of the title was a picture of herself and her grandmother Isabella sitting at a quaint cafe having lunch under the delightful ambience of Paris. She remembered the picture taken a month ago, where she subtly faced away from the camera, as soon as she noticed a reporter tailing her grandmother. The picture showed half of her face, talking to her oblivious grandmother, who was enjoying one of her Parisian visits.

Sources has confirmed that the current mistress of the house of Atherton is indeed expecting the arrival of her mysterious granddaughter later today. The reason to justify the return of the young heiress hasn't been established, though there are speculations that the Lady Atherton has decided to pass on the reigns of their gigantic empire to the elusive young heiress, thus, cutting her 6 year sojourn out of the country.

Atherton Consolidated Industries spokesperson, Seamus Finnigan, released a statement yesterday saying, "Atherton Cons.' activities for this month centers on a very important gala we are holding on the 21st . With the joint efforts of our different departments, we are hoping to accomplish a successful event where we can welcome you all to our newly redesigned spearhead office building, The ATHtrium. Together with our groundbreaking ceremony, We, at Atherton Cons., would also like to request that you join us, as we extend our warmest welcoming reception, with an official introduction to our new Chairman and CEO."

Speculations regarding the identity of the girl, who was reportedly named as legitimate successor of the Atherton line 6 years ago, have yet to be verified but...(refer to page 8 for full coverage of the article)

'Hermione,Child!Oh how I have missed you, come give me a hug' a tall, elegant woman swept inside the room carrying a tea set. She smiled as she recognized the woman to be her grandmother and bounded up to receive her hug. 'Oh my goodness, Hermione, I am positively ecstatic that you have finally decided to return, everyone is just dying to meet you. Why, reporters are going crazy, absolutely raving. They go around snooping on about insider news...' Hermione listened to her grandmother's incessant chatter. She knew it would take ages before she could slip out and escape.

She looked at the newspaper article in her hands and smirked. Yes, she was back.

After 7th year, She had asked Isabella to keep her identity hidden. She knew that revealing who she was would make it easy for her friends to track her down before she could even heal herself, or even before she was ready to face their lot and remember the heartaches. She loved her friends so much that she knew leaving them with nothing short of a good bye would hurt them tremendously, as it was hurting her every single dragging day of her life.

She had prepared herself for 6 years, 6 grievously long years for this return, and now she was quite assured that she could take on the challenge of facing them and crushing the ones who had hurt her. 'Its good to be back Grandmother...very good indeed' she silently muttered.

AN: I'm back. Well back to my story which I've left years ago. I'm sorry. I'm currently doing revisions and uploading new chapters soon. Tahtah.