Hi guys and girls. This is my first fan fiction. I am sorry this chapter is a bit short but I want to see if people like it and if it's worth continuing. The idea of the story is that Kendall has had a very violent upbringing and has taken that on himself, he is slightly mentally unstable and can not control his anger which will become more and more prominent in the story as it progresses. His boyfriend Logan who is the exact opposite is the only person who seems to be able to calm him slightly and Kendall and Logan has a slightly unhealthy relationship where Kendall is very co dependant on Logan. Obviously things are going to happen along the way that makes Kendall start to lose control and turn his anger toward Logan when he feels he is losing control over him. However the bond both mentally and physically is so strong that Logan sticks around. Loads of drama and sex ensured lol please read and review and let me know what you think


Chapter 1.

Kendall could not believe the nerve of this boy that he had never seen before. Or never cared to notice. Who did he think he was to walk into him in the hall of his school. And that was not even the worst part instead of cowering and saying that he was sorry like you would expect when someone walked into Kendall Knight, he shrugged it off like it was nothing. No way was he going to put up with that right? As the boy stood there looking at Kendall with a bored look on his face that said he was not intimidated by him, Kendall felt the familiar feeling of his blood pressure rising, the pins and needles of anticipation in his skin, his fists clench and his eye brows rise in challenge. He knew the feelings well and would be lying if he said he did not enjoy how they ended. He had always been a fighter, it was no secret and he did not feel bad about that. His up bringing was …. Violent to say the least the scars on his body went to prove that and he knew that in order to survive violence was normally the answer. He gave the boy a condescending smirk before lunging at him knocking them both off their feet and the Black haired boy landed with an audible thud underneath him, smacking his head on the cold, hard tiles in the process. Taking advantage of the dazed expression on the boys face from the head hit he landed a punch with his right fist to the left hand side of his face so hard that blood came flying from his mouth as his head turned. Kendall was now straddling the boy and delivering one blow after another to the defenceless boy underneath him. The boy seemed to just be taking it and was not even putting up a fight. "Pussy" Kendall thought to himself. People had crowded around them as usual when Kendall got into a fight which was most days. All someone had to do was look at him wrong and he would have the urge to remind them just who Kendall Knight was.

As he was about to deliver another blow to the boy debating on whether it would finally knock the boy out as he was growing bored there was no challenge here, He heard the familiar voice that made him stop dead. Logan Mitchell.

"Kendall, what are you doing?" he screamed. The blonde boy looked up to see the as ever gorgeous brunette push his way through the small crowd, dropping his books in the process with a shocked look on his face. Kendall actually smiled a genuine smile at him in the midst of all this violence, he loved how even though Logan saw this scene a lot he was still truly shocked every time he did. And he was always more concerned about the blonde even though the other person was always worse off. Logan took in the scene around him as he approached. He saw Kendall look up as he called his name and gave him a smile that sent a chill down his spine. How he could switch moods so quickly truly un-nerved him. He watched as Kendall dropped his fist and stood up not taking his shinning green eyes away from his own brown ones. The crowd were dispersing now sensing the entertainment was over a few of them were helping the boy on the floor up. Logan could not help but think that he could have done with their help 5 minutes ago. The bell for class had gone about 5 minutes ago so people were quickly filling class rooms and the sound of door shutting could be heard ringing through the corridor. Slowly leaving Kendall and Logan alone in the hall.

Logan finally got to the blonde and as soon as he did he felt Kendall wrap one arm around his waist as he spun him round and pushed him back into the lockers earning a gasp from the small boy that made Kendall's heart race. Kendall rested his other hand against the locker to the side of Logan's head creating a sort of trap as he leant down and laid a soft kiss to Logan's lips. Logan's breath hitched at the feeling of Kendall's lips against his own. He looked up into Kendall's eyes and felt the familiar butterflies in his stomach. The blonde was stunning and he never felt worthy to be this close to him. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a long sleeved blue stripped short that hung low around his neck exposing just enough creamy skin to drive Logan wild. His blonde hair was hanging out the front of his grey beanie hat and his bright green eyes were starring into his own so intensely it made him want to look away feeling vulnerable.

"you okay, baby?" Kendall asked in a smooth, calm voice. Logan looked at the floor before asking

" Are you hurt?" if he was hurt it would rip him up inside. Kendall laughed moving the hand around his waist underneath Logan's white shirt to softly caress the skin on his lower back just above his trousers occasionally dropping a finger slightly below the trousers and loving how it was making the perfect brown eyed boys body tense every time.

"Do I look like I'm hurt, Logan?" he asked softly lowering his head to catch the boys gaze before bringing it back up forcing the brunette to follow. Logan shook his head silently saying no but still looking like a kicked puppy.

The hand on Logan's waist moved round to his front before running up his chest slowly taking in the feeling of the body Kendall loved more than anything before softly and possessively resting it on Logan's neck applying a small bit of pressure forcing Logan further back into the lockers and making him have to take deeper breaths to get air into his lungs. Kendall loved the control he had over Logan. In his messed up and violent world he was the only person that could make everything around him fade away and calm his brain and heart. From the moment he had set eyes on Logan 2 years ago when he had started at his school Kendall knew that he was going to make him his. He just did not realise at the time how much he would come to depend on him to calm him down and how possessive he would become over the boy. As he got to know him more and more and there friendship turned into a relationship he had wanted him more and more to himself. He hated that he could not be with him 24 hours 7 days a week, he hated that other people got to look at him and talk to him, he hated that there were still things about the boy he didn't know but most of all he hated that he had not had Logan sexually yet. He was normally a "fuck em and leave em" kind of guy and before Logan came along he got his fair share of both sexes but since the first time his and Logan's eyes locked he had wanted no one else. They had been getting more and more intense over the time they had been together working up to it but had still not done much more than kissing and grinding against each other naked and hand jobs getting each other off. Logan was so innocent, he was smart, funny, caring and so unintentionally teasing. Logan was a virgin and in the 9 months they had actually been dating had not been ready to give himself fully to the blonde and it drove him crazy not being able to have him in that way. Every time they were together there was a sexual undertone that he knew they both felt. It was obvious between them. Things would get heated fast at the smallest touch before Logan would push him away or make an excuse that he had to leave. And Kendall knew why even though Logan thought he kept the reason well hidden. And he understood.

Logan was a gentle person, he was not confrontational in the slightest and would rather take blame for something he did not do than place blame on others. Kendall of course loved this about him. It made him stand out to him, made him different and special to the blonde. In the two years they had known each other their romance blossomed slowly much to Kendall's impatience. Every time Kendall would get in a fight of lose him temper (which granted was very often) Logan would back off and Kendall knew he was scared of him. He saw it in his eyes every time, felt how on edge he was around him most of the time. But Logan truly was the only person that could calm his temper and keep him sane. He knew that his up bringing had done things to him mentally that were irreversible and he could live with that. But he would not lose Logan. There was not really a choice about it even though he made Logan fell like there was. He was not leaving Kendall.

Logan felt like every drop of water had left his mouth. Kendall was gripping his neck in a possessive hold making him push as far back into the lockers as possible. Logan hoped to god that the blonde was not still mad from his fight with that poor boy. Logan made a mental note to go and check on him later. As they kept their eyes locked Logan unintentionally licked his dry lips, as he did the grip on his neck tightened even more and he let out a soft moan bringing his hands to rest on the wrist of the hand around his neck. Knowing that pulling on it would only make Kendall tighten it more he settled for just keeping them there.

"Fuck Logan… do you have any idea of how much of a tease you are to me?" Kendall whispered in his ear. Logan's eyes went wide before he tried to speak

"I…I'm sorry … I didn't mean to…. Whoa Kendall"

Mid sentence Kendall had bitten down on Logan's ear lobe hard enough to break the skin and taste that coppery taste in his mouth before softly running his tongue over the newly sensitive skin earning a gasp from Logan. On instinct the brunette tried to move forward to force Kendall away from him but the grip on his neck only tightened enough to make breathing impossibly hard and he felt the bruise already forming.

"Where do you think your going, gorgeous?" Kendall said as he pulled back and looked at Logan with nothing but pure possession and lust.

Logan looked like a deer in head lights, his heart was racing, his skin becoming clammy and his mind working at 100 miles per hour. Over the course of their relationship he knew that Kendall had liked it rough, had got of on controlling him and bending him to him will. Loving that he could make Logan do anything if he wanted to and Logan actually got of on it to. The excitement of the danger done it for him, He had learned quickly that Kendall was slightly unhinged and had a serious temper problem but there was something about being on his good side that appealed to him more than he ever though possible. He could not lie to himself every second he was around the gorgeous blonde he was on edge and forced himself to be alert to his surroundings, the people around them the things that were happening because all it took for this guy to turn was someone laughing in a way he did not like. Logan understood as well how much he managed to calm the boy and even though he did not understand why he could if it helped others stay safe from Kendall Knight he hade to do it right? He did care for the blonde a lot and there were times that they just played or joked and Kendall's mental state was non-existent and Logan always held out hope that he could tame the man.

Kendall saw how nervous and on edge Logan was and got off on it. Only Logan in this state turned him on no on else even though he obviously enjoyed seeing people scared of him. He knew Logan liked it too and was constantly pushing to see how far he could take it. Kendall smiled at him showing his white teeth like a predator before leaning in and capturing his lips. In that second everything else melted away from around them and both of them were at their most content. Kendall ran his tongue along Logan's bottom lip asking for entrance to be polite more than anything. Logan would never say no to him Kendall would make sure of that. Logan opened his mouth granting it and the blonde immediately took advantage and pushed his tongue into the boys eager mouth. When Logan moved his own tongue on instinct to meet Kendall's electricity sparked in them both going straight to their groins. Their lips moved together perfectly slowly at first. Mapping out each others mouths like many times before and just enjoying each others tastes. The kiss quickly became more fierce as usual and became hungry, searching and begging for more. Logan lost in the kiss, moved his hands from the wrist still against his neck suddenly not caring about the pressure and wrapped them around Kendall's neck lacing one through the bits of hair coming out of the bottom of his beanie and pulling gently. The slightly rough movement made Kendall growl into the kiss and bite down on Logan's tongue. This for some reason made the brunette even harder and deepened the kiss even more making it urgent for some kind of climax. Kendall moved his hand from his neck and moved both his hands down the sides of Logan's body taking in as much as he could but moving quickly and impatiently. When he got to the brunettes buttocks he squeezed each check hard forcing Logan to roll his clothed dick against Kendall's. This caused them to both break the kiss as they moaned out from the friction and Logan throw his head back against the lockers hard exposing his neck to the blonde. Kendall drove forward placing open mouthed kisses down Logan's neck sucking on his adam's apple while lowering to run his hand down the back of Logan's thighs when he got to the back of his knees he lifted Logan in one swift movement. Logan clicked on to what he was trying to do and wrapped his legs around his waist earning more friction between their aching cocks before being slammed back against the lockers. Logan lent his head down catching Kendall's lips again Kendall pulled away too soon for Logan's liking before rolling his hips roughly.

"I think you do mean to tease me Logan" Kendall said with a serious voice that dripped with lust. Logan looked at him wide eyed with shock.

" n-no Kendall I swe…" he was cut off by another roll of Kendall's hips.

"I think you know the effect you have on me when you lick those perfect, soft lips of yours …how I wish it was my dick your tongue was giving that attention to" another roll of the hips and Logan moans out before dropping his head onto Kendall's neck feeling all his energy leave his body.

"you know exactly what it does to me when you moan and gasp at all the right moments, when you look at me with those gorgeous innocent eyes …." Logan begins to kiss and nibble at the groove in between Kendall's neck and shoulder blade biting softly and licking. Kendall gasps relishing the feeling of his little Logie driving him crazy.

"Fuck baby the things I'm gonna do to you… the things I'm gonna make you do" Logan gasps at his statement a cross between being stupidly turned on and a little scared at the implications. He is just about to open his mouth when the bell rings and doors start to open in the corridor with students streaming out in groups all talking and laughing.

Before Kendall knew what happened Logan had pushed him off, jumped down and put some distance between them. They were both catching their breaths and Logan was brushing down his shirt, trying to brush out the cresses at the bottom of his shirt not wanting to look like anything had happened but knowing no one would dare say anything even if they thought it.

Logan looked up at the blonde who was starring back at him through hooded eyes clearly still turned on. His eyes were if possible a brighter green than usual and his lips were a deep red looking used. Kendall wanted more that was clear and in that second Logan wanted to give it to him. Kendall could get anything from the smaller boy if he wanted. Kendall grabbed Logan by the wrist a little harder than necessary pulling him flush against his body. He lent down and Logan could feel his breathe against the skin on his ear.

"Come to mine tonight" It was not a question it never was with Kendall and Logan has leant that the hard way over time. He always managed to get what he wanted. But Logan cared about him enough not to hate him for it. He softly took his ear lobe into his mouth and sucked so gently it made Logan shiver and his eyes flutter to a close. Logan nodded slowly enjoying the feeling and felt the blonde smile against his skin.

"I'll meet you by my car after school baby" Kendall added softly before Logan felt that empty feeling when Kendall let him go. He was walking away backwards when he mouthed "I miss you already" Logan giggled like a little girl and rolled his eyes heat pooling in his stomach as he turned on his heals and walked to his next class thoughts of the night ahead running through his head making him weak at the knees.