A Brother's Return

Ch. 24

Speaking: normal

Thoughts, flashbacks, com-link, and notes: italicized

Jutsus, summons, Witch language, demons: bold

Summons's and demon's thoughts, ect…: bold italicized

(): author speaking

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did, Asuma and Kurenai would've realized by now that their secret relationship isn't really much of a secret.

Naruto groaned as he struggled against his bindings. When the group returned to Konoha, Tsunade instantly dragged Naruto to the hospital and had him tied down to the bed so that he wouldn't be able to escape. Still, that didn't stop him from trying.

The blonde was seconds away from falling asleep when Cairo entered his room. Cairo cautiously looked to make sure the hall was empty before using a kunai to sever the straps that held Naruto to the bed. "You've got about ten minutes before someone realizes you're not here and calls Tsunade. Hinata-san is waiting for you at Ichiraku's place."

Naruto gave his brother a quick hug before saying, "You are the best big brother I could ever ask for. Look out Hina-chan, here I come."

As soon as Naruto was gone, Cairo held up a single handsign and was covered in smoke. When the smoke was gone, it revealed Minato using a henge no jutsu. The Yondaime quickly jumped out the window before vanishing via Hiraishin.


Cairo and Mei stood back to back as they were surrounded by Yagura's forces. "Mei-taichō, what's your take on the situation?"

Mei smiled before saying, "Well, there are two of us and about fifty of them. They're at a serious disadvantage."

Cairo whipped out his katana before asking, "Have you ever used a sword before?"

Mei scoffed in amusement. "This is Kirigakure no Sato. If I haven't used a sword before, something just isn't right. After all, I was going to replace Ameyuri Ringo as a member of the Seven Swordsmen."

The Yamikage smirked as he stabbed a Kiri-nin between the eyes. "So, the rumors about you are holding some truth after all. Tell me; is it true that you have both the lava and boil release bloodlines?"

Mei nodded as she snapped a man's neck. "Yes, I wield two kekkei genkai. Is it true that you have the Shōton kekkei genkai?"

Cairo smiled as he cut another shinobi's arm off. "I don't normally tell my secrets with an audience like this, but I'll say it since you're the only one who'll ever live to tell the tale. It's true that I have mastered the Shōton."

Suddenly Cairo dodged a kunai and said, "Mei-taichō, don't move an inch from that spot. I'm going to finish these idiots so we can move on."

The rebel leader watched as Cairo jumped in the air and shouted, "Kesshō: Rokkaku shuriken: Ranbu!"

Mei watched in awe as Cairo was surrounded by a dual spiral of crystal blades that began shooting at the Kiri-nin. When the Yamikage landed, Mei noticed that she had been left uninjured while the group of shinobi was all dead.

Cairo quickly landed and dusted himself off before saying, "I'm going to help Guren finish Yagura. We should be back within the hour."

Mei nodded as Cairo placed a Hiraishin seal on her arm and vanished without a trace. When he arrived at Guren's location, he was forced to dodge the tail of a fully emerged Sanbi.

Cairo flew over to where Guren had built a crystal barrier and said, "Please tell me that you've had some luck dealing with Yagura."

Guren chucked a large crystal shuriken at the turtle before saying, "Cairo-sensei, what in that adolescent mind of yours actually qualifies me to take on a fucking biju?"

Cairo chuckled as he sent out his own barrage of crystals. "Don't look at me like that, Guren. Yorubi made the suggestion that I call you out for this."

The two quickly dodged another tail swipe before Cairo said, "Stall it for me while I get myself ready to trap it."

Guren nodded before making a ring of crystal blades and jumping inside of the ring to skate across the water. As she willed the shuriken to attack the turtle, Cairo finished his handsigns before slamming them onto the water's surface. "Shōton: Suishō kangoku."

A coagulation of ruby-colored crystals encased the Sanbi until only the head was left untouched. Cairo flew up to its eye level and stared at it with his Rinnegan. Within seconds, the blonde found himself in a large white room where Yagura was currently tied to a chair with black chains.

Cairo walked up to the bound Yagura and said, "So, this is the best that the Yondaime Mizukage can do. Yagura, I was informed that you were a perfect jinchūriki. It seems as though you're nothing more than a child who got in too deep."

Yagura looked up in annoyance and scoffed. "I'll have you know that I'm over twenty years of age…"

"…and I personally don't give a fuck," Cairo finished. "I've killed men and women older and stronger than you at the age of ten while you were running around being possessed by a nutcase. In retrospect, this never would've happened if you had accepted Isobu's help instead of turning him away."

Yagura sneered. "How can that demon be of any help to me? It's done nothing but make my life a living hell."

Cairo rolled his eyes before backhanding Yagura hard enough to knock the chair over. "Do you honestly hear yourself when you talk? You're no better than the people who persecuted you for being a jinchūriki or the man who did this to you. Isobu has been doing everything possible to help you, but all you've done is steal his chakra and make a mockery of his kindness."

The Yamikage pulled Yagura back into a sitting position before saying, "Y'know, Mei-taichō told me that you were a kind soul before you became Mizukage. However, all I've seen is a monster in a man's body. By using Isobu the way you are, you've become the very thing the villagers have called you. You've become a demon."

Yagura's eyes widened as the tormenting shouts and accusations flooded his mind. "No," he whispered in desperation. "It's not possible. I can't be a monster."

Cairo gave Yagura another slap to the face before saying, "Trying to deny the crimes you've committed will not make then wash away. You need to get it together and atone for the disaster you've wrought on these innocent souls."

The Mizukage's eyes slowly filled with tears as he came to realize that he had basically destroyed the very village he swore to protect. "What have I done," he whispered in shame.


Naruto was on his eighth bowl of shrimp ramen when he heard a shout of, "Naruto Uzumaki, you had better hope I don't find you!"

The blonde gulped before kissing Hinata o the cheek. "We'll have to continue this later, hime. Baa-chan doesn't sound too happy that I left the hospital early."

Just as Naruto jumped onto the roof and sped off, Tsunade landed in the middle of the street and entered the stand. She grabbed Hinata's shoulder before giving off a smile that was too innocent to be genuine. "Hinata-chan, which way did that boyfriend of yours get to?"

Hinata smirked before saying, "I'm sorry Tsunade-sama, but Naruto-kun used a flash bomb to cover his escape. However, I think he said something about an extreme training session with Gai-sensei."

Tsunade inwardly growled. "That idiot's gonna strain himself with training before he's even fully healed. I'll just have to put a stop to that."

However, she was brought out of her rage and into a new one when Jiraiya appeared. "Tsunade-hime, the elders have called for a council meeting with the civilians. We had better round up the shinobi half and get there before something happens."

Tsunade turned to Hinata before saying, "Go and inform your father that there is an emergency meeting being held."

Hinata nodded before placing some money on the counter and vanishing in a swirl of water. The Godaime gave her attention back to Jiraiya and said, "I need you to grab Sarutobi-sensei and dig up an old relic. We're going to put that council back in its place and we're gonna do it right."

Thirty minutes later…

As the civilian council finally gathered, Danzo took the seat that was reserved for the Hokage. "I have called you all to support a very serious matter. It is time we finally deal with the demon child once and for all."

The civilians broke out into cheers when Sakura's mother said, "Let's just kill the thing and be done with it. After all, he failed to return Uchiha-sama as well as forcing my daughter to run away."

There were multiple cheers among the crowd which led to Koharu saying, "As much as I'd like to see the thing killed, we have to remember that his demonic influence has already poisoned the minds of many higher ups. Therefore, I propose that…"

Before her sentence could end, the entire room was flooded with a heavy dose ok KI. Everyone gasped in fear as Tsunade destroyed the doors to the room and strolled in wearing the ceremonial Kage robes and hat. Flanking her left was Jiraiya in his old Sannin armor and on her right was Hiruzen in his battle armor.

The Godaime instantly moved over to her seat before grabbing Danzo by the throat and tossing him to the floor. She then watched as the shinobi council filed into the room before saying, "Since you have decided to call a meeting about Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, we will have a meeting about Naruto and Sasuke. Now, I motion that Naruto's request to have Sasuke killed on sight be placed in the Bingo Books. Who will agree with this?"

There was no surprise when Kushina raised her hand first. Soon after, every other hand on the shinobi council and Dustin's from the civilian side was lifted in agreement. Tsunade smirked before saying, "As of now, Sasuke will be listed as a criminal with a 'Kill on Sight' order on his head."

Sakura's mother stood up in protest and shouted, "You can't do that! It's the demon that should be killed!"

Kushina brandished Muramasa and pointed it at the pinkette. "This is your last warning, you flat-chested bitch. Call my son a demon again and I'll gut you."

Saiyuri's anger grew as she shouted, "How dare you threaten me, you worthless tramp!? Everyone knows that you're nothing but some cheap whore that got tossed out on her…"

Everyone watched in shock as the woman was slammed into the floor and a foot landed on her neck. However, the surprising factor was that it had been Naruto who performed the deed. The blonde increased pressure on the woman's neck before saying, "You will never speak ill of my mother again. When you die, know that your bitch of a daughter will soon share your fate."

Before anyone could move, a loud cracking sound echoed through the room. It didn't take a scientist to realize that Saiyuri Haruno had just been killed. Naruto turned his eyes to Koharu and said, "It was because of you and this bitch that I could never be adopted. You both did everything you could to isolate me from the world."

Naruto made to attack the woman, but Tsume beat him to the punch and jabbed a clawed hand through the woman's heart. As the woman's life began to fade, Naruto proudly said, "Moegi-chan will soon know of your transgressions. The same can be said of Udon about Homura-teme."

Naruto quickly looked at Homura and said, "Not only did you influence the merchants to not sell to me, it was also you who informed the village of my status as a jinchūriki."

A random civilian gasped as Homura's throat was torn open with a kunai. Homura looked into the eyes of his killer and choked out, "W-why would you do this to me, Hiruzen?"

Sarutobi stabbed the man in the heart before sneering. "I put my trust in you and you betrayed both me and Naruto-kun. You are nothing but a traitor and you deserve to die."

Danzo cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. "Boy, how is it possible that you even know about this? It shouldn't have been possible to discover this information."

In response, Naruto pulled out a small black book. "Your friends are sloppy when it comes to hiding secrets. I would've expected the former students of the Nidaime Hokage to be smarter than that. However, I'd look at ero-Sennin if you want to point fingers."

Jiraiya was actually left without a clue at the moment. "Gaki, how in the Makai am I involved in this?"

Naruto tossed Tsunade the book and said, "Tsunade was looking for me when you found her at Ichiraku's. She didn't realize that I had used a Shunshin no jutsu to hide behind the counter just before arriving. When you came along, I heard what you said, decided to go snooping, and found Koharu's journal filled with all of your dirty deeds and dark secrets. It seems as though everyone on the civilian council save for Dustin Higurashi had a hand in ruining my life."

One rather portly civilian had finally had enough and shouted, "It doesn't matter what we did, you little bastard child! I'll have you killed before the day is…"

"You won't lay a hand on him! Jyūhō: Sōshiken," shouted an enraged Hinata.

Before anyone could register how the kunoichi had even made it into the room, Hinata struck the man in the chest and destroyed his heart in a single blow. She then turned to Tsunade and said, "Please forgive my intrusion, Hokage-sama."

Tsunade nodded before saying, "I have spoken with Jiraiya and he will be taking Naruto with him on a special training trip."

Another civilian shouted, "We refuse to let that hell spawn get any stronger! Anbu, kill the demon and arrest the Hokage for unlawful acts against the council!"

Kushina, who had been waiting for someone to slip up and insult her son, rushed at the man and eviscerated him within the entire span of two seconds. She slowly twisted the blade before violently ripping it out of the man's stomach and stabbing him in the head.

As the blood sprayed across her face, the shinobi council was instantly reminded that Kushina was registered as the most dangerous and sadistic kunoichi of Konoha. In fact, there was a rumor floating around that Anko modeled her attitude around Kushina's sadistic personality.

Tsunade quickly brought attention back on herself and said, "Naruto and Jiraiya will be gone for a total of three years. At the end of that mark, the duo will return to Konoha and resume taking missions. This meeting has now been adjourned."

While the council filed out of the room, Naruto grabbed Hinata's hand. "Hinata-chan, promise me that you will be safe while I'm gone. I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

Hinata gently kissed him on the lips before saying, "Come back to me alive, Naruto-kun. That's all I'm asking."


As Mei and the rebels routed the last of Yagura's troops, Choujiro looked off into the distance and said, "Mei-sama, someone's coming this way."

The rebel leader prepared to resume the offensive but relaxed at the sight of Cairo and Guren leading Yagura in their direction. The key factor was that Yagura's hands had been bound.

Mei ran to meet the group and said, "Yamikage-sama, the rebels have taken Kirigakure. What shall we do about Yagura?"

Instead of Cairo answering, Yagura found his voice and said, "Mei-chan, I'm stepping down as Mizukage. I would ask that you take my place and undo the damage that I have caused."

Cairo smiled as he undid the bindings on Yagura's hands. "Now that you're no longer under Madara's control, we'll need to hide you in case he comes looking for you. This is what we'll do…"

Three hours later…

Tobi had felt his control over Yagura shatter and decided to investigate. When he arrived in Kirigakure, he was greeted to the sight of Yagura's battered and scarred corpse fixed to a cross in the center of the town. "Damn," he thought in silence, "that's going to be a setback in my plan. No matter, I will reacquire the Sanbi soon enough."

Once the masked man warped away, the corpse on the cross exploded into a small pool of blood. Within the Mizukage tower, Cairo turned to Mei and said, "Yagura and I are leaving, Mei-dono. I'll be going underground for a while and won't resurface until a later time."

After the Kages shook hands, Mei turned to Yagura and said, "Stay safe out there, Yagura-sama. We don't need to lose you after just getting you back."

Yagura shook the woman's hand before smiling. "You don't have to worry about that, Mizukage-sama. When I make my return, we'll show the Akatsuki what happens when you mess with the Mist."


The members of the Akatsuki were all together on the hands of the Gedo Mazo. Pein turned to his followers and said, "The eyes of the Gedo statue have closed and won't reopen for three years. During that time, we shall gather funds for the organization and monitor the jinchūriki. Zetsu, do you have any news for us?"

The human plant looked around and said, "It seems as though the Kyūbi jinchūriki has vanished from Konoha and the Sanbi jinchūriki has been killed by the rebel forces."

Pein nodded and said, "We shall deal with the Sanbi when it reforms. For now, keep track of the others and try to locate the Kyūbi. We shall meet again in three years' time."

As soon as Tobi, Zetsu, Hidan, and Kakuzu were gone, Pein quickly said, "Kisame, remain in Kirigakure and help rebuild. Itachi, stick close to Cairo and make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble."

The duo nodded before their images faded away. Pein focused his attention on Sasori and said, "I need you and Deidara to root out some of Orochimaru's hiding places. For each one you find, try and cause a little trouble for him. Konan, I want you to start leaving a small trail for Jiraiya-sensei to follow."


Naruto and Jiraiya met up at the gates, only to find a third member joining them. Minato had cut them off before saying, "Naruto, your mother and I don't have much time left in this world. However, we have more than enough time to teach you the things we have wanted to teach you."

Naruto wiped a few stray tears away before saying, "Well, let's make the most of our time together. After all, chances like this don't come very often."

Minato nodded before pulling out one of his infamous kunai. "Once your training is done with me, your mother will join us so that she can train you. During these three years, every moment of your training will be designed to kill you. It is how your mother trained herself, how I trained with her, and how we will train you. I was right to trust you with the fox and I will trust you to overcome this training."

Jiraiya turned to the setting sun and smiled. "Naruto-gaki, you'll be training with me whenever those two aren't trying to kill you. Then again, I'll also be aiming to kill you. Still, I also have faith that you will come out of this even stronger than before. Now, let's get moving out to our first location."

Gates of Hell…

Rodin watched as a blood-spattered Bayonetta walked up to the bar. "Those morons are getting rather excited now," she said. "I wonder if it has anything to do with their little plan."

The barkeep lifted a bottle and said, "We've got little more than three years, Bayonetta. It's time to get our asses in gear and get ready for an all-out assault. This time, things are gonna get a lot worse than before."


Cairo looked out to the setting sun over his village. He then motioned for someone to join him and said, "Jade, I'm leaving the village for three years. While I'm gone, have the Yoru squad follow the instructions I left in the scroll on my desk. I know that the village will be in good hands while I'm gone."

Cheshire approached her leader before removing her mask. "Should I initiate the wartime training protocol while you're away, Yamikage-sama?"

Cairo nodded as he removed the ceremonial robes and hat. "There is a storm coming, Jade. We need to be ready for anything when it arrives. We've all taken a heavy gamble and can't afford to lose."

As the moon began to lift itself into the sky, Cheshire watched as her leader pulled a small scroll from his sleeve. Cairo gave her the scroll and said, "Take this to Tsunade and tell her it's from me. I doubt she'll have any reason not to agree."

Jade stowed the scroll away and said, "I'll see you in three years, boss. Try not to have too much fun without us."

Cairo smirked as he began to sink into his own shadow. "I could say the same thing to you, Cheshire. I could say the same thing."

Once Cairo was gone, Jade turned back to the office and said, "Yagura-san, I will have someone show you to your home. Welcome to Kagegakure no Sato."

Yagura gave a small smile as an Anbu escorted him out of the office. Somehow, he could tell that everything would be alright.

Unknown location…

Cairo appeared in a yellow flash in front of what looked to be an abandoned shack. He quickly walked in and activated a security seal before saying, "I'm here, ero-Sennin. Let's get going."

Jiraiya, Minato, and Naruto all deactivated their camouflage techniques and stepped away from the walls. Jiraiya made a few handsigns and shouted, "Ninpo: Gyaku Kuchiyōse no jutsu!"

In a burst of smoke, the four ninjas found themselves on a large mountain. Jiraiya turned to the others and said, "Welcome to Mt. Myobokuzan. This will be your home for the next three years. Now, get to bed while you still can. Tomorrow, you will begin training."

As the four went off to find shelter, they all wondered what the next three years would entail.