I apologize MUCHLY for the SUPER long delay! It won't happen again. I love you guys! Stay tuned for more, because I'm going to have it churning out faster than Sue can make up a Schuester joke.

When Rachel and Quinn came back into the choir room, Finn stood, moving in between the two girls.

"Are you done now?" Finn snapped.

Quinn just shook her head, her eyes still red-rimmed.

Rachel leaned out from behind Finn, and put a hand on his arm. "It's okay," she said. He put his arm around her waist, and together, they sat back down and faced their former teacher.

Mr. Schue gave a speech about how amazing it was to teach the club. He talked about the ups and the downs – all the hilarious moments, and, of course, Sue's antics.

All of the former Glee members got a chance to share. They talked about all that they loved about Glee, about each other. Puck joked about all of their pairings and Kurt teased that at one point, he and Brittany were actually Kuritanny. Mr. Schue even got on about all of their crazy high school personalities, and all of the drama. At the end, they left the reunion with a sense of unity.

"And, I'll see you all tomorrow, for part two," Mr. Schuester called as they all left. Mike whooped, and Blaine clapped as the New Directions cheered, more than ready for whatever craziness was planned for the next part of the McKinley Glee Club reunion.

"Rachel, wait." Quinn said as she grabbed Rachel's arm.


"What's this... plan.. you have in mind?"

Rachel smiled. "Just... let me handle it. I promise, I won't let you down." Rachel started to walk back towards the crowd as the former Glee club moved towards the exit doors.

"Hey, Rachel..."

She turned. "Yeah?"

Quinn looked down at the floor. "Thanks."

Rachel nodded. "I understand."

With that, they both moved to join the rest of their club as they hugged and clapped each other on the shoulders and said their good-byes until the next day.

Quinn looked at Rachel and Finn. He had his daughter in one had, and held Rachel's hand with the other. Their son walked next to Rachel, going on about something to his parents. Their little girl clung to her father's neck and looked up at him with big, brown eyes. The boy, Robin, smiled enthusiastically at his parents as he continued to talk.

They were a family.

Which, in turn, just meant that she was alone.


It was ten o'clock. Ally had fallen asleep in Rachel's arms in the car ride home, and Robin was yawning and had quit talking, which usually meant that he was exhausted. A lack of word from Robin was a sure-fire sign that he had run out of fuel. They all had, more or less.

Their bodyguards from the airport, Pete and Jeff, had waited for them outside their hotel room. One of the larger suites had been rented for the Hudson/Berry family – it consisted of two connected rooms, a large bathroom, and a small living area, which was really just the size of an office with a wall-mounted television and a big couch. It was a nice hotel, thank god. Rachel wasn't sure if she would be able to stand living in the usual Ohio vacation areas – usually coated with grime and dirt and various bodily fluids.

The family went in while Jeff and Pete stayed outside the door. Apparently, they had "slept the day away while they were at the reunion, and were ready for the night shift." Or so they said. Two half-collapsed body guards wouldn't be the best thing for warding off crazed fans, and even worse, the paparazzi. The police had parked inconspicuously outside the hotel for them, and they had kept their trip and their location private from any media, but those who really wanted to get pictures of them were creative – which, really, was what personal guards were for.

"I hope they'll be okay. It seems awfully boring," Rachel said as she set her suitcase on the bed and easily found a camisole and some pajama pants out of her extremely-organized assortment of clothes. Finn simply dug through his suitcase to find a V-neck and some snowman PJ pants he had packed.

"Well, that's what we pay them for, isn't it? Besides, Pete and Jeff are cool dudes. Professionals." Finn smiled his one-sided smirk. "They can handle it."

Rachel turned the other way, her back facing him. "Ok, don't look," she said, as she discarded her short white dress with the little black belt, bra, and panties.

Finn chuckled. "It's nothing I haven't seen before. You do know that we made babies, right?" he grinned.

"That may be, but that would be hardly appropriate considering the circumstances." She pulled on the camisole, followed by the pants. "Speaking of said babies, our seven year old and our two year old are in the very next room," she countered.

He sighed theatrically. "Cockblocked."

She rolled her eyes and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"Hey! What happened to that awesome, nasty-hot nightgown?" He whined.

She huffed. "It was comfortable and short, not 'nasty-hot'." He heard her electric toothbrush turn on, and the sound of her determined brushing followed.

He smirked as he changed into his own nightwear, and went to go check on the kids one last time. Afterwards, they both went out into the living room and laid on the couch as Finn flipped through channels.

"Let's see what channels they have here at the 'nice' hotel," Finn teased. "You know, the Four Seasons really isn't all that grimy."

Rachel sat up from her laid-back position and stared incredulously up at him. "Are you kidding? That place was disgusting." She flipped her hair, and gave him a superior look. "You have to remember, Finn. I'm a star now."

They both laughed. She felt his arms around her as they chuckled, and she fell back into his chest.

"Oh! Look what's on!" Finn said as he selected a channel.

"Let's do the time warp again!" People sang, dressed in odd suits with multicolored hats and odd glasses.

"Rocky Horror!" Rachel squealed, looking up at her husband. "Remember when we did this in Glee?"

He nodded, and softly sang that old song line to her, "Dammit, Janet, I love you..."

She smiled, and kissed him softly, sweetly, until he moved to put both arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. She opened her mouth to allow his tongue entrance, and she moved her hands from their position on his shoulders to run her fingers through his hair.

Finally, at the next act of the show, they broke apart, out of breath.

She rested her head on his chest as she inhaled his scent – it was a mix of something like pine cones, freshly mowed grass, and old spice. It was wonderful.

He held her to his chest, both muscled arms around her. Yeah, he had grown up from the teenage boy who ate sloppy joes every day. Now he looked more like Sam did – he had a tentative six-pack, good, not great, pectorals, and bulkier arms. He thought it had come from football – but maybe it was all the health food Rachel had been feeding him. Of course Rachel would never let anything non-organic in the house. He was pretty sure his own son had no idea what a hamburger tasted like in the slightest.

By the time the movie got around to "Hot Patootie" with Eddy on the motorcycle, Rachel had drifted into a soft slumber. Finn clicked the television off, tired as well, and moved off of the couch.

Even though in high school Rachel had been made fun of for her height, Finn was secretly glad that she was so short and slim – he could pick her up and carry her around bridal-style and give her piggy-back rides in the pool, all without breaking a sweat.

He rubbed his eyes and slid one arm around her shoulders, the other under her knees, and gently lifted her into his arms, carrying her to the bed, where he set her down under the covers and clambered in beside her, snuggling her tiny frame into his broad chest.

For a while, he couldn't fall asleep. Memories and flashbacks of the spat with Quinn floated in his head. Somehow, he had thought that moving to New York, marrying Rachel, having children with her, and living miles and miles apart would end the Quinn drama. 'Guess not.

He leaned down and rested his head on top of hers, taking in the smell of her hair and her breath. Rachel smelled something of strawberries and subtle perfume and freshness.

"Finn..." she mumbled. He looked down at her, brushing her hair back from her face with a gentle hand.

"What, Rach?" he whispered softly. He quickly realized she was talking in her sleep, which was insanely cute and Rachel Berry-like, but a part of him was also a bit interested in what she would say.

"Finn..." she repeated, clinging to the fabric of his shirt, "I have a plan, Quinn... it'll be alright..."

Quinn? What? Why was she talking about Quinn? More importantly, what was this plan?

He decided just to go to sleep. If it meant anything anyway, he'd find out in the morning.

ALSO: If you've ever heard of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, check out my new FF Series, The Curse of Youth. In addition, I'm working on an ORIGINAL piece that will be uploaded chap-by-chap on and on it's own site, link to be posted later, BEFORE April 15th FOR SURE. Thanks for sticking with me! It means the world.