Chapter One

First Day

Being the new girl sucks. Being the new girl, who comes in the middle of the year sucks even worse. Knowing nobody that goes here, yeah that sort of sucks. I actually know one person that went here, which would be my cousin Emma Nelson; she went here back in 2003 maybe. So my uncle is the principle of the school, which makes it all the worse, because let's just say we don't get along very well…. He thinks I'm a slut, just because I've had like six boyfriends in the past two months, and probably other reasons… but whatever.

For my first day at a new school, it sure isn't going well, right when I first walk in a tall guy in a blue plaid shirt, brown eyes, and brown hair bumps into me spilling burning hot coffee all over my white see-through shirt.

"Crap," the guy says, "Do you need any help?"

"Yes, please... fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK!" I practically scream, seeing as my shirt has gone see-through revealing my pink and white bra. As I say that the guy goes running off…. It's like "Really?"

A few moments later the guy is back with a few paper towels which do no good.

"By the way, my names Drew," He says….

"Codii, with two 'I''s," I say. "Ugh, this isn't working, but thanks for helping, and spilling everything on me…. Cause now I know one person in this school," I say in a sigh.

"Here," he says and hands me his hoodie.

"Thanks, and do you know where Coach Armstrong's class is?" I ask muffled as I slip on the black hoodie that has his name on the back in white letters…. Great, now people are going to think I'm his, I think sarcastically.

"Um, yeah it's my first class, too, let me see you're class schedule?" It was sort of an order and not much of a question, but I let him see it anyways. "So you have math, history, reading, lunch, and home room with me." So half of your classes are with me, great, I think once again sarcastically. "Her class is right over there second door on the right, I'll meet you in there."

"Okay," I say as I walk away, and as my bad luck happen again, I run into yet another guy. This time with so much force I fall straight on my ass.

"Oh crap, sorry, here," he says and leans down and helps me get my books up, and then helps me back up.

"Thanks." I say simply.

"Welcome, my names K.C, sophomore." He says, his voice is sort of hot, but he's not. I mean he's cute, but….

"Codii, with two 'I''s, Grade 11," I say back and head towards my class.

"See you 'round?" he says and I mutter a quick "Sure?" and head to my class. I'm maybe the eighth one in there. I see a guy in all black, he sort of has a mysterious, bad boy vibe, but then again he has the "Help me, I'm trapped," vibe too. So I grab the seat next to him.

"Can I sit here?" I ask and he sneers.

"No," he says simply and shortly.

"To bad." I say and sit down.

"What the-? I said don't sit there!" He almost screamed.

"And I said "TO BAD!" Get over it!" I screamed right back, he turns around to say something back when the bell goes off and all the seats get filed out.

"Hey Codii, with two 'I''s," Drew says as he slides in the seat next to me.

"Hey, Drew with a 'D'." Did I really just say that? Stupid, stupid, stupid, I said and mentally slapped myself. Drew opens his mouth to say something back when Coach Armstrong interrupts us by saying,

"Quiet down class, we have a new student today. Codii will you introduce yourself?" He says and looks straight back at me, causing other people to look back at me, too.

"No." I said quickly and then slouched down in my chair.

"Codii, now say something about yourself." He demands.

I groan and say, "I'm Codii, happy?"

Coach Armstrong groans and gets on with our math lecture. Apparently he thought everyone was listening because he kept on talking, but I don't think anyone was.

All of a sudden I had about eight people around me asking me questions, like "Where'd you come from?" "Why'd you come here?" "When is your birthday?" "Are you going to try out for next years power squad?" "What sports do you play?" and most common, "Are you single?" I found myself answering all the questions until the next class…

As soon as I walked into the next class which was with Miss Oh I collided with yet another guy landing on top of him in a sort of straddling position. It was the same mysterious guy from math.

"Hi," I said in a laughing tone.

"Hi….." He groaned in pain, "Can you get your knee off my-?" He said and I jumped up quickly.

"Sorry…." I said and grabbed a seat in class; there was a foreign girl and a Caucasian girl talking in the seats in front of me, and every few seconds I'd hear "that new girl," or "Who is that?" or "She was straddling my boyfriend!"

I leaned over my desk and tapped her on the shoulder, "Um, you said something about me?"

"Hi Codii, my names Alli," the foreign girl, Alli, said.

"I'm Clare, and that guy you fell on was Eli, he's my boyfriend." Clare said.

"Awesome… I guess…." I said and Alli laughed… Why did she laugh? It wasn't suppose to be funny? Oh well…..

By lunch time I had heard about four rumors about me:

-I left because I pushed a teacher down a flight of stairs.

-I came here because I was a prostitute and I ran out of customers back in whatever town I came from.

-My dad is an FBI agent

And by far the craziest

-I'm a witch.

At lunch I sat with Clare and Alli which basically forced me to sit with Eli and Adam.

Adam was actually quite funny even though he looked like this girl I knew back in my old school. Eli…. He's funny, but he's also a dick sometimes.

The rest of the day went by okay… that is… until home room. My god I hate that teacher. She gave me Saturday detention on the first day. Why? Because I was talking while she was teaching…. I mean that is SO bad, and I am SUCH a rebel. My god….

By time I got home to my adoptive family and had to hand them my slip…. I was grounded…. What a day… Maybe tomorrow will be better….. Wait never mind….. Tomorrow is Saturday Detention….. I internally groaned…..