Blood Moon Alice and Jasper's P.O.V

Chapter 1: Bad Feelings. Jasper's POV

I wondered further into the forest at the back of our house, Emmett had finally let go of me and told me to go hunt, but right now I didn't feel like it I was to busy thinking about what damage I had done.

I attacked my Brother's soul mate, my wife's best friend and my future sister in law.

Why did I have to do it, why couldn't I have just controlled my stupid thirst?

Today has shown that I can never stay in this life; all I ever want to do is feed on human blood,

How on earth can I make Alice happy when inside I want to slaughter the town?

Bella didn't do anything bad today and I almost killed her, now everyone is going to hate me,

She is everything to Edward and now he's mad at me I felt it, sometimes I wish life was easier for me then maybe I would fit in with the others.

I stopped in the Lavender field Alice and I go to everyday, laying down hiding myself under them,

I heard footsteps and decided to ignore them and kept low and closed my eyes.

"Jazz everything is going to be ok." I didn't respond I just kept my eyes shut. "Jazy look at me, Bella is going to be fine it's all going to be ok."

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. "How do you know that she's fine, I tried to kill her, I've made an enemy of Edward and I bet you're mad at me to for nearly killing your best friend?"

She sighed and sat next to me placing her soft face on my now uncovered arm.

"I love you no matter what, I know that it's going to be difficult for you I get that but we need to get through this together and if you keep pushing me away like you are it's not going to happen."

"I guess you're right, I love you to, but you deserve more than just a broken down southern soldier who has no meaning for lifeā€¦" she covered my mouth.

"Don't say that, it gets me upset when you say thing about yourself like that. I care about you and only you if we have to go somewhere on our own for a bit while you get use to our life style then we will. But it's up to you what we do."

"Alice what do you see in me, that keeps you here wanting to help me out I just don't get why me of all those other vampires out there." I looked into her deep golden eyes and smiled.

"You're my true love I noticed that when I first set my eyes on you in the vision of you when I woke in the Asylum, still don't know why I was there but that's not the point. I need you more than anybody in my whole life and I know that you need me." She smiled and leaned in towards me kissing my lips gently.

As she left my lips I fell to the floor, she lay on top of me and we both hid in with the lavender.

We could hear footsteps coming towards us from the direction of the house.

"You two I know that you're here I can hear your thoughts, please come out I need to speak with you." This was it judgement time. Was Edward really going to forgive me or does he never want to see my face again.

We sat up slowly, while he paced over to us with his head facing the floor.

"I know I'm a bad brother and I get it if you never want to be near me again." I shouted.

Edward butted in quickly before I started ranting. "Jasper please let me speak; I want you to leave Forks now."

"What! No! You can't do this, I won't let you!" Alice shouted right in his face.

"I want all of you to leave Forks, including myself as far away from Bella as possible. No more supernatural just a normal human life." He added.

"No! She's my best friend I'm not leaving without a goodbye." Alice shouted.

"I will say goodbye for you, just get away from Folks please." He started pleading and Alice soon gave in and sat back with me.

"You shouldn't feel like you have to leave, I was the one that attacked her I should leave!" I added.

"No Jasper, she needs all vampires out of her life for good." Edward looked towards me; Hatred filled his stone white face.

"You hate me don't you Edward?" I asked.

"No! Don't be stupid!" He answered. "How could I hate you, you're my brother."

"Don't lie to me Edward! I can feel all your hatred building up inside, you want me to feel the pain Bella just felt, don't you!" I shouted now looking into his pained eyes.

"Yes I do! Happy now you got your confession?" He shouted.

"Do it then! Go on hit me; I deserve it go on, for Bella." I pushed him to make him feel angrier.

He pushed me back and grabbed my keck. Alice started screaming and shouting.

"Edward stop, Please please don't please, Edward let go please." She screamed.

"Go on Edward be a man snap it." I egged him on.

"Jazy please, you did nothing wrong, Jazy stop encouraging him!" She shouted.

"Go on then big boy!" I didn't care what he did just as long as Edward got rid of his anger on me and no one else.

He went to twist his hands and snap my neck, But he was to slow Alice slapped him in the face making him drop me and hold his cheek in pain.

"What do you think you are doing, he deserves to be punished for what he has done!" Edward yelled in her face.

"No you know that he can't control it as good as us lot he's new to our diet, leave him alone." She shouted.

He turned to walk towards me in attack and she jumped on his back, pulling at his hair. He grabbed her leg and threw her to the ground. Shocked she held her now broken leg.

"What did she do to you it's me you want not her, leave her out of this." I started growling, no one hurts my wife especially my scrawny little brother.

Footsteps came from the house as I grabbed Edward's head in a lock.

"Jasper let go of him, this isn't going to help anybody." A voice yelled from the trees.

"Sorry Carlisle but he hurt Alice I just got mad." I answered with sadness building up inside because I didn't get to finish him off.

"Are you alright Alice?" Carlisle asked while helping her up.

"Yah just twisted my leg, its fine now." She answered with a smile while limping over towards me.

"Now what's going on with you two?" He asked, while eyeing up both of us.

"Nothing Carlisle, really it's nothing." Edward answered.

"Lies, you wanted to rip my head off for hurting Bella and Alice tried to stop you so you threw her off you and injured her, like I said it's me you want not her." I shouted in his face now being really upset and pulled Alice in a tight lock to my side.

"Edward I think Jasper and Alice need a bit of time alone, Bella is waiting for you to drive her home anyway, maybe it will help get things off your mind." Edward nodded and Carlisle turned back to us.

"Now Jasper there is no need for violence now is there?" He asked.

I sat back down on the grass with Alice on my knee. "No, guess not, sorry Carlisle."

"That's fine now how do you feel?" He asked.

"The truth, horrible, I hurt Bella and could have killed her if I wasn't careful, like I said years ago I don't belong in this world, I'm just a monster born to kill." I looked at Alice's now filling eyes.

"Sorry but for me it's true, what good am I if I can't even keep calm from a little paper cut."