Royai 100

Theme One- Military Personnel

A/N: Finally started typing these! =]

Disclaimer: Roy' flames are red, Riza's jacket is blue. I don't own FMA, so don't you sue.

Military Personnel, Roy Mustang mused, were a lot like chess pieces. The Fuhrer was clearly the King.

Well, under normal circumstances, anyway. In this twisted game, it was Father as King, with the other homunculi as the Queen, Knights, Bishops, and Rooks. The military higher-ups were only pawns in this real-life chess game. But, just when it seemed they would be unbeatable, Roy Mustang's rag-tag team stepped in, playing as the black pieces. They fought back, determined to win.

All was not well, however. Roy Mustang had lost his rook, his pawn, his bishop, and his knight. All he had left were the King and the Queen, and the Queen was now a hosting, stranded behind enemy lines. He was worried; even if all that meant was that she could shoot her captors in the back.

So as she stood before him now, he put this feeling into words. "Stay safe, Lieutenant. That's an order."

She stood straight as a rod and saluted. "Yes, sir."

She had never disobeyed an order, and didn't plan on starting now. She would stay safe to follow him, even into hell.

A/N: Reviews are love!