Royai 100 Themes

Theme 19 – Things One Cannot Understand

A/N: I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Did you all miss me? Of course you did. XD (Ha, I'm so funny. Everyone probably groans when they see this. :P)

Disclaimer: I'm not from Japan. Nor do I have any talent for drawing at all. So no, I do not own FMA.

Things One Cannot Understand

Roy Mustang could not, for the life of him, understand why Riza Hawkeye continued to follow him after all he'd done. He had done nothing to deserve her complete and utter devotion. He loved her, but that was something that went unspoken, and he had done so many horrible things to her.

He had abandoned her twice, once with and once without her father.

He had treated her as an inkpad, monotonously taking the secrets her back had to offer.

He had then betrayed her trust, using the secrets to murder innocents.

He had given her a daunting task, asking her to shoot him in the back should he stray from the path.

He had put her in danger countless times, allowing her to risk her life for his.

He had lost her, had been worthless when she was taken by Bradley.

He had broken her, driven her to the brink of suicide.

He had been inadequate, forced to watch as she nearly bled to death in front of his eyes.

But yet she still followed him. He couldn't understand why, but he knew that was all he'd ever need.

A/N: Feedback, por favor? (That's Spanish for please, and is the only time you will ever hear me say that word. Tell me what you thought. Angsting!Roy wants to know.)