A/N: Yo! Ducky here! This is my first fanfiction for naruto...my others have been in my document file for more than a year no...-.-u . RnR ur flames will be used to make smores! ^^ All characters of naruto belong to the creator of Naruto. The song Natsuhiboshi is by its creator...uuhhh forgot the name...as did i forget narutos creators name...-.-u...uhh All rights go to them. Now to stop my babbling...*audience glares* EEK! GOMEN!


Chapter 1 - First Meeting with Iruka

A little Iruka was currently crying and walking in the village streets. He was crying because it was only a year since his parents died. Due to protecting the village. He then noticed a mob of people in one tiny alleyway. It seemed like they where doing something. Iruka stood there. Staring till the mob dissipated.

Iruka walked to the alleyway, tears still in his eyes. He spotted a baby...one year old it seemed. Iruka stared at the little ball of a human. The baby's eyes where a startling blue. Like two sapphires. On top of those eyes where blonde hair. It struck him then. That this baby...was the demon. The demon that killed his parents.

He noticed that when he remembered a conversation two ladies where having. 'The demon' she spat 'has blues eyes and blonde hair.'

Iruka found a stray kunai and picked it up. He walked to the blonde baby, kunai in hand. He was ready to stab the poor child but stopped.

The baby's eyes stared at him. He stared back, into them. Those twin sapphire eyes held pain, fear, and innocence. He continued to stare into them.

Iruka dropped the kunai and slowly and carefully picked up the baby. The baby flinched by the contact. Iruka held the baby in his arms. He felt the baby shaking slightly in fear. He looked around and he found a baby blue blanket. He grabbed it and looked around. No one was watching him. He thought a moment as he threw the bloody blanket over his shoulder. He walked into the alleyway and walked to his house. He didn't want to risk getting hurt for carrying the 'demon'. Eventually he made it safely to his home.

His home was big but not as big as the Hyuugas or as the Uchihas. It head a least five rooms...plus a basement and the works.

He opened the door with a struggle. Once inside he sat the now asleep baby on the couch. He went over to his restroom and turned on the water to the bathtub. He walked to the washroom and dropped the blanket in the washer.

Then he made his way to the baby. He picked it up and set it on his left hip. He turned the water off and set the baby into the water. Just like that the baby woke up. Startled. It was then squirming in Iruka's hands. Iruka slowly calmed the baby down. He sung a song his mom sang to him about a child with a burden the child did not want...

Natsuhiboshi naze akai?
Yuube kanashii yume wo miita
Naite hanashita
Akai me yo

Natsuhiboshi naze mayou
Kieta warashi wo sagashiteru
Dakara kanashii yume wo miru

It calmed the baby. He was glad. It then struck Iruka that he didn't know the gender of the baby. A soft sigh escaped his lips. As he thought about the baby's gender, he slowly took off the torn clothes being careful not to hurt the already hurt baby. Iruka stared at the baby. The ribs where visible. He grimaced. The baby looked so fragile now. He continued to undress the babe. What he saw disgusted him. There before him was a very, very old and very, very used diaper.

'When was that last time they changed her..him..' Iruka thought.

It was now the moment of truth... He prayed in his mind that it was a girl and not a boy. His prayer was answered. It was a girl. He was glad. He gently and softly cleaned that her. Once she was clean released some of the water down the drain. He left enough for her not to drown. He quickly went to parents room. When he entered his heart ached painfully. Tears threatening to escape. He thought a moment. He remembered some diapers his mom had stored for some odd reason. He grabbed one and then he looked into his baby stuff. He found a shirt that would-hopefully-fit her. He then heard the baby cry. Iruka rushed toward the bathroom. She was leaning on the side of the tub. Her blue eyes filled with fear. She thought he left her. Small tears escaped her pretty blue eyes.

"Its okay. I wont leave you. I promise." Iruka whispered into her blond tufts.

He gently nuzzled her head with his nose. A giggle escaped her mouth. Iruka smiled. He took her out of the tub and dried her off. He had some trouble putting on the diaper on her. Iruka flinched when he noticed it was a bit to big on her. That was the one of the smallest diapers his mother owned.

'Ah well' he thought.

He slipped the shirt he had grabbed and put it on her. Iruka frowned it was big on her too. He took notice of the shirt. The shirt went down to her legs, mid shin. The shirt itself was white with a little red-orange fox. He noticed the hood hanging on her back. He raised it up and placed it on her head. The hood had two little red-orange ears sticking out. He looked at the ears then at her.

'Ironic, ne?' Iruka mused.

He picked her up and dressed her almost healed wounds. A yawn escaped Iruka's mouth. A tiny yawn that imitated Iruka's came from the babe. Said person looked down at the babe. Her tiny hand's rubbed her eyes. She looked up at him. She snuggled up into Iruka's chest. Her tiny had clenched his shirt.

"Time for bed, ne?" Iruka asked.

She looked up at him.

"I take that as a yes" he responded.

He walked to his room and set down the babe on his bed. He changed into his night time clothes. The covers were pulled up and he gently grabbed the babe and set her down next to him on an extra pillow.

"Night...uuhh...wish I could ask you your name but you cant talk. Hehe." Iruka stated.

The babe's drowsy eyes stared back at him. He sigh. He stayed awake till the babe fell asleep. Once she fell asleep he went to sleep to. As he feel asleep, two eyes one dark gray and one red eye stared at them.

~Next Morning, Un!~

Iruka woke up, curled around the sleeping babe. He wondered how the babe got there. The last nights memories came back. He got up quietly to not disturb the sleeping babe. He did his chores. He threw his dirty clothes in with the bloody blanket in the washer. Cleaned the bathroom from the blood residue. Washed the dishes. Once he did all that he heard a little whine coming from his room. He walked to his room. There she was. Sitting on the pillow. Eyes held unshed tears.

"Shhh...its okay. I wont leave you. I promised you that. Did I not." he questioned.

The babe seemed to say a 'yes' with her eyes.

"Now lets get something to eat." he exclaimed.

The babe's eyes sparkled at the mention of 'eat' which meant...food! Iruka chuckled. He picked her up and they started the day.

A/N: Sooo *scraches back of head* is it okay...if so review plz! PLZ! uuhhh...if i can i will try and post up what little Naru-chan looks like in the shirt ^^...n Iruka to in his pajamas...hehe!