Third Ending

The next day at school Stan was not in his first two classes. Kyle and Wendy noticed this and even exchanged worried expressions. By lunch the two verbally discussed it but took no other actions.

Halfway into lunch Kenny saw Stan enter the cafeteria and got Kyle's attention. Bebe did the same with Wendy at their table. Stan looked tired but confident at the same time. He went over to Kyle and asked to speak with him privately. Kyle's heart skipped a beat but before they could leave the cafeteria Stan asked Wendy to join them as well.

They entered the hallway and both Wendy and Kyle stood next to each other eyeing Stan nervously.

"I was late because I was up half the night thinking. You both need to know that you each make me very happy and I am so glad you care about me so much," Stan began.

Kyle and Wendy remained silent and anxiously waited for Stan to continue. "I know you both really care about me but I think I want to stay single for awhile. Kyle and Wendy looked shocked but remained silent wanting an explanation.

"Come on guys we're ten years old. I used to think those who didn't date were dorks but now I understand it. A relationship is a lot of work and right now I want to enjoy being a kid."

After a moment of silence Wendy said, "Yeah that makes sense, it is a lot of stress"

"Besides we'll always all still be friends right?" Kyle asked hopefully.

Stan rolled his eyes, "Dude! Of course! Why even ask?"

The three fourth graders smiled at each other and then returned to lunch.

The three did not date much over the years but they were all fine with that. They knew the best things in life come to those who wait. Their theory paid off because in college they each found the love of their life.