DISCLAIMER: I don't own any vocaloid characters.

-So What?-

It started with one word. What started?, you ask. What started is my annoyance, that's what started. What word is that? How did it make you annoyed? Well, you'll just have to read to find out.

"Hey Rin, you know that new CD is coming out right?" That's all I asked, that one simple question. Heh, who would've thought? That one question led to something that annoyed me, Len Kagamine, to no end.

"So?" asked Rin, my twin sister, with her innocent blue eyes, soft blond hair, and a smile that could send my heart racing a hundred miles a minute. Who would've thought? The angel was really a devil.

"I thought you liked that band." I said.

"So?" was her reply.

"I thought you might want their CD." I replied.

"So." she replied. Ahh... I could play that game, too.

"I started liking oranges." I said.

"So?" she asked.

"I watch BAD anime when you're asleep." I said, that should throw her off.

"So?" she asked again, annoying me more.

"I used your toothbrush to clean my teeth this morning." I said.

"So." she said. So? So? So? I wish she'd just answer.

"I love you." I said. I said it on a whim but it's true. I love her. I love her more than I should. More than any brother should.

"So?" she asked.

"I love you in a romantic way." I said. I really wished she would just answer me, because there I was, saying things I thought I would never say, hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.

"So?" she asked.


"Because I wanted to wait until you stopped talking to kiss you." she said. Before I could even reply, her lips were on mine. She stopped about five minutes later.

"We shouldn't continue." I said, trying to be reasonable even though I wanted much ,much more.

"But I thought you loved me, onii-chan?" She said with innocent eyes and a devil's grin. Well, I tried didn't I? We continued kissing.






