Gilbert was finding life increasingly hard to deal with. He had nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no one to go there with. Really, his friends kept him around because they occasionally found him amusing, but the minute he tried to say anything seriously he was ignored or even mocked. Finally, he'd stopped trying, and just pasted on a grin whenever he saw them. He'd started avoiding going out.

Ludwig would nag him about hanging out at the house too much. "Don't you want to do something with your life? Shouldn't you at least try and get a job?" was the endless refrain. Gilbert started to avoid leaving his room unless absolutely necessary. He'd tried to tell Ludwig that he was afraid to try and get another job. He'd tried several times to get and keep a job, and either quit or was fired every time. He just couldn't figure out how to give his boss what they wanted, especially when all they seemed to want was to humiliate him everyday. Apparently, they got some kind of thrill out of controlling him through their endless criticism and threats. He'd tried to explain to Ludwig that bosses just had it out for him, and his brother had just looked at him with such withering disgust. It hurt…like a knife in the heart. So, that's how it had come to this: lying in bed, trying to distract himself from the painful memories and the intrusive negative thoughts that urged him to just end it all.

What was stopping him really? He was obviously a disappointment to the only family he had, and not really needed by his so-called friends. They would likely be just the same if he wasn't there, or they might even be better off. He even had a plan: to jump off a bridge. He knew it wasn't a pleasant way to die; hitting the water would be like hitting a brick wall, but he figured that it would get the job done. If the fall didn't kill him, then he would likely drown.

He had considered other methods, but had decided he didn't want Ludwig to be the person to find his body. That would be too cruel. No, it would be better if professionals were the ones to find him. They were used to it, and they would tell Ludwig and make sure he got the note.

He didn't really want to go through with his plan. But, he just couldn't take the feeling of doom hanging over him. He couldn't take the feeling of powerlessness when he couldn't make others understand why he did what he did, the things that made them angry and disgusted with him, or put them off so that they ignored him.

He'd always had trouble dealing with people but had never really understood the reason why. They just seemed to hate him for the most part, so he hated them back. The only person he'd ever stuck his neck out for was his little brother Ludwig, and look how that turned out. Now he was just a burden to his little brother, and everything he did seemed to annoy him to no end.

Gilbert parked his car by the side of the road then walked quickly across the bridge. It wasn't very busy that day; hardly any traffic at all. He guessed no one had anywhere to go on an overcast Monday morning. He threw his leg over the railing and climbed to the other side. Then he made his first mistake; he looked down. Suddenly, he couldn't move; he was petrified with fear, his breath shallow and rapid like a frightened rabbit.

The water looked so far away. Every gust of wind made him clench the railing. He felt the urge to piss he was so nervous. He took some deep breaths, looked up at the sky and knew without a doubt that there was no benevolent God looking down on him wishing for him to live. Was there anyone wishing for him to live? Even he himself didn't want to live. What more proof did he need that he simply shouldn't be alive? He wasn't even any good to the only person he really loved anymore. This fear must not be the result of doubt about his decision, it must just be instinct that he knew he had the will to overcome. He let go of the railing…

"Wait! Gilbert!" A woman's voice was calling him. He grabbed the railing and turned to look. It was a pretty girl with shoulder length blonde hair and violet blue eyes. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" He asked when she came closer. He felt a calm curiosity. This might me the last person he spoke to in his life. He might as well try and get something out of it.

"I'm Madeline. I guess you don't remember me, but that's okay. No one remembers me. I'm too shy."

She said in such a soft melodious voice. She was beautiful he thought. How could he have forgotten her?

"I went to school with you. You were in band and I was in orchestra so we only ever met when we played together for musicals and symphony. I remembered how much I admired you for playing the flute so well even though the other boys made fun of you for it." She spoke quickly, her eyes pleading with him for…something. "I…I had a crush on you but I was too shy to speak to you. I played the cello, not very well, I was a second cello. I felt like I could never as good as you…please, I really want to talk to you some more. Please, come with me, and give me a chance. I…please, don't jump…" She reached tentatively for his hand, and grabbed his wrist. "Please, come to the other side…" She was begging him with tears in her eyes. God, she was beautiful, she wanted him to live a little longer. She was lonely too, and wanted to speak with him.

He climbed carefully back over the railing and went with her to her car. He fell exhausted into the seat and automatically buckled his seatbelt. He sighed and closed his eyes, feeling so tired.

"Do you need to go lie down?" She asked him. He nodded wearily and let her drive him wherever she wanted.

He woke up from dozing when the car stopped and Madeline turned off the engine. They were in a driveway in front of a house. He turned to her silently. "This is my house." She said softly then got out and opened his door for him. He smiled faintly at the reversal of roles. "Thanks." He stretched a little then followed her into her house.

It was a palace. Or at least, by his standards it seemed like one. The high ceilings, enormous living room and kitchen, glamorous staircase, everything seemed so fancy and expensive. It was a bit overwhelming for a guy that lived with his brother in the same tiny one story house they'd grown up in.

She hesitated once they were inside. Was she scared of him? She was alone with a virtual stranger who obviously wasn't in his right mind. He sighed again, wandered over to a chaise lounge and lay down. She followed hesitantly then hovered near him. "Um…do you need anything? Something to eat or drink?" She was practically whispering. He shook his head and threw his arm over his eyes blocking out the light. "I'm just tired." he mumbled and drifted off.

Madeline went to her bedroom and picked up the phone. Maybe she should tell her brother what had happened. Someone should know…just in case. He picked up right away. "Hello?"

"Hi, Alfred. Something interesting happened while I was driving home today."

"Oh yeah? What?"

"Well, there was this guy about to jump off the bridge. And traffic had slowed down, so I got a good look at him."

"Yeah, so did the cops talk him down?"

"No, actually I recognized him."

"What? Really? Who was it?"

"Someone from high school, he was in band, you wouldn't know him."

"Oh, so what happened."

"Um, well, I kinda had to stop, you know. There weren't any police yet, so I pulled over and talked to him."

"Whoa, so did he come down?"


"Oh my god, you're like, a hero Maddie!"

"Yeah, I guess so, but he seemed like he needed someone to look after him, so…I brought him home."

"What? Why would you do that? He might be high or crazy and dangerous! What were you think-"

"Alfred, just shut up for a minute! I couldn't leave him there, so just, I called you to let you know…but don't freak out okay? Just-"

"Nu-uh! I'm coming over there right now. You don't know anything about this guy, he might decide he wants to take you with him. He might be a rapist or something, you don't know!"

"Alfred, just-I'm hanging up now. I gotta go."

"No! Wait!"

Madeline hung up on him and sighed. He was so overprotective.

Gilbert woke up to the smell of pancakes. He wandered over to the kitchen and peeked inside. Madeline was just scooping the last pancake out of the pan.

"Hey." he said softly.

She turned to look at him, and smiled sweetly, beckoning him closer. He went toward her slowly like a timid animal, with a nervous grin on his pale face.

"Sit down." she gestured to the table, and turned back to the pancakes, putting butter and syrup on them.

Gilbert sat down, and watched her. She certainly had a nice body, petite with gentle curves, and such a pretty little ass. Those jeans were skin tight, showing it off. He couldn't help but imagine coming up behind her and sliding his hand between her thighs, traveling upward until his palm cupped her buttocks, his slender middle finger tapping the thick denim seam that lay just over the split of her pussy.

She turned, eyes fixed on the precarious stack of pancakes, carefully making her way to the table.

Gilbert took advantage of her distraction to look at her face. Such a pretty mouth, cupid's bow lips, so delicate and pink. He imagined what they would feel like, silky soft, kissing him everywhere.

When she set the plates down, he smiled at her nervously, shifting in his seat. Why was he thinking like this about her when she was being so nice to him? It must be just a reaction from being close to death, he thought. They ate in a sort of awkward silence, shooting each other embarrassed smiles, until the front door slammed open.

"Madeline! Where are you!" A loud man's voice yelled angrily. Gilbert immediately stood up, ready to… do what? He didn't know, but he knew he would deal with whatever happened.

A tall blond man entered the room, it was obvious from the striking resemblance who he was.

"Hi! I'm Alfred, Maddie's big brother!" Alfred practically yelled at him, shoving his way between the two of them and holding his hand out for a handshake. Gilbert automatically took his hand, and instantly regretted it. Alfred was practically shaking his arm off while holding him as firmly as a steel trap. Alfred then grabbed him by the arm and started physically pushing him toward the door. All the while, talking loudly with false cheer. "You know Maddie's quite a gal, isn't she? I can't believe the wonderful, kind things she does all the time. She's quite the Good Samaritan, don't you think? But, of course, I worry about her, that someday her soft-hearted nature will get taken advantage of. We wouldn't want that to happen now would we? Anyway, it was nice meeting you, and I hope everything works out for you. See you around, pal." He then literally shoved Gilbert out the door then locked it behind him. Gilbert stood there for a moment, Maddie's soft protests and her brother's smarmy tone still echoing in his ears. Finally, he realized no one was coming for him, so he walked down the street. Then he realized he had no idea where he was. He sighed, and reluctantly pulled out his cell phone.

"Ludwig?" "Yeah, I know I shouldn't call you at work, but it's kinda important." "Well, I…I'm lost." "Yes, I know I'm not a child. It's just…it's a long story." "No, I haven't been drinking. Look, I'm okay, I just don't know where I am." "Um, the nearest intersection…uh, just a minute…it's Hughes St. and Laurel Ave." "Those directions aren't much good to me right now." "Because I don't have my car." "No, I didn't wreck it…so far as I know it's still in one piece." "It's probably been impounded by now." "…" "I'm sorry, okay, so please, just stop! I'll just wait here for you."

Gilbert hung up and sat down on the curb to wait. Ludwig said he would GPS the intersection then pick him up during his lunch break. He sounded pissed about it, but couldn't very well yell at him from his cubicle could he? Gilbert sighed, considering how he could look forward to being yelled at when Ludwig finally arrived to pick him up.

"Hey, bruderlein." Gilbert said softly, as he got into the car. He'd always called Ludwig that when he was little. Then, one day Ludwig scowled at him, and asked him to stop. He never would tell him why…

Ludwig glared at him, "Get in!" he snapped.

The second Gilbert shut the door the car took off.

"I'm skipping lunch for you I hope you know! What the hell happened that you're all the way out here? I'm going to have to break the speed limit to get back to work on time. If I get a ticket you're paying for it! And don't even think that I'll help you get your car back. If you want it back, you pay for it!" Ludwig face was turning red while he thumped the steering wheel.

Gilbert sat there and watched his younger brother yell until he ran out of steam. Finally, they got on the freeway, and he seemed to calm down a bit.

"Well, are you going to tell me what happened or not?" Ludwig glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, while casually cutting cars off then leaving the outraged drivers behind in the dust.

Gilbert sat there silently, at a loss. He mumbled, "I left it on the bridge out of town…"

"What? That's against the law you know, to park on a bridge." Ludwig took his eyes off the road for a second, actually looking at his older brother, noticing the lost look on his face. 'Was he going to…no, Gilbert never cried, not even when our parents died.'

He quickly turned his attention back to driving, and got off at the exit closest to their house. He drove up their driveway and stopped in front of their house.

"I have to go back to work. I'm going to be late." Ludwig sighed, and turned to his brother. "Go on inside. Well talk about this when I get home, okay?"

Gilbert nodded woodenly, then got out of the car. He distantly heard it take off, then he wandered into the house, and sat down on the couch.

'I didn't even get her last name. She didn't give me her phone number, and I didn't notice what her address was…' He thought despondently as he collapsed on his bed. He sighed, covering his face with his arms. Suddenly he jumped up and went to his computer. Maybe it was worth a try to look for her online.

The first place he thought to look was his high school's website. Maybe they still had some kind of yearbook photos or something.

"Well, what do you know. There's the group photo from the end of the year concert." There she was in the second cello section just like she said. "Madeline Williams." He gazed at her picture. Her smile seemed nervous and shy. It was almost as though she was hiding behind her instrument, and those dorky glasses. "Cutie, somehow I'm gonna find you again."