Not my characters! I don't own Stephanie Meyers work, but I wish I did!

Caution: Lemons in future chapters! (All vamps/werewolves)

Dancing In The Rain

Chapter 1

BPOV (Diary Entry)

It's been a while since Edward left. I can still feel the ache in my heart, wanting him to hold. But I don't need him anymore. I got over him once I realized that It could never work out between us. But I still have a sub-conscious need for him. I wish it wasn't there. It makes it harder for me to fell the need for Jacob, which I've come to want more than anything.

Jacob came to me the first day after Edward left. I told him to go away. He didn't. I begged him- I didn't want him to see me like this. He sat down and listened to me cry. He rubbed my back, and my feet, and whispered a bunch of things, and I didn't know what he was saying, but I just let it all out. He came back every day for 2 months, helping me forget, and move on.

Jacob became my life.

I'm heading to La Push today. Jacob has a "surprise" for me. I can't wait to see what it is.

"Bye, Charlie!" He was so much happier since I got better. He was scared for me, but I am okay now.

"Humemnmn" He grumbled, tossing over on the couch.

I got into my Truck; hair in a pony tail, and some old jeans. I didn't feel like I had to do anything special when it came to Jake.

He was waiting outside when I got there. Before I could step from the cab, he pulled me up into his arms, and spun around. I couldn't breath, but I enjoyed it too much to tell him.

"Bella!" He yelled, putting me down.

"Hey, Jake!" I couldn't help but smile at his presence. Just the essence of him was amazing. It made me feel at home.

"So, what did you want to show me?"

"Two things, actually," He blushed a little and looked towards his garage.

"There over there." He said, pointing in the same direction.

We took off walking through some light trees and rain, but quickly found the safety of the little red shed. His hair was dripping down his back, and his shirt sticking to his body. Not like I didn't like it…

"You really need to cut this…" I pulled up a lock of his hair. It was longer than mine.

"You want to?" He held up a pair of scissors.

"Oh My Gosh!" I grabbed the scissors. He knew how much I always wanted his mass of hair gone. I reached out and cut off a piece, near his head, about an inch or so out. I loved it already.

"Wait," He said. He pulled off his shirt.

"So it won't get in the way," He explained. I didn't believe him. I think he just wanted to show off. I liked it better this way.

About an hour later, His whole head was a nice mess of hair, short, but not too short.

"So… what's the other thing?" I had to ask. If he was going to cut my hair though…

"Here…" He pulled the blue tarp off of his "car". Or at least, that's what I use to call it. Now, it really was a car. I was so surprised. It was a faded red color, rustie in some paces. But at least now, Jacob could drive around a little more.

I squeaked, and ran my hand over the hood. "It's amazing, Jake!" I practically yelled. The rain had picked up, and was now dripping through the roof in some places.

" Hold on, I'll get a bucket," Jake said, heading out into the rain. I followed, hoping to help. Suddenly though, he turned around.

"There was something else I had to show you!" He yelled over the down pour.

Then he took my face in his hands, and kissed me.

So? What do you think? This is my first story, so tell me how I did!