Author's Note: If I could receive a super power, one of many things I wish to get is the power to be able to update everyday…or maybe the power to stop time, actually time travelling sounds good too…How about you?

Pairing(s): Sugata x Takuto, Samekh x Tauburn

Warning(s): Characters will be a bit OOC and the plot will sort of follow the original storyline but with a twist…well, many twists to be exact…but you could see a bit of hint of the original plot from the anime…If you don't mind any of this then please continue on.

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Driver!

Chapter 2-Fleeting pieces


"Hm? What is it Samekh?"

"There's something I wish to tell you. Will you meet me at our usual place?


"Then I will see you there in the evening."

"Got it!"

A gentle brush of hand against his hair, making his heart to beat faster and wilder.


"Ah, sorry about that. Well then, see you later."

A tinge of regret and a sense of emptiness as the figure of the prince, soon to be emperor walked further and further away, disappearing from his view.

"Quit staring!"

"Sorry, love. But you are so cute I can't help it."


"See? You are adorable. I wonder how far your blush has gone, hm?"

"Th-that's it! I…I am never letting you have s…s…se…"

"Sex? I am hurt. I would rather say making love. Not to mention if I were to correctly recall, it was you begging me to go faster and harder, while crying-"


"Only for you, my love."

The tender embrace and the warmth radiating from the other gave him a sense of peace and security. He wished he could stay like this forever…with the person he loves the most in this world, Samekh.



Pain. Searing pain from the now bleeding wound. But even more so the pain…the pain of seeing the other's tears and look of anguish…if only he could move…if only he could open his eyes…

Abruptly, two orbs of ruby opened and were closed once again trying to hide from the glaring sunlight beaming through the billowing curtains. Slowly, a figure that of a teenage boy, sat up and placed a hand on his chest right against the rapidly beating heart. Sweat matted the fiery hair against the forehead and being deep in thought he almost missed the sound of the door opening and the appearance of a girl with short black hair and glasses wearing a maid uniform with a headband attached with cat like ears.

"I see you are awake"

Her voice was meek and barely had any volume, but for some odd reason there was a certain tone in it, making her voice to be spread throughout the surrounding area.


"I have to inform the young master."

The boy tried to get up from the bed but got tangled by the blankets and all he could do was call out to her for he was immobilized at the moment.

"Hey! Wait!"

After the girl walked out the boy finally found his senses to look at his surroundings. He was currently on a king sized bed with fluffy pillows and silky blankets, which he got currently tangled on. The room itself was quite the size with a beautifully crafted oak desk and chair, full length mirror encrusted in gold in a simple, yet elegant design, two cherry wood bookshelves full of books, a display cabinet with different Chinas decorating its inside, huge windows leading to a balcony covered by white, see through curtains now billowing due to the windows being slightly open….all in all it was a beautiful room.

"…Where am I?"

"I see, so you guys helped me out! Thanks!"

Soon after the girl left another girl, who had long dark blonde hair and glasses in a maid uniform and a headband attached with bunny ears came in. She helped the boy to untangle himself and guided him downstairs. He was led to a room, a dining room to be exact. The table was full of scrumptious food and there were two occupants, a blue haired boy and a girl with a short blonde hair. The maid from before, the one who left before the boy could get some answers was there as well.

The boy learned that the short blonde's name was Agemaki Wako, the blonde maid's was Yamasugata Jaguar, the black haired maid's was Sugatame Tiger and the name of the boy with blue hair was Shindo Sugata, the young master of the old and respected Shindo household. After their introduction, the boy enthusiastically introduced himself as Tsunashi Takuto. And just as Takuto was, for some odd reason felt drawn to Sugata, Sugata was equally, if not more captivated by Takuto.

After the introduction Takuto began to thank both Sugata and Wako, while Tiger and Jaguar stood silent on the sidelines.

"If you guys hadn't helped me out I would've been a goner for sure!"

"We are just glad that you are alright! Though it was Sugata-kun who did most of the work…he was the one who carried you."

"Really? Wow, thanks a bunch Sugata…I can call you that right?"

"Sure, it seems like we are similar in age."

"How about you Wako? I can call you that, right?"

"Absolutely! No need to be total strangers after all! Anyway, how did you get yourself in such state, Takuto-kun?"

"Well, I missed the ferry that I was supposed to take in the morning to come to the island and instead of waiting another day or two I decided to swim here! I guess I just exhausted myself and fainted! Good thing I did that on the shore of the island instead of in the middle of nowhere in the ocean!"

While Takuto told his tale the other occupants stared at him in shock and disbelief and were at loss with words. It was Wako who spoke up.

"You mean…you swam all the way here from the mainland?"

"Yup! I am just glad I made it in time!"

"You are lucky you are still alive! What was so important that you couldn't wait for the next ferry?"

Wako asked, no, demanded at Takuto who sat in front of her chewing on a piece of bread.

"Well, I will be attending school here and I heard that the school opening ceremony is tomorrow and I didn't want to miss it!"

"Wait…you mean, you will be attending Southern Cross High?"

"Uh-huh! I will be a first year!"

"Really? Wow, what a coincidence! Both Sugata-kun and I will be first years as well! But both Jaguar-senpai and Tiger-senpai are second years!"

"That's awesome! I can't believe I made new friends already!"

Both Takuto and Wako started talking back and forth and it was like they have been friends for years! They both had similar personalities, outgoing and friendly and soon, they were talking about the weather, their favourite foods, how they were excited for school and so on. However, their conversation was cut short as Sugata who have quietly been eating his breakfast spoke up.

"Even without swimming, you could have arrived here before tomorrow's ceremony just by taking today's morning ferry. And I think you knew about that. Am I right?"

Both Sugata and Takuto stared at each other, gold met ruby and neither of them was showing a sign of looking away. Their gaze still locked Takuto smiled before speaking.

"Hehe…you caught me! I knew about the ferry but…it wouldn't be as exciting, youthful or adventurous! I mean I came to this island to have a wonderful experience and have fun!"

Once again the other occupants were left speechless. Obliviousness to the chaos he created to the others, Takuto continued eating through the delicious meal. Only the sound of him eating could be heard throughout the now rather silent dining room.

"Man, I am glad I swam all the way here though! I mean, if I hadn't, I wouldn't have met you guys! Not to mention, I wouldn't have been able to eat all this delicious food!"

Takuto continued to eat with gusto even though both Sugata and Wako ceased from eating their meal and just stared at him along with Tiger and Jaguar, who continued to stand silent in the sidelines. But after few more minutes have passed, Wako started to plough through her food again and ate with as much, if not more gusto than Takuto. When they both found that their cups were empty, Tiger went to Takuto to pour him more apple juice while Jaguar went to Wako to pour her some orange juice.

Unbeknownst to the others, especially Takuto, the golden gaze of Sugata continued to stare at the red haired boy. For some unknown reason, Sugata couldn't help but feel some sort of an unnatural pull toward the rather strange, albeit beautiful boy. Whatever it was, he was going to find out the reason. And if this new boy happens to be trouble he needs to find a way to protect both the island and Wako from whatever future events that might happen with the arrival of the boy. Sugata couldn't help but find it suspicious that despite knowing about the ferry, the boy, no, Tsunashi Takuto had decided to swim all the way despite the risk. One thing for sure, Sugata needed to keep an eye on him.

Finally, it's over…That was some dream that Takuto was having, huh?

I hope I can update the next chapter faster...until next time!