Little different then I usually do, all thought no dialogue. Just Clarrise's thoughts on the Percy Jackson series. I might later (after all the books) do one on the Hereos of Olympus series. Anyhow, this update is my birthday present to myself, which I told myself I would complete and post before 8:05 am because that is technically my birthday. So... Enjoy, I suppose.

Book One

That punk.

Prissy thinks he can douse me—Me!—in toilet water and GET AWAY WITH IT? And then he thinks he can BREAK my ELECTRIC SPEAR and BEAT ME at capture the flag and GET AWAY WITH IT?

Uh-uh. Never gonna happen. Not in this lifetime.

I don't care who his daddy is! If he thinks he can hide behind his mighty barnacle beard father it just makes him a wimp.

Oh, and he gets to go on a quest with the ever heroic Goatboy and ever so wonderful Princess Annabeth. He'll get creamed.

It's too bad the punk's a son of Poseidon, cause Ares is backing him up. I don't distrust my dad's judgment, you'd have to be stupid to do that, I just think he ought to consider what backing Poseidon means. (It means we have to support that stupid Prissy.)

And then! Oh, AND THEN he decides to challenge Ares to a duel. What nerve! What gall! What disrespect! To even consider that he could survive. And then, he thinks he can just BEAT Ares? No way. It's gonna take more than that.

Book Two

He thinks he can steal my glory? That attention seeking Prissy… I would cream him I could. I don't mean that I couldn't, just that I'm not allowed to. Yeah. Cause between me and Prissy, I would win. No contest. ….Right? RIGHT! Am I a daughter of Ares or aren't I? What's wrong with me?

And then, he needs my help to kill that nasty little hydra. And he thinks he can tell me how to order my SHIP? No. I go on no word but my own (and my dad's, of course, but c'mon—I'd be stupid not to). I'm gonna kill that stupid son of Poseidon.

And then he RESCUES ME? I'm no damsel in distress. Even if I did kinda need help. But I would've been fine without it. Right? Right! I mean… I would've been fine. Yeah.

But, then… He hears my prophecy. He tells me to take the golden fleece and complete my quest. He tells me to save Camp Half Blood. He trusts me. No one's ever really trusted me before. It makes me feel… responsible. Like I can do. Like I have to. Not that he controls me, of course. No one controls me. I'm completely independent. But, I still have to say…

It was nice.

Book Three

I wonder what Prissy is up to. I mean, he disappears the same day they leave for a quest he desperately wanted to go on? Not too hard to piece together. So, Prince Prissy thinks he can ride in on that Pegasus that also "coincidently" disappeared to save his precious Princess from the bad guys.

Why does that guy always have to play the hero?

Shouldn't he just GET OVER HIMSELF? And her. The way her follows her around like some sort of lovesick puppy is just disgusting….And a little sweet—But ONLY a little. Sure, he CARES about her, but, really, I mean, he's not all that great. She could do better. Not as good as ME, obviously, but… No, they should be together. They should. You know, cause they're both wimps. Right. Actually, they're pretty good fighters. But only in my head. If ANYONE knew anything about my thoughts…..

I'd have to skewer them.

When they returned, victorious, campers were ecstatic. Who would've thought the camp was so worried about Prissy and Princess? They had lost both the hunters. Watching them, Annabeth seemed solemn, as if resigned to the fact that death happens. But then again, she's the one who's safe. Percy appeared distressed over the death (not that I blame him) but mostly just relieved that Annabeth is here and alive. Judging by her response, she's happy that he went to all this trouble for her, but they blush too much to even talk to each other.

The two of them are sickening. Sickening. I swear, I'm gonna run both of them through with my spear if they don't just make out already.

Book Four

My mission left me shaking, and Chris… I thought he'd died. And now he's here. He keeps calling me Mary. Who's Mary? I wonder, and pray it's not a girlfriend. I used to kind of like Chris before he disappeared, and those feelings are, much to my dismay, returning. This is a war now. Not a time for silly childhood crushes. It's time to fight.

But that doesn't stop me from sitting with him, listening to his ramblings, trying to snap him out of it.

Annabeth got a quest. I walked out halfway through the meeting, but I knew that much. I didn't know what to think. I know she's always wanted to lead a quest, instead of just being on one. But this… I don't like the idea of her facing the guy who created that awful horrible despicable evil treacherous tortuous maze with madness and monsters and death lurking around every corner. No one deserves that. Little Princess may be stronger than I thought, but there's no way. And then she'd asked me to come along.

I'm not sure how I felt about that. At first, I was kind of flattered. Prissy would be asked, of course, but I assumed the third would be Grover the Goatboy or Tyson, Prissy's Cyclops brother.


She'd asked me.

Maybe I was mad that she wanted me to go back down there.

But that wasn't fair, she didn't really understand what it was like, she's never been.

I don't know. I'm confused. It's not good for a daughter of Ares to be thinking so much.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm going mad alongside Chris.

And then I blink into the sunlight, and remember there's a world out here that I have to fight for. Sorry, Chris. But I have slightly bigger problems.

Book Five

I'm upset.

Is it obvious?

Silena is in shambles.

Beckendorf is dead.

The camp is in disarray.

I can't take this anymore.

It's not that I won't fight, it's that I can't.

I can't lead my cabin into this. Not when I feel this way.

I don't know how Prissy does it.

He's told he has to die, that he's going to die.

He says, "Okay. We can't worry about that right now."

I'm envious of his courage.

I don't know how Princess does it.

She likes, maybe even loves, him.

And yet she can sit there and be told he'll die in a week.

I've envious of her strength.

Because I can't take it. This is too much. I need to breathe.

The war, the fighting.

I should love it.

But I don't.

And when he asked, I want so badly to be able to say yes.

To say yes and fight and be a hero like the rest of them.

But I can't.

I say no.

He's right, this disagreement between Ares and Apollo is stupid.

But it's a good excuse, and that's all I need.

I'll protect camp.

But, I'll admit it. I've grown fond of Prissy.

I mean, not like that, I have a boyfriend.

But he's a pretty good friend. A good leader.

He doesn't say I have to fight. He asks me to.

But I can't be there under his command knowing that he won't make it out of this war.

I can't watch Annabeth break down over his cold dead body.

I just can't take anymore.

Silena comes to ask.

I say no, because I'm still scared.

So she goes. She takes my cabin. They want to go, they want to be heroes, too.

I've held them back. She's a hero.

I avenge her.

Just like that, I'm in this. I'll try to keep Prissy from dying, and his Princess, too.

If I can.

But I'll try.

Because sometimes, even if I'm stubborn, I change my mind.

Virutal Cupcakes to all! With Raspberries on top!

Love you all!

And I love Clarrise, cause I think she's pretty cool.

Peace, Love, & Life
