Okay, I know that this took me about, oh, I don't know two or three months, but by popular demand I give you the sequel to The New Girl In The Pack, So Much More Than Just Pack. It took me a while to figure out exactly how to start it out but I think I've finally figured out a good way. It's also taken me a while because of the novel I'm writing temporarily named Between Heaven and Hell. I've just been working on it for practically three months non-stop and all the research took about six weeks so I was just so eager to write and completely forgot about this until now. I'm so sorry, like I can't even tell you. Enough of my babbling, you all came for a story, so you're going to get one!

Disclaimer- oh how I may wish and beg but nooooo I don't own Darkest Powers :P

Derek's POV

It's been about two months since my accidental kiss with Chloe and so far its been great. You know, other than the fact that we're just friends. After she'd calmed down I went to explain.

*Flash back*

"Chloe," I called hesitantly through her door. I wasn't sure if she would be willing to talk to me after I kissed her without her permission. Plus she was still full of raw emotions over her fathers' recent death. My stomach jumbled up in knots at the thought of her being so upset over something so horrible.

I heard her sniffle from the other side of the door and then the creek of floor boards before the door opened. She emerged whipping her eyes and running her hands through her hair in an attempt to tame the bush like look to it. Even when her hair was tangled, her eyes were blood shot, cheeks wet and pink, and her nose was red and raw, she was still the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.

"H-hey Derek, what's up," she sniffed, adding in a watery smile in an attempt to seem like nothing was wrong. The knots in my stomach wound tighter.

"I just wanted to talk to you, see if you were okay," I answered nervously, suddenly unsure of whether I should be there or not. I felt like I was intruding by how I was just standing there outside her room while she stood in the doorway.

She bit her lip and nodded. "Yeah, I'm f-fine."

I nodded and stuffed my hands in my jean pockets. "Good, that's good."

It seemed like forever that I was just standing there looking at anything but her and shuffling awkwardly before understanding dawned on her face and she backed out the doorway motioning for me to come in. I smiled nervously and made my way into the room.

Chloe shut the door behind me and leaned against it with her arms crossed over her chest, staring down at the floor. Meanwhile I stood in the middle of the room feeling like a complete idiot. After a while I got up enough courage to talk to her what I really came up here for.

"Look, Chloe," I started. At the mention of her name she looked up from the floor to meet my emerald eyes with her ocean blue ones. My words nearly stopped in my throat at the look of sorrow in her eyes. Why was it that every time I see her she always seems so broken? "I… I wanted to talk to you about what happened in the living room-"

"-y-you mean the k-kiss?" she clarified.

I cleared my throat and shifted uneasily, some of the courage I'd mustered up escaping me. "Uh yeah, about the… kiss. I-I just wanted to apologize. It was a mistake. I was just really happy to s-see you after so many years and kind of lost control. I didn't mean for it to happen."

Her eyes dimmed when I said the word 'apologize,' then went completely blank. She gave a curt nod. "You're r-right; it shouldn't have h-happened."

My chest ached. I hadn't expected her to correct me or tell me that it wasn't mistake, I'd expected her to do exactly what she'd just done; agree with me whole heartedly. That didn't make the rejection any easier to deal with.

"F-friends?" she asked, holding out her hand. It was a simple gesture, but that one simple gesture made my stomach drop.

"Yeah," I said, reaching out my hand to take her small one. It looked right, her slim, pale hand in my muscular, tan one. It shouldn't have worked, but it did.

*End of Flash Back*

Since then I'd seen her nearly every day- only because Simon was constantly inviting her over or dragging me to her house with him. Don't get me wrong, I sure as hell wanted to see her, but I wasn't the best at talking to people. I'd probably say something stupid or do something I'd regret. Simon never forced me to come, but I didn't want to leave him alone with Chloe. It wasn't that I didn't trust that Simon wouldn't be nice to her-Simon was nice to everyone- I was more worried that he would be too nice to her.

Simon was known as the ladies man in every school we'd ever been to. He still had no idea that Chloe was my mate and I wasn't about to educate him. I still wasn't about to let him steal any chance I had with her- no matter how slim.

I was currently getting dressed for our usual Friday night visit. I was pulling my baggy green sweatshirt over my head when I heard a rap on the door. Simons' familiar scent filled my nose as I made my way over to the door.

I opened it to see him dressed fancier than he usually was for our Friday night visits. He always dressed a bit nicer when we went to go see Chloe, but tonight it was a tad excessive. His spiky blond hair was perfectly messy and he was wearing a dab of cologne. He was wearing a black shirt with an alternated pattern of vertical white stripes and a vertical row of light grey dots, a pair of dark blue jeans, and black sneakers. He seemed extra cheery and was practically bouncing with excitement.

"What's up with the Mexican jumping bean imitation?" I rumbled in my low voice. I crossed my arms and leaned casually against the door frame. "Got a hot date? Again?"

He beamed up at me. "Yeah, the hottest date I've had in a while."

"Who with?" I asked, not caring in the slightest.

If possible his smile grew. "Chloe."

Ohhh, burn on Derek! Okay, I hope that was good enough for all of you. Please review.