disclaimer: i do not own darkest powers :(

Chapter 1

It was morning. It had taken longer to get to the safe house then we thought it would. We had all slept in the truck, except for Andrew. I could see that he was exusted, but he was determind to get the the safe house as quickly as he could.

I was sitting in the far backseat with Tori, who was at the moment, snoring very loudly with her face pressed against the window. Simon and Derek had occupied the middle seats, Simon drawing while listening to his iPod, and Derek just staring blankly out at the forest the enveloped us.

I could see his reflection in the window, mouth set in his usual frown, startling green eyes looking lost and sullen. I was worried about him. When Andrew had first found us in the woods behind his house, his wasn't expecting to see Derek so... grown up. He had tried to recognize the boy he used to know, but he couldn't see it. All he saw was a predator, not Derek. And that upset Derek, and made me mad. Derek is most definatly not a monster.

I was so lost in my thoughts, that I forgot I was staring at him, and now, he too, was staring back through the window reflection. He looked confused for a second, then he frowned as if trying to figure something out, then he relaxed, looking back at me with so much softness and gentleness in those stunning eyes. Huh. What is up with him? This is so un-Derek-like, maybe I should be scared...

"Finally, we're here," sighed a tiresome Andrew. I reluctantly looked away from Derek to the biggest house I'd ever seen. The thing was... it didn't look like a house, it looked like a mini college dorm, big enough for about appox. 25 people. Weird but cool, I thought.

Andrew killed the engine and got out, we all did the same, but not as easily. "Outta my way dog breath, I need out now," Tori demanded, trying to crawl up and over Derek to get to the door, while swatting me in me process. "Don't call me that," Derek growled, which earned an uneasy glace from Andrew. Simon, also had something to say, "Do you mind not sticking that beast in my face, Queen Spaz?", Simon gestured at her butt. Tori turned to him, shooting daggers, "How bout you-" I cut her off raising my voice, "How about we all just shut up and one at a time get out of the effing car?". Everyone turned, shocked at my outburst. Simon looked as if I'd grown another head, Derek looked very impressed, and Tori looked unaffected, but at least I got her to shut it.

So after we had all managed to get out of the truck, Derek and Simon went to the back to unload our bags. I went go grab mine from Derek's hand, but he flung it over his shoulder along with his. "I can carry it you know, I'm not that weak," I said, giving him a look, while trying to fight a smile, but it got through. He looked down at me with that odd softness again and give the tiniest smile, "I know, but I want to," was all he said. Well then.

I stared to make my way to the door where Andrew stood knocking. I turned around to see Derek right behind me, and he smiled again. Who is this? This can't be Derek. Off to the side, I saw Simon burning holes in the back of Derek's head with the angriest look I have ever seen on him. Sheesh, what's his beef?

As soon as we made it to the door, it unlocked and opened to a tall man with black hair, warm dark brown eyes, and a fatherly smile. He had to have been in his early 30's.

"Andy! You've finally arrived," the man greeted with a shoulder slap for Andrew. "Yes Tom, we have," Andrew replied tiredly, but with a smile for his, what seemed like, an old friend. "Well come on in, breakfest is about to start," Tom said slapping Andrew one more time, then ushering all of us in.

Once inside the entryway, Tom said, "Well kids the kitchen is just down the hallway, and you can just leave your bags here, I'll take them," Tom held out his hand, and all of our bags started levitating. "Andrew, could I talk to you in my study for a second?" Tom ask, looking over at Andrew. He simply nodded and followed Tom into a different part of the house, the floating bags trailing behind. Telekinetic half-demon, I though.

"Well I'm starving so are you coming," Derek asked, poking me in the ribs with a pleading look on his face saying, "please please please I'm begging you, I need food!". I giggled and nodded and began walking with him. Once again, I saw Simon giving Derek that sleep-with-one-eye-open look. I'll have to ask him what's up later.

We had just reached the threshold of the kitchen were Derek abruptly stopped. Tori and Simon walk in without a backwards glance, but I stayed, watching Derek's nostrils flare, then his eyes widden in fear. Say what now? Derek never got scared, ever.

"What is it?", I asked quietly and calmly, lightly touching his arm. He gulped and looked down at me trying, but failing, to hide his shock. "Werewolves," he said in a hushed voice. I felt my own eyes widden in shock as I finally understood. "How many?" I whispered, as softly as possible.



Then there was a crash.

so? what do you think? if you review, i will give you your very own ghetto name, mine's nerdburger (ya i don't get it either). werid thing to say to ask for reviews but i'm just like that. so pretty pretty pretty please review! pretty please with a shirtless derek ontop?