I am so so so sorry for not updating this sooner. I had a slight case of writer's block with this chapter. This is the last chapter as I would like to focus on some of my other fanfics and I feel that this is a good way to leave the story. I would especially like to apologise to Emmy73CriminalMinds. Its your review that has pushed me to finish this. If this is a bit too lovey dovey I apologise as while I am writing this I am watching a movie called Benny and Joon.

All mistakes are my own. Enjoy and please review!

Reid stared at Morgan, Garcia and Emily with tears threatning to fall from his eyes.

"What do mean you say Goodbye?" Morgan asked as he kept his hold on Garcia, she was his angel and he was keeping her close to his heart.

"I-um I made a deal. I made a deal that if I help Leanna gain power for a year I can be normal again and we can all be safe again" Reid explained not realising his voice was wobbling with sadness.

"No you can't" Garcia shouted suddenly. She ran out of Morgan's arms and into Spencer's, she hugged him tightly. She couldn't believe what was happening.

"I have to. I'll watch over you all. I'll be back in a year and then I promise that I will never leave any of you ever again" Reid sobbed slightly as he wiped Garcia's tears of her cheeks. She hugged him again before going back to Morgan.

"Morgan take care of everyone" Reid smiled at him. Morgan had tears in his eyes as he realised he was about lose his little brother again. Morgan walked over to Reid and hugged him.

"Keep out of trouble" Morgan said to Reid before letting out a small laugh, Reid laughed at the comment. Reid struggled for a moment before he looked over to Emily. Reid walked over to Emily and noticed her eyes were tearing up.

"Don't go" Emily whispered to him.

"I'll be close. I'll watch over you. I love you Emily" he finally admitted, he expected to some sort of shock on her face but it remained calm. She took a step closer to Reid so that they were close.

"I love you too" she whispered back before smiling. Reid cradled her face and kissed her with fiery passion. Years of repressed feelings flooded out with the kiss as Emily stayed in Reid's embrace. They pulled apart and let out a small breath, they both smiled as they realised that they were going to be something more than friends.

"Wait for me" Reid pleaded with her.

"Only if you promise that its only a year" she replied.

"I promise."

"I'll be here when you return" she promised him before kissing him on the lips. She was sick of hiding her feeling for Reid. He was the one person she could tell her secrets to, he was the one man in the world she knew would not treat her wrong. Leanna walked up behind Reid and put her hand on his shoulder. He knew it was time to go. He stared at the rest of the team, he knew that they were all going to be fine, he could feel it.

"Tell the rest that I'll see them soon" he breathed quickly before he stood next to Leanna. He took one last look at his team, his family before teleporting away with Leanna.

One year later

"You can not be serious Morgan. You only went on one date with her and you slept with her" Emily laughed as Morgan let slip about his previous activities the night before. The rest of the team laughed, they knew that Morgan was not the type to settle down. At least until he found the right women.

"You'll be relieved to hear that I'm calling her back" he smiled before swallowing another mouthful of chinese food. The team had taken some chinese food to the local park, it was beautiful weather and warm. The team found themselves consumed with their food and conversation that they didn't notice a man behind the long bench they were all perched on.

"I still don't get how you guys can eat with chopsticks" the voice said.

The entire team froze when they heard the voice. Slowly but surely they all turned their heads to find themself face to face with one person they had missed so much.

"REID!" Garcia shouted as she threw her box of chinese food on the bench, she ran over to Reid and hugged him. He could barely breath with how tight Garcia was holding him.

"Garcia can't breath" he gasped, she quickly loosened her grip and backed up a few steps. Reid looked slightly different. He looked more confident and he looked a healthy weight. The rest of team cam over and hugged Reid.

"It's good to have you back" Morgan said as he patted Reid on the back.

"It's good to be human again" Reid smiled, he saw the rest of their faces lighten up at the news.

"It's over" Rossi asked, Reid nodded and the team smiled. Emily had stayed back but Reid looked over to her. The rest of the team noticed the small exchange.

"I guess we better go pick up some supplies for my super fun pinic we're about to have" Garcia said as she motioned the rest of the team to follow her to the store across the street. The team nodded and followed her leaving Emily and Reid staring at each other.

"I promised a year" he smiled as he walked over to her.

"I waited" she said playfully as she walked to meet him, she took his hand in hers and looked at his face. Reid pulled Emily into a kiss, she felt her heart flutter for the first time on years as she felt his lips on hers.

Reid was euphoric, he was with women he had waited a year to see. A women that he had waited years to tell her that he loved her. He was human and he was going to enjoy the rest of his ordinary human life with this extraordinary women kissing him.

There is only one happiness in lifeā€”to love and be loved. - George Sands.

Thank you all for reading this, you've made me year by reading this.