
That was all that Felicia Argon could see as she laid in pain on the hospital bed, her back arched and her legs placed high up on the supports that were at the end of the bed. Her hands wrapped around the metal bars of the hospital bed and her knuckles grew whiter as she tightened her grip. Her breaths were shallow and laboured as her back was propped up against the elevated bed. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead as she watched the nurses and doctors huddle around what had come out of her body. Felicia looked over curiously wondering what was taking them so long, maybe something went wrong. The mental horror clung to her mind as she laid her head back and let out a groan of pain. What the hell is going on?

Just then the door burst open and there stood her husband, he still had on his work uniform and he too was slightly breathless as he mentally kicked himself for missing his first child's birth. Ryan inched closer to his wife.

"Where the hell were you?" Felicia hissed at her husband.

"I was busy," he replied. "You know that."

Felicia glared at him but didn't reply as she turned her attention back to the group of doctors and nurses.

"What's going on?" Ryan asked but Felicia continued to ignore him.

Just then the huddle broke and the doctor came up to Felicia but not before giving a curious look over to the man beside her.

"I'm Ryan," the man said, "Felicia's husband."

"Then it's good you're here," the doctor said.

Both parents looked at each other with worried expressions, god knows what is wrong with their child. They know that something is up because the nurses have made their own small huddle and started to talk and point to the child.

"Let me say first off…your child is very healthy," The doctor said managing a shy smile, "and as far as we can tell she is…mainly fine."

Ryan frowned. "Mainly? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Now the shy boyish smile was wiped clean from the doctor's face and he looked like he had never smiled once in his life.

"There is something that you should see though," the doctor added and both Felicia and Ryan straightened to receive the news.

The doctor motioned someone to bring the baby over but no one moved. He looked back at the nurse huddle and impatiently pointed to one and waved his hand impatiently over. The nurse looked around her mid-twenties fresh out of school and her fearful expression gave off her skittishness of going near the baby. But she swallowed her fear with great difficulty and walked over to where the baby was placed and gently picked it up. It gurgled happily and stretched out its arm as if trying to touch the nurse's face but she instinctively leaned back to avoid the hands. She walked over the doctor and he plucked the child out of her arms none to gently.

"This is your child," the doctor said grimly.

Felicia took her child and then took down the small flap that covered the infants face.

The baby was beautiful. Light skin, it's small hands curled and waved into fists and it's eyelids were squeezed shut. The baby looked fine to the parents.

"How dare you!" Felicia hissed glaring at both doctor and the nurse. "This is a fine child."

The doctor ignored the accusation and merely asked. "What did you name this child?"

"Misty," Ryan said before his wife could say anything.

The doctor leaned down to take the child but Felicia pulled the baby out of his reach. The doctor returned to his straightened position and folded his arms across his chest before taking a deep breath in.

"Just tell us what is wrong with her," Ryan demanded as his patience drew thinner and thinner as the seconds passed.

"Misty," Felicia said gently and the baby's eyelid slowly opened and what Felicia saw next nearly made her drop her own child. Ryan looked like he was going to be sick as his face grew ghostly pale.

The baby's eyes were pure white. There were no signs of a pupil or iris or even veins for that matter. As the baby turned it's head towards it's father, a sky blue colour blue immediately took place of the white and Misty made a small noise as if she was happy. Then the colour changed again to a red as the baby faced both the nurse and the doctor.

"You see?" the doctor asked pointing at Misty. "We are more than welcome to make...arrangements."

Felicia nor Ryan replied to the doctor, they were too shocked to reply to anything. Felicia wanted to get rid of the child but when Ryan snapped out of his daze he realized he could actually use Misty for his research.

"We'll keep her," Ryan blurted before Felicia could get anything out. The doctor raised his eyebrow but shook off the possibilities as to why such a highly respected man would want an abomination such as that.

"Have it your way sir," the doctor said and then forcibly placed the child into Ryan's hands.

When the doctors and nurses were gone Felicia turned to Ryan and whispered, "Are you crazy?"

"My lab can use her," Ryan said defensively, "we can gain more knowledge about these mutants and see on how to defend ourselves against them if they were to pose a major threat against the Human community."

Felicia was ready to argue but she realized that sense in her husband's words and she leaned back into the bed.

"I'll be back alright?" With that Ryan exited with Misty in hand and took out his phone. "Hello Phorbes? I have a test subject with me...oh Felicia is doing fine...as to where I received the test subject is none of your concern, your job is to do as I say is that final?...Good, now prepare the Test Room I'll be there in about thirty minutes."

Age Six

Misty laid in her padded cell with her hands folded on her chest. Her tail dangled off the bed and just hung there uselessly. God she was bored! She rubbed her wrist where they had injected her with some sort of liquid that was of course given to her without explanation. Misty got up off the padded cot and then walked around the small area. Misty then placed her hand on the cot and felt for what she was looking for, a small piece of metal that she had taken from the guard who was assigned to her. She waved her hand over the cot and felt the metal expand as small spikes shot from all sides creating a spiked ball of metal. Misty then pulled slightly and the spiked ball ripped through the mattress and halted about two inches from her face.

Originally, nothing was suppose to be around Misty as any gas, liquid or solid Misty could manipulate for her own purposes. Any solids were the most dangerous so they decided to put her in a padded cell as spiked pads didn't really do any major damage to the guards except major bruises. She almost killed a guard as one spike caught him in the gut and the force was hard enough to puncture his spleen.

Misty's powers showed themselves when she was three which was the ability to create spikes in any solid, liquid or gas. At a young age she also developed her bone tail which was decided that would grow longer as Misty grew herself. Small vertical bumps on her back made the technicians question what was next to come with this mutant child but Misty ignored their gawking.

Ever since she was born she has been living a scheduled life. In the morning she would be given specially formulated food, then two hours under observation in a small classroom the same glass windows you'd see in interrogation rooms. From then she would be examined by many technicians and a single doctor all who gave her cold looks behind their masks as they took blood, looked at her eyes, injected different medications and even crush off a bit of her tail which hurt her the most.

Once the doctor and nurses had tried to go in and get some scrapings from the bumps on Misty's back to see what they will transform into. What happened was that one nurse accidentally sliced through a nerve causing Misty's powers to automatically activate on their own and ended up with three nurses dead and two severely wounded.

As all this was going on Ryan, Misty's father, would be standing outside the room watching along with the head technician and the head of defense. All three would had talks later over reports and findings as well as observation notes about the young girl before making any decisions.

Ryan had lost all feelings for his daughter as well as Felicia who went to work for the government branch as head secretary. Both knew that this was for the communities own good and for their daughters as they knew that her powers would be beyond her control and with the medications and tests they were doing on her, it would limit her understanding and her wanting to explore her power on her own.

Age Eleven

Her heart raced in her breast as she burst through the thick bush with ease. Her tail waved in the air and her hair laid flat against her head as Misty raced through the woods. She was out! Misty couldn't help but laugh with joy as she leaped up onto the trees and ran along the harsh forest floor. She had escaped the hell she had been bound to for eleven years, where would she go? Who cares! She was free and that was all that mattered. Misty knew that they would be looking for her eventually and that she wouldn't be safe to stay in one place so she continued north looking up at the starry sky and the moon that shone on her with a silvery light.

As Misty ran she came across a sign and she knew that she was close to some sort of city that she would be able to hid in. She jogged over and ducked into the wooded area as she came across a small cabin. Misty's tail raised as she inched closer and closer to the place unsure of what to make of it. Her eyes shifted to a maroon colour as she noticed a small boy outside sitting on the patio. The boy turned her head and noticed her and waved anxiously, Misty didn't know whether to wave back or not. She inched closer to the boy until she was completely exposed standing in the driveway.

"Hello," the boy said happily, he didn't seem to mind Misty's form.

"Hi," Misty replied cautiously.

"I'm Sean," he said again, Sean looked around Misty's age except probably more immature and a tad bit shorter. He had a mess of red hair, freckles and light eyes.


"Do you want to come inside?" Sean asked.

Misty immediately shook her head and was about to reply when a sudden crash came from the woods and all of a sudden five guys dressed in all black were standing there with tranquilizer guns pointed at both Misty and Sean. Another man appeared and it was Ryan.

"Misty," Ryan said in a bored tone. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I don't want to go back," Misty said defiantly.

Ryan shook his head. "Get into the van, we're going home."


Ryan stepped forward but spikes ejected from Misty's tail and it lifted threateningly. All the men pressed forward waiting for a command.

"Get in the van," Ryan said again this time with more force. Misty shook his head and looked back at Sean who looked frightened.

Ryan took out his own gun and pointed it at Sean and Misty knew that it wasn't a tranquilizer, she stiffened.

"Get into the damn vehiclen or this boy dies."

Ryan cocked the gun and Sean flinched ready to run but a guard who had hidden on the other side of the patio jumped up and grabbed Sean around the arm and threw him back. The boy landed with a thud and Misty feared the worst until Sean got to his feet in pain. The guard tried to grab Sean again but the boy twisted out of the grip and then screamed at the guard.

No one knew what had gone on then because everyone ducked their heads and held their ears as the boy screamed including Misty who's tail even wrapped around her leg. It was definitely sonic but what was different was that Misty could actually see the waves emit from the boy's mouth and slam into the guard at full blast.

When the scream died Ryan pointed that the boy and shouted, "He's one of them!"

A guard picked up his dropped gun and aimed at Sean but Misty's tail wrapped around the gun and squeezed causing it to explode in the guard's hand. The man screamed and then fell as Misty's tail wrapped around his ankle and pulled him off balance. Light started to appear all over the small neighbourhood and Misty knew that Ryan would have to back down so that he wouldn't get caught. She watched as two guards cornered Sean but then the patio door opened and there stood Sean's father.

"What the f-." A tranquilizer hit his neck and he fell like a stone, inside there was a shriek and Misty took that to be Sean's mother who was only in the kitchen.

"Wait," Misty said and then held up her hands in surrender. When everyone saw this guns were lowered and the two guards who had gotten a hold of Sean dropped the boy and moved towards Misty with their guns hip level.

"But you have to leave," Misty said.

"Let me guess," her father chuckled. "and never return?"

Misty nodded.


Misty moved towards the armoured van that was hidden in the dark on the side of the road. Ryan gave a command into the radio and the van roared to life and moved closer. Five guards circled Misty so that she wouldn't escape and two guards led her towards the vehicle.

Inside the van she was strapped in with an array of thick leather straps that went around her ankles, wrists, chest and a thin one that went across her forehead. Her father climbed into the back and faced her.

"You've been a very bad girl lately," he accused wagging his finger.

Misty didn't reply to him and sighed as the van lurched and drove off.