Misty and Sean walked through the empty hallways of the mansion together hand in hand. Occasionally Sean would bend down to whisper something in Misty's ear, who would blush and then playfully hit him. Her tail swung in the air and would on occasions, curl around Sean affectionately. They continued down the hallway until they came to Sean's room and they went in.

"We're not supposed to be in each others rooms alone," Misty said giggling. "..and together!"

Sean grinned. "Oh come on, when did you ever care about the rules."

Misty pulled off her trench coat and then climbed onto the bed with him. She rubbed his arms and kissed his neck. Sean wrapped his arms possessively around her waist and kiss her on the top of her head. Just as Sean was ready to unzip Misty's pants the door opened and both froze in horror as Alex, like the idiot he was, strolled on in as if he owned the place.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Misty cried in frustration.

"Piss off!" Sean added glaring daggers at Alex.

Alex however looked at the partially mingled bodies and then asked, "Am I interrupting something?"

"Yes!" Both cried in unison.

Alex stretched and took his time walking out until Misty launched a pillow directly at his head.

"50 points!" Sean said happily while Misty laughed. She zipped up the small portion that Sean had undone before Alex came walking in. They both sat up and nuzzled each other.

"So after all this…capture thing is done," Sean said slowly, "do you want to come with me?"

"To where?" Misty asked.

"Anywhere, travel the world and see the sights."

Misty snorted. "Since when have you been interested in traveling?"

Sean shrugged. "It would be better than being cooped up here."

Misty snuggled in more and then sighed.

"I'll think about it."

Sean kissed her on the head again when the door opened yet again. Misty rolled her eyes.

"God Alex, I thought I told you stay the fuck ou-." She turned to see that it wasn't Alex, but Charles who raised an eyebrow. Misty felt her whole face go red with embarrassment.

"We're meeting in the lounge," Charles said, both knew that they were in trouble because Charles didn't even mention what he saw. Misty then saw Erik poking his head in to see what was going on he however said nothing.

"Now?" Sean asked.

Both adults nodded and left, leaving the door open too.

Collecting themselves, they both got up and Misty didn't even bother with her trench coat leaving it in a heap on Sean's bedroom floor. Who cares? She thought to herself. I have a right to live a life that I want to live. But in the back of her mind, Misty was scared to live that kind of life. Ever since she was a baby it was ingrained into her head that she followed rules, that she followed orders from higher up or face intense punishment if those demands were not met. Although admitting it to herself was possible, but admitting it out loud – to Erik, Charles or even Sean? Impossible.

In the lounge everyone was gathered, Raven was sitting on the couch, Hank sat on the one opposite to her in his training clothes and Alex stood in the middle. Both Charles and Erik were behind them as if observing all three at the same time. Moira was the one sitting closest to the television. When Misty and Sean came in all heads turned to them and Alex winked and gave them the thumbs up. Misty wanted to give him the finger but she resisted as both Erik and Charles watched as the two came up still holding hands. On the screen was a footage of President Kennedy making an announcement about the nuclear warheads that were on their way over to Cuba. It went on to say that if the Russians do cross the line, they would not hesitate to attack. Once the footage was over no one spoke but Misty could feel the tension in the air.

"I suggest you all get a good-night sleep," Erik said before exiting.

Misty went to her own room later that day and laid on her bed. She continued to think back to her training, back to her sequences and what would happen if all fails. There was a knock at the door and Misty allowed them to enter. It was Erik.

"Hi," she said.

Erik only nodded and then closed the door behind him. Obviously this was going to be a one on one talk.

"Tell about Sean."

Misty rolled her eyes and pushed back all her previous thoughts.

"It's none of your business," Misty replied folding her arms.

"I just want to know."

"Know what?" Misty demanded. "Or should I say, it's none of your business!"

Erik raised a brow clearly unfazed from Misty's attitude as he took a seat at the small coffee table that was by the window.

"Have you had sex with him yet?"

"What are you my father?" Misty demanded then immediately froze as a flurry of de javu hit her hard. She inhaled deeply trying to keep her emotions tamed but the thought of her father and her physically saying it made her weak. Misty knew that that's what fathers usually say to their normal daughters when they have found a girlfriend. But Misty remembered that she wasn't normal, she was beyond normal and for that she was nothing more than an instrument, a tool that her father used to conduct his experiments and research on.

"You can tell me," Erik said leaning in.

Misty shook her head. She wasn't ready to talk, that's what Charles or Erik didn't understand. She wasn't ready to tell them what had happened to her. For eighteen years she had held everything in and tucked it away in a safe hiding place back within her mind.

"Well back to my regular question, did you have sex with Sean?"

Misty frowned. "No, we were interrupted."

"So you were about to…"

"Both of us were ready but like I said Alex then interrupted and we kind of didn't feel like it anymore."

"Oh how unfortunate," Erik said with false sympathy and stood.

"What are you going to do after we capture Shaw?"

This time it was Misty's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"That is my business," Misty hissed angrily at Erik, "why do you pry in my business huh?"


"About what? That I'll go nuts after this and try and kill myself?"

Erik shrugged. "You're not immortal, anything that'll severe the spine will do."

"Urgh!" Misty got to her feet and went to leave when the door closed by itself and locked. She sighed. "You know I can just create spikes and break the door down."

"That'll hurt Charles's feelings and I'll have to tie you up with metal bands."

"I'll just create spikes out of those too and control it to release me."

"I'm stronger."

Misty couldn't deny that so she sat down on the bed.

"I want you to stay here," Erik admitted. "I want you to stay here and get stronger."

"For what?" Misty asked, "for reality? For humans who have a grudge against us? No matter how this ends, it won't matter."


"Because I'm going with Sean."

There was an uncomfortable silence as Erik absorbed the information that Misty had just told him.

"And where might you two be going might I ask?"

"Somewhere, I don't know," Misty admitted, "but I don't want to be sheltered for the rest of my life Erik."

"This isn't sheltering Misty."

"Then what the hell is it huh? What is it?"

"It's protecting."

"From what? The humans?"

Erik nodded and was ready to speak when Misty quickly got up and raced out of the room before he could manipulate anything.