A/N So heres another story a couple of years old. It was written for a friend who had a love for mpreg. So theres your warning:)

He heard his car grinding through the weathered roads when it was still a mile away. He loved the sound of that engine-the way it hummed and anticipated every shift and turn. No one would guess he knew or cared about the difference between the choke and sputter of his truck's engine and the smooth rhythm that pulsated under the hood of a rare Porsche. But there were many things few would guess about him. He narrowed his eyes and watched as the silver car winded its way towards the entrance to the farm. He should have run, but he didn't. He stood there waiting indifferently, like he'd been waiting without interest for the past few days, refusing to leave the loft.

Lex stopped just below his window, and he knew why he was there-the same reason everyone had been showing up for several days, but for whatever reason, Lex was the only one he was willing to see. He knew Lex saw him standing there, watching him walk towards the barn, but he refused to look up. Lex was playing a little game of his own he guessed. Clark moved to the couch looking him directly in the eyes as he climbed the stairs. Lex came and stood in front of him silently, waiting for Clark to make the first move-but he wasn't going to. Clark knew what he wanted, but he wasn't going to give in, he refused. He was upset, though a new word should be invented for what he was. Maybe it was normal to feel this out of grip with reality, he didn't know. His father's death had felt different, but then there was still something to hang on to-now there was nothing.

Clark gripped his stomach in pain, hoping Lex wouldn't notice. He'd been getting pains in his abdomen with increasing frequency over the last couple of days. Maybe his grief had become physical pain. He glanced up at Lex finally, but Lex looked at him without emotion, which made him angry, but what did he expect? Nothing had really changed between them. He heard Lex sigh lightly and shift on his feet. He knew he'd won their silent game of chicken.

"Are we going to talk about what happened?"

Clark looked up and shook his head holding his gaze. A pain shot through him again, and he twisted the fabric of his shirt tightly to keep from yelling out.

"You're not a child Clark, at least have the decency to speak to me."

Clark stood up so Lex had to look up at him instead. "What do you want me to say? What is there to say?"

But he quickly gave up being defiant; he just didn't have the energy. He turned away and sat on the windowsill. Lex followed him, not letting him off so easily,

"You were upset, we both were."

Clark shot him an angry look. "She wasn't your mother."

"I realize that Clark, but she was someone I cared a great deal for. Martha..."

Clark was on his feet. "She wasn't your mother!"

Lex was growing angry himself, but he thought back to when he lost his own mother and softened. Mostly he was frustrated he'd allowed himself to be put in this position. He thought those feelings disappeared with their friendship long ago.

"Fine, she wasn't my mother, but i know what its like to lose a mother. You never get over losing the only person in the world who will truly love you no matter what."

Clark sat back down and kept his eyes downcast. He refused to cry-not in front of Lex, though if he'd simply allowed himself to cry on Lex's shoulder after the funeral, maybe none of this would have happened.

Clark sighed. "I can't do this right now Lex. I'm sorry about what happened. I don't know where it came from. I think i just wanted to feel something else-anything else."

"I took advantage of you."

Clark looked up confused.

"You were vulnerable and lost. I saw my opportunity and took it."

Clark just shook his head. "Stop it Lex."

"Its the truth Clark, its who i am."

Clark knew what he was doing, and it was the last thing he needed. "Don't play the villain with me Lex. I could have stopped you and I didn't. You don't have to take all the blame."

Lex went to protest but stopped. It was a stupid gesture on his part and he didn't know why he suddenly wanted to make the person he'd spent so much energy hating over the last couple of years, feel better.

Clark rubbed his belly again-what was wrong with him? "So where does that leave us?"

Lex frowned. "I'm not sure - are you Ok?"

Clark nodded. The pain subsided again. It almost felt like his insides were shifting-something was definitely not right.

"The truth is, I'm not sure why I'm here. I did over-hear Chloe when I was at the Talon mentioning how you hadn't left the loft since the funeral. Something drew me here-I guess I thought I could help."

"You still go to the Talon?"

Lex raised his eyebrow, "I still own it Clark."

"Right. Look, everyone is worried about nothing. I'll be fine. I don't know what this is exactly, but it won't last forever...I'll be fine."

Lex nodded, watching Clark's face color with the emotion he was fighting to control. He remembered how his own emotions were on the surface when his lost his own mother. Anything could move him to sobbing. But he knew Clark wouldn't do that-not in front of him. Even at the funeral he remained stoic and unmoving, and when he found him later in the loft after he'd disappeared from the wake, the only evidence of how distraught he was were his red cheeks, moist with wiped away tears. He admitted now what he wanted most in that moment was to see Clark break. He wanted to see him crumble, to see that perfect veneer crack. Maybe that's why he did what he did. What shocked him most was how easy it was to get him to respond.

He'd stood there watching Clark silently and then pulled him into an awkward embrace, surprised at how warm he felt. Clark felt limp in his arms, and it'd been so easy to pull his mouth to his and part his lips with his tongue. It was like they were both drowning and were each other's air. Clark's movements became frenzied and desperate quickly and before Lex knew it he was down on his knees in front of Clark, yanking his pants down. He wanted Clark completely naked, and only teased his cock that strained against his boxers while he pulled the rest of his clothes off. He'll never forget the site of Clark lying naked on old creaking floorboards, panting with eyes glazed over, writhing from pleasure. He could have stared at the sight forever, but he wasted no time, flipping him over onto his stomach and entering him, not caring that he was most likely a virgin. Clark didn't protest, he seemed to welcome the pain, and came in a strangled cry as Lex continued to pound into him, forcing every ounce of anger and frustration out of him.

Afterwards Clark didn't move and kept his face turned towards the floor. Lex knew he was crying then, but not from what they'd just done, but from the release it provided. He'd covered him with an old blanket and placed a pillow under his head. The rest of the evening he made sure no one came to look for Clark in his loft, and only left when the farm was completely empty of guests. Maybe he should have stayed that night-maybe things would be different now if he had. Looking at Clark sitting there, trying to knit himself back together, he wished he had.

"Would you like me to leave?"

Clark wanted to say yes, but the truth was, he didn't want to be alone, and Lex was the only one who really understood how important his parents were to him and exactly how much they'd given him. Lex always admired his parents, even if he could never get past that wall his father built around him. None of his closest friends got it, it was ironic that the one person he ever called an enemy was the only one that did.

Clark shook his head, "I don't know what I want. I want you to stay, but we're not friends; what happened didn't change that-things aren't really different between us."

Lex just looked at him wearily. "If things weren't different I wouldn't be standing here now."

Clark shook his head again. "I can't trust you Lex. I want to, and it would be so easy, but i know i can't"

Lex felt that familiar anger rise. There it was—the one thing Clark would never grant him. And it had become a self-fulfilling prophecy—he wasn't someone Clark could trust now, but he believed at one time he was. But there was no point in picking at old wounds; Lex had gotten over this long a go.

"You're right Clark, you can't. Why start now? All you need to know is I'm here and if you want me to stay I will."

Lex wasn't sure but he thought he saw Clark nod. He took a seat next to him on the sill and Clark didn't move away and they both sat there silently as the sun set behind them. A week ago was the first time he'd been there in a long time, but he hadn't taken the time to notice that nothing changed. Nothing on the farm ever did-the same floral curtains hung in the kitchen windows, the same pots of fresh flowers swung from the porch roof, and the same picture frames sat in the foyer of the small family that no longer existed. He cautiously put his arm around Clark, and almost by instinct he relaxed into his embrace. He felt him trembling and expected to find tears when he looked at his face, but instead he saw his face was contorted in pain.

Lex moved back "Clark, what is it?"

Clark pushed away from him and doubled over moaning.

He choked out "..its hurts" and fell to the floor clawing at his shirt. His moans quickly turned to screams and Lex felt he had no choice but to call for an ambulance despite Clark shaking his head frantically as he lay there sweating profusely and gasping. Lex was in a panic, he had no idea what was happening to him. He kneeled on the floor beside him trying to pull his hands away to see his what was the cause of his excruciating pain. What he saw beneath the ripped fabric made him jump back alarmed. The flesh on Clark's stomach seemed to be rippling and contracting right before his eyes. Lex stood there paralyzed, cell phone hanging limply in his hand as to his horror Clark's belly completely receded, and Clark howled in pain. Then everything just stopped. His stomach pushed out and returned to normal and Clark lay motionless on the floor. At first Lex assumed the worse but when he bent closer he could hear his soft breathing. He let his cell phone drop out of his hand and clatter to the floor. He sat on the floor next to Clark for a long time, just drinking everything in. Whatever just happened he knew finally that there was nothing medical science could do for him. He picked up his discarded phone and called for help.

When Clark woke hours later he felt like he was emerging from a haze. His whole body ached, his head was pounding and he felt incredibly nauseous. He tried to see if there was kryptonite nearby but he was afraid to move too much for fear of vomiting all over himself. He felt chilled and pulled the comforter up around his shoulders when it suddenly dawned on him that he wasn't in his own bed and he was no longer in the loft. He saw bolt upright; which set off a series of loud beeps and small blinking lights illuminating the darkness around him. He looked around and realized there were several monitors surrounding the bed, all with tubes and wires that were attached to various parts of his body. Where the hell was he? It looked like an ordinary room—a room that could easily have been in the mansion, with curtains lined the walls opposite him, and his bed was large and comfortable, but he didn't see a door, except for a narrow closet door to his right that was slightly ajar.

The last thing he remembered was being in incredible pain on the floor of the barn, with Lex kneeling over him...Lex must have brought him there. It felt like ice water had been injected into his veins at the realization. He frantically began ripping all the wires off of him and tried to sit up but the whole room tilted and he fell back against the pillows. Lex came hurrying in the room with two men in lab coats on his tail. It was then Clark saw the curtains actually hid a glass wall the slid open to allow Lex and his men to enter. Clark knew he had to get out of there.

"Don't try to move Clark, calm down."

Clark ignored him and tried to sit up, ignoring the spinning room. "Where am I?"

Lex turned to the two men and gestured for them to leave the room. The glass door opened and shut behind them automatically.

"Where am I Lex, what did you do to me?"

Lex looked at him coldly-all the concern of just a few moments ago quickly dissipating. He supposed it was too much to ask that Clark wake up and not immediately start throwing accusations. But he was obviously scared and confused, so Lex again tried to make concessions and quelled his sudden anger.

"Before you start accusing me of anything, why don;t you calm down and let me explain."

Clark's eyes showed a mixture of fear and anger, but he kept silent and let Lex continue.

"If you remember, you were screaming in excruciating pain on the floor of your loft, and when you passed out I didn't know what to do, so I brought you here."

Clark's eyes narrowed. "And why not a hospital."

"Is that really where you want to be Clark?"

Clark fell silent.

Lex began pacing. "And you may recall you begged me not to call an ambulance. Honestly after what I saw I knew no one at Smallville Medical could help you anyway."

Clark felt his heart racing, pounding in his chest. A cold sweat broke out across his forehead and he wondered if this is what an anxiety attack felt like.

"What you saw...?"

Lex nodded and started to pace like he was agitated. "It was like there was some sort of parasite attaching itself to your body. I've never seen anything like it, except in a horror film of course. When you lost consciousness I brought you here to see if my team could help."

Clark wiped his forehead and took a deep breath-he couldn't afford to panic now. "And where is here?"

"A medical facility I keep in Metropolis for special cases."

"You mean for experimenting on the meteor infected."

Lex sighed. "We won't go into how many people I've helped who have nowhere else to turn, besides we both know you're not a meteor freak."

Clark's eyes went wide, but he tried to remain calm. Lex noted the change in expression. Clark went to speak but Lex waved his hand dismissively.

"I'm not sure what you are, and since I'm not in the mood for one of your infamous lies, we'll worry about that later. But I am hoping you'll be able to shed some light on what we found inside your abdomen."

All pretenses left Clark and he looked truly terrified. His hand went to his stomach but it looked and felt normal.


Lex nodded, and Clark noticed for the first time that Lex wasn't really looking at him.

"We x-rayed you. I wanted to know what exactly was causing you so much pain. And I really wish you'd stop staring at me like I was some evil scientist out to slice you open. I'm trying to help you."

Clark was feeling light-headed again, but he tried to stay focused. Either Lex was telling the truth or his worse fear was about to be realized.

He hoped his voice sounded normal. "What did you find?"

"I've had them check the x-rays several times, but they keep coming up with the same answer. Whatever it is inside of you has created a cavity just above what I guess are your intestines, though they don't resemble any I've ever seen. Anyway, whatever it is looks like a first trimester fetus -they estimated about 10 weeks."

Clark looked at him like he'd lost his mind. "This isn't funny Lex."

Lex looked at him finally. "I wish i was joking."

Fear was spreading through him, but he wasn't falling for this. "You expect me to believe there's a fetus in my belly?"

"Believe what you want Clark, I know what I saw. We tried to get a tissue sample but any needle that got near it was quickly expelled."

Clark continued to stare at Lex refusing to believe what he was hearing. He knew very little about his species, but what he was hearing went against everything he did know. He had a mother and a father and he'd come from his mother he was sure of it. Men don't have fetuses in their stomachs. And other than the night with Lex he hadn't had sex in over a year. He shook his head-what he was contemplating was insane. Lex was just trying to rattle him.

Lex calmly pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to Clark. It was a sonogram photo. Clark stared at it, but all he could make out was a bunch of black and white waves.

"This doesn't prove anything Lex."

Lex took it back. "I know, if we have your consent we'd like to take some 3D imaging to get a clearer picture."

Clark glared at him "You're not touching me!"

Lex glared back. "If you really don't know what's going on, and judging by your reaction, I'm guessing you don't-don't you want to know what we're dealing with here?"

The answer was a resounding 'no'. He didn't want to know because whatever it was couldn't be anything good. He felt incredibly weak, and it was different than exposure to kryptonite. He felt fatigued down to his very bones-he was listless and achy, like people had described having the flu to him, but this had to be worse. He sank deeper into the mattress and closed his eyes. He couldn't think of a worse predicament to be in. No matter how much he protested, if Lex was hell-bent on carving him open there was little he could do about it in his current state. The thought made his stomach turn and he opened his eyes, but immediately looked away from Lex's intense gaze.

Lex's face grew harder as he became increasingly fed up with Clark. He knew all the logical reasons Clark was behaving this way, but his reactions were always far too emotional when it came to Clark.

"Make a decision Clark, or I'll make it for you."

Clarks stomach did another flip flop and he suppressed a moan. "What does that mean?"

But Lex just looked at him icily, refusing to answer.

"What does that mean Lex? I mean what will you do?"

"I'm not repeating myself Clark."

Clark swallowed as he felt a small flutter in his belly. "You want to x-ray me, in 3D?"

Lex thought a moment. "No, I'm going to x-ray you in 3D."

"But you said it was my decision."

"It was, but now I'm curious so that's what we're going to do."

Clark looked alarmed. "You can't just do whatever you want to me!"

Lex remained impassive. "If you can leave here on your own, be my guest. Until then, I'm going to alert my team. They;ll be back with the equipment in half an hour. Get some rest."

Lex turned without waiting for a response and walked out, sliding the door shut behind him.

Clark immediately sat up and tried to swing his legs out of bed. The movement caused the room to spin and he fell back against the pillows panting. His stomach obviously didn't like the sudden movement and throbbed painfully. Instinctively he put his hand on his stomach and it immediately warmed beneath his touch. Clark pushed the covers back and pulled up his shirt, but when he moved his hand, the pain returned. An eeriness washed over him as he slowly put his hand back on his stomach. Again the pain stopped and the warmth returned. What the hell was going on? He gently rubbed his stomach and the fluttering in his belly stopped. He removed his hand again, and this time the pain didn't return. The phrase a 'mother's soothing touch' entered his brain and he nearly screamed. It was a parasite, it had to be, not a fetus like Lex's blurry black and white photo attempted to illustrate. With a sharp pang he realized his own mother couldn't even help him now. He rolled over on his side and tried desperately to make his mind go blank. He didn't need to break down now, not when he needed to stay focused. In less than a week, he'd lost his mother and had sex with Lex Luthor, and now there was something seriously wrong with him, rendering him weak and as far as he could tell, completely powerless. To make matters worse he was at Lex's mercy, and even though they shared that bizarre moment on the floor of his loft, he didn't know how Lex truly felt about him, especially now that he had confirmation he wasn't like everyone else. No one could deal with all of that without losing their mind, and Clark needed his-so he had little choice but to bite back his tears, relax and try to rest. Maybe when he woke he'd be in his loft again with his mother in the kitchen making his favorite dinner.