Chapter 11

It was the next day after church that the Wades came over to talk to the Burkes. Both Billy and Neal had squirmed during church due to the soreness in their hindquarters and they hadn't had a chance to talk since their target shooting of the day before. "My Pa was furious that I fired that gun without 'adult supervision' as he called it and he made it quite clear that I was never to do it again," Billy said as he rubbed his bottom.

"My papa took a strap to me for the same thing and I have to work for the next four Saturdays at the Mercantile to pay for the bullets I stole," confided Neal.

The boys were so focused on their discussion that they didn't notice the discussion Billy's father and Peter were having or the look on Peter's face.

They finally looked up as they felt the stares aimed at them from their fathers and looked up into the angry faces.

"Neal, William tells me that the Colt Revolver you two were using isn't his, as I thought. Is that true?" asked Peter in a clipped voice.

Neal nodded, "I found it by the side of the road and took it," he admitted and then added, "I checked it to see if it was empty before taking it with me…and I checked everywhere."

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"You didn't ask?" Neal replied cheekily which earned him a swat to his already sore bottom.

"OW! Mamma, that hurt," Neal whined when he realized that it was his mother who had swatted him.

"You will not be disrespectful to your father, now if you don't want to receive more you will answer in a more respectful tone," she scolded seriously.

Neal nodded but stepped back a few paces just in case. "I can show you where I found it Papa," he added helpful.

Pete nodded and after thanking William for his help gathered his family and left as well. "Okay son, you tell me where to go," Peter said as he drove the buggy out of town.

Neal held on to the back of his mother's seat, his bottom still too sore to sit comfortably on. The hour in church was painful enough without adding the bumping that comes with sitting in the back of the buggy. He directed his father out of town and about five miles beyond before he said "Stop here Papa," as he pointed to the clearing off to his right. "There's a small brook a few feet behind that stand of trees. We found it while riding and I knew that Shiloh would appreciate a drink of water so we went there. While Shiloh was drinking I got off and began to look around and that is when I saw the gun and picked it up," explained the small boy.

Peter nodded and stopped the buggy under some trees before he got out and tied the lead horse to the nearest tree. "I'll be right back; I'm just going to look around and see if there was something that Neal didn't see that might tell me who the owner of the Colt is," Peter said before heading towards the stand of trees.

As soon as Peter passed the stand of trees he noticed a horse tied to a tree and walked carefully forward aware that he wasn't alone. "Hello," Peter cried out as he moved to the brook.

"Here," came the reply and as Peter got closer he noticed a sandy haired man waiting near the brook.

"My name is Peter Burke, and I'm the Sheriff of Brooksville," Peter introduced himself to the stranger.

"My name is Dusty Rhodes," the stranger said.

"You wouldn't be any chance be looking for a Colt Revolver?" asked Peter.

"Yes, I am…did someone turn it in?" Dusty asked excitedly.

"My son found the gun and then stole a box of bullets to shoot it with; I found him with a friend shooting the gun off. I thought the firearm belonged to his friend's father who turned it in to me today. So in a roundabout way the gun was found and turned in. My son has also learned why he should never shoot a gun unsupervised," Peter explained.

"Sounds pretty close to the way I lost it. I have a ten year old son and we were on a horse buying trip and stopped here for the night. While I was out getting wood my son thought that it would be a perfect time for him to examine my new revolver again, even after me telling him not to touch it; and when he heard me coming he got scared and hid it. It wasn't until I arrived home that I noticed it wasn't in the box. I had a long discussion with my son and he admitted about touching and hiding it…he too won't be sitting comfortably for a few days," replied Dusty with a tight smile.

"Get your horse and follow me; your revolver is in the buggy," Peter said as he led the way out into the clearing and ultimately to the buggy.

"Neal, this is Dusty Rhodes the revolver you found belongs to him," introduced Peter. "His young son is the reason you found it and like you he is finding it hard to sit.

Neal flushed with embarrassment at the introduction but said, "It shoots real good Mr. Rhodes and I'm never going to touch one ever again," he said strongly.

This brought a mighty laugh from El, Peter and Dusty.

"Mr. Rhodes won't you joining us for lunch; we have more than enough to add one extra to it," offered El pleasantly.

"I thank you kindly ma'am," Dusty replied as he mounted his horse and proceeded to follow Peter into town and ultimately to his house.

"Neal, take Mr. Rhodes horse and put him in the pasture next to the corral so he can rest while Mr. Rhodes eats," requested Peter as they jumped down from the buggy.

Neal nodded and did as he was told and soon returned ready to have his Sunday meal. He gingerly sat down very much aware that all present knew the reason for his actions. He as on his best behavior; he just couldn't take another spanking for misbehaving just now. Once El brought out the dinner all thoughts of his sore bottom disappeared as he chowed down not even listening to the small talk his parents were having with Mr. Rhodes his interest only being the roast and mashed potatoes on his plate.

Later that night El and Peter went up to tell their son goodnight. "Goodnight baby boy," murmured El as she leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"Good Night Mamma."

"Goode Night, son," Peter said as he ruffled Neal's hair affectionately.

"Good Night, Papa," replied Neal who added urgently, "Papa, is Mr. Rhodes going to move here?"

"Why do you ask, Neal?"

"He said something about wanting me and his son to meet…and maybe soon we would," replied Neal.

"Yes, he was thinking of looking around Brookville for a ranch he could buy and settle down. The place he lives now is too far away from a town and he wants his son and wife to be close enough so the boy can attend school and his wife Ann to be able to come into town for supplies oftener than once a month. So maybe sometime soon you will meet his son and hopefully become friends…but for now you just try and stay out of trouble and go to sleep…tomorrow is going to be a busy day for you….you start work at Dirk's to pay for the bullets you stole," chided Peter sternly.

Neal gave a moan at all of the Saturdays he was going to lose by working to pay off the cost of that box of bullets. I am never going to fire a gun again in my life, he thought as he drifted off to sleep.

The End

AN: Be sure to be on the look out for the next in the series called The Further Adventures of Neal where we meet Mozzie, Kate and Matthew Keller and Neal's life gets interesting and painful.