Me- Next Card Captor Sakura story is ready!

Kero- * starts singing * Take a chance on me…

Syaoran- Ah, shaddup. * knocks out Kero *

Sakura- Eyes for Colt only does not own Card Captor Sakura!

Me- On with the story!

Syaoran's POV

I stuck out my tongue and smirked as I raised my catch for the day, a piece of bread, into the air. Rahul ( which is the guard's leader's name ) looked up at the roof and saw me.

" After that street rat!" he exclaimed as a few more guards made way and began to climb up the building.

" Come on, Suppi. Let's get outta here." I whispered. He nodded his head and we ran to the edge of the roof and jumped. The other guards were protesting madly as I continued to run. While I'm running, I'll tell you about myself.

I'm Syaoran Li, a used to be rich dude until my mother and father died and my sisters left for somewhere and our riches were scattered all over the Sahara desert. Now, I'm a street rat in this place named Agrubah, trying to survive, or as I'd like to call this place, Gagrubah. But, it's kinda nice, since there's a hot and gorgeous princess ruling this place. I never got to meet her, for I was never allowed to watch the rituals that she appears in. I am also dating this girl named Ciara who is also my cousin. She is more quieter compared to Meilin, my next cousin. She always latches onto me and thinks that we're dating. She's also the one who got me and Ciara together. Ciara was the one who wanted to be with me, but my opinion? I'd rather be with that cutie of a princess. And no, I haven't seen her. Only heard that she was hot, gorgeous, and a cutie. Okay, enough about my personal life. So, back to my running.

I turned the corner and rested my back against the wall, panting.

" Man ,those stupid guards are always persistent!" I thought. I stiffened when I heard Rahul's voice.

" Where is that pipsqueak?" he roared. I whimpered slightly, but was careful not to let my fear show. The truth is, I'm pretty much scared of Rahul.

I realized that my head was sticking out of its hiding spot, for Rahul had his big arms wrapped around my puny neck. I cried out for help but had my air supply cut off, so I couldn't say anything.

" So, what are you going to do now, pipsqueak?" Rahul's booming voice asked. I gave him my signature death glare and bit his meaty arm. He screeched out in pain as me and Suppi walked away, whistling a victory tune.

" AFTER HIM!" Rahul roared as the guards raced after me and Suppi. Me and Suppi picked up our pace and began to run.

Well, you know how they say that phrase: A pirate's life for me? Well, in this case, who couldn't lie? It's a street rat's life for me!

Me- Done!

Kero- When am I coming?

Me- Next chapter.

Kero- Yay!

Syaoran- Why am I a street rat!

Me- Figure that out yourself.

Syaoran- * grunts *

Me- R&R, please! If you do, you get a virtual cupcake! =)