This fic came from an epiphany I had last night XD The twins' sweet and fluffy moments as they watch their PVs after filming them.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloid, or any of the songs and lyrics mentioned in this story.

Servant of Evil

"Even if all the world

Became your enemy

I will protect you so

You just be somewhere smiling"

They watched; eyes glued to the screen as the blade was dropped and met Len's –dummy- head with a sickening crash.

"Hey Len…"

"Yes Rin?"

"If I was really the evil princess, and you were really my servant…would you really take my place and die for me?"

"Of course not…"

She stared at him, slightly hurt by how sure he sounded as he replied. He saw the look in her eyes, and smiled mischievously before he continued on with his previous statement.

"…We'd roll everyone into pancakes with our roadroller and escape together before they'd have a chance to catch either of us."

She was silent for a moment before she laughed and reached over to hug her twin.

"You're absolutely right."

Regret Message

"Drifting away, a small glass bottle

A message with a wish in it

Far beyond the horizon

Quietly disappearing"

Len marvelled at how realistic Rin's tears looked in the video. He turned to his sister –whose eyes were still a bit red and puffy- and asked:

"Just how many onions did they rub into your eyes?"

"None" Was the immediate reply.

"How did you pull off all those tears then?"

"Easy. I just imagined that you were actually dead."

"…You sure have a vivid imagination Rin…O.O"

"I know right?"



"Don't die."

World is Mine

"I'll be the one to hold your hand

Or are you not satisfied with me?

I didn't mean that

I'm only joking! Seriously!


As the audible "Smack" was heard through the video, Rin winced and turned her gaze to Len – who was sporting a bruised cheek. She reached out to touch the swollen flesh, thus earning a yelp from the boy.

"Sorry Len…I didn't mean to actually hit you that hard." She looked down, guilt written all over her face.

"I know, don't worry~" Len smiled reassuringly. "You have hit me harder before…on purpose too."

"Hey! You deserved those on purpose ones!"

"…Even that punch for getting you a banana crepe when they were out of orange flavoured ones?"

"I was in a bad mood that day okay?"

"Haha…whatever you say, my princess."

"Len, will you go find a white horse somewhere?"


"'Cause if I'm your princess, then you're my prince right?"

"…I'll go find a white horse the day you learn to walk in heels."


"Time stops as we embrace tightly

Our heartbeats synchronize

With your warmness and your hot breath

I will forever remain your knight"

"…I can't believe that we had to kiss in that PV…"

"Look on the bright side; something like this was bound to happen sooner or later…it just happen sooner that's all…"

"Wow Len, that was lame."

"…I know…"

"Well, at least it was with you and not some creepy old guy like Gaku-nii."


"But…to think my first kiss had to be taken by my own brother…heh."

"…But you're the only one I'd ever want to kiss…"

"Huh? What was that Len?"

"! N-nothing! You didn't hear anything!"

"Len, you're a horrible liar."

"B-but…! Dammit I didn't mean to say that out lo-mmph!"

Grabbing Len by the collar, Rin pulled his head down and rammed her lips against his. She let go after a few seconds, and whispered breathlessly in her twin's ear:

"I wouldn't want to kiss anyone but you either…Len."

Proof of Life

"I want to sing a gentle song
I want to dedicate it to you, a song of parting
In my last moment, I want to tell you…thank you"

"Rin, I'm never letting you go out in the snow without a proper coat ever again."

"Len, it's only a PV."

"Doesn't matter, I'm not risking you getting sick."

"…You're paranoid."

"Says the person who stopped forcing me to cross dress for a whole month after the Servant of Evil PV."

"I just didn't want you to be mistaken as me!"

"Which totally proves my point." –Smirk-

Kaga PIYO!

"Stamp your feet to the ground

Stand side by side


Let's go around carefree."

"What the-?"


"He STALKED us!"

"Isn't there some kind of rule against that?"

"So THAT'S why we never filmed a PV for this song!"

"He planned this all along!"

The twins watched as they went into the café and ordered their desserts in the video. Shocked by how close the camera was to their faces and the fact that they didn't notice their Programmer stalking them on their date.

"I know he's our almighty Programmer and all but this is going too far!"

"That was our first date too! It's far too special to be broadcasted to ALL of those rabid fans!"


"Yes Ma'am!"


"The bitter taste of hot burning spice

Just this once I'll let you have some

My taste that makes you dazed

Feel it with your body?"

The video ended with an especially sexy shot of Len licking his thumb. The whole video was composed of black and white photos, somehow, that simply added to the overall attractiveness of the video.

Len however, had buried himself halfway down the couch as he watched his newest finished PV with his sister. His face was red enough to rival Snow White's poisonous apple.

Why did I agree to do this video?

Len glanced sideways hesitantly; he was scared that Rin might be mad at him for shooting such a …scandalous video. He was surprised though, when he saw that his sister holding a napkin against her bleeding nose while gaping at the screen.



"Rin, are you okay?"



"Since when do you look so SEXY shirtless?"

"Rin…did you lose too much blood or something? Weren't you the one calling me a Shota like just last week?"

"I take that back...I take it all back…"

Len couldn't resist cracking a smile at that last comment. Maybe agreeing to shoot this video wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"D'aww, I can't believe it. You finally recognized my undeniable sex appeal~"

"S-shut up! It's your own fault for always dressing up all shota-y before this!"

"Mmm hmm~"

Len had leaned over to Rin's side of the couch, and wrapped his arms around her waist while he pressed his lips against her neck.

"So…Rin, want a taste of my 'spice'?"


Smiling again to himself, Len began hum "SPICE!" as he trailed his lips along Rin's neck and up to her jawline.

"Nigakute HOT na SPICE~ Kimi dake ni ima ageru yo~"


By then, Len's lips had reached the corner of Rin's mouth. With no hesitation whatsoever, he captured her lips with his; and pulled them into a heated kiss.

After a moment (a very long~ and drawn ouuuut moment ;P), they pulled back; breathing in short gasps.

"I love you Rin."

"Should you really tell me that right after watching 'SPICE!'?"

"You know it's true though."

"I know, love you too Len."

Author's Note: So...anybody else lost massive amounts of blood while watching "SPICE!" ?

If it's not too much trouble, please review and lemme know what you think! ^^