The title is pretty self-explanatory really ;D xxxxxxxxx

The Wedding

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of two people who are very close to my heart. Syed Masood, and Christian Clarke."

Syed smiled. When Christian said that they'd come 'a long way,' it was true. And it all led down to this moment.

Neither of them had wanted a repeat of the last wedding; of flamboyant decorations, drummers, a nikka, riding in on a horse...

All Syed had wanted was to show the world he loved Christian, and to get married within the eyes of Allah.

All Christian had wanted was to show the world he loved Syed, and be with him forever. So they'd settled on a compromise.

"Let's do it your way," Syed had said.

It was the best of both worlds. Or rather, cultures.

They were getting married in a traditional church. This was to be expected anyway. Syed had looked everywhere but had to admit defeat when he was told countless times that no self-respecting mosque or imam would host a wedding ceremony between two homosexuals. Therefore, they had quickly found a kind and willing Muslim to undergo the process of becoming legally able to pronounce them husbands.

In this case, it was Tamwar.

Internet courses were quick and inexpensive, and Syed's brother had been more than happy to help out.

"I know something special when I see it," Tamwar said, "And what these men have here is special, which is why it is a privilege not only to be standing here as the imam, but as Syed's brother, and best man. As brothers, we've had our fair share of fallouts, but mostly he's been an amazing and supporting brother, and I've no doubt he'll make an amazing and supportive husband. Christian – you're a very lucky man. I've known these two men for a long time, and I know of no two people who are so in love – apart from me and my lovely wife of course," Tamwar smiled at Afia who sat in the cues and waited for the laughter to die down. "I know the two of them will make each other happy, and that they can face whatever life brings them. They've been through a lot, and sadly, not every member of our family is present today, but I pray and hope that life with bring them much more in terms of health, happiness and togetherness from this moment forth," Tamwar said. "Now, it is time to present the rings."

Jane stepped forward and presented a ring to Christian, while Tamwar presented one to Syed.

"Okay, Syed, repeat after me: I, Syed Masood..."

"I, Syed Masood..." Syed repeated, looking up at Christian with wide and adoring eyes.

"Take you, Christian Clarke, to be my lover, my friend, the father to our children and my husband. I will be yours in times of sickness and health, will love you in times of joy and sorrow, in failure and in triumph. I will cherish you, and respect you, care and protect you, comfort you and encourage you to the best of my ability. In the presence of Allah, I bind myself to you for all eternity."

Syed repeated the words, his voice wobbling with emotion, and slipped the ring onto Christian's finger.

Christian's eyes found Syed's and in that moment, it was as if nobody else existed apart from the two of them. Christian wasn't surprised when his eyes moistened and he wondered how it was possible to be so completely devoured by your love and your need for another human being.

"Christian, repeat after me..."

The church doors swung open loudly. Being inconspicuous had never been one of Zainab's strong points. She stood at the door now, as half the congregation turned to look at her. Syed swivelled his head, and, seeing her, his mouth dropped wide open.

''re here,' he mouthed thankfully.

Maybe he was expecting her to say something; to apologise; to say how happy she was for her son...but she said nothing. She simply nodded at the two men standing by the altar, then she bowed her head and looked at the floor.

"Christian, repeat after me..." Tamwar tried again.

"No." Christian said, directing a stare at Zainab.

"Christian, please don't..." Syed whispered in horror.

"No, these vows, they feel too...rehearsed. I don't want it to be like that. Syed, I want what I say today to come from the heart." He reached his hands out for Syed's, and automatically, Syed placed his hands into them. "I love you, Syed Masood, with all of my heart. Our relationship has been anything but rehearsed and predictable. We've been through turmoil, disasters...but I would repeat all that pain if it meant I could be standing here today with you. I'm looking forward to being with you, and spending day in, day out with you. I'm looking forward to you driving me insane with your incessant worrying about everything. I'm looking forward to the endless possibilities we'll have as life partners. I'm looking down the line, and I can see us with our children...In fact, I can already see the squabbles, but even better, I can see the make-ups. Sye, I can see us at 80 years old, sipping orange juice and sitting in rocking chairs!"

They both laughed through tears, and Christian continued, "So right now, I vow to make you the happiest you could ever be. I vow to be faithful to you always. To love you always. To honour and protect you. I vow to make you laugh, to be there to wipe away the tears, to respect you, and to be the best husband I can possibly be. I commit you. All of me."

Syed reached up, wiping the tears from Christian's cheek with his thumb, unable to form any coherent words.

"Unorthodox," Tamwar mumbled. "But we're Muslim so what do we care? If anyone has cause as to why these men should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

A hushed silence fell across the church. Even though everybody was looking at the two men, Zainab felt as if all eyes were on her. Christian held his breath. Surely, this was why Zainab was here...?

Nobody said anything, and Tamwar breathed a sigh of relief.

"Christian and Syed, I now pronounce you...husband and husband!"

Amidst the clapping and the happy squealing (that was no doubt coming from Jane) and the cheering, the two men found each other, first holding each other in a tight embrace, and then kissing each other lovingly and tenderly. When they pulled apart, they stared at each other with a breathtaking intensity, before joining together in another affectionate kiss.

"I love you!" Syed shouted to be heard above the noise.

"I love you too!"

And then there were congratulations after congratulations, as everybody came up, hugging them and kissing them on the cheeks.

"I'm so happy for you," Denise said, hugging Syed.

"Mate, that was beautiful. Really brought tears to my eyes," Fatboy said to Christian.

Syed looked at his brother before breaking the emotional silence with, 'Come here, Tambo!' and they hugged.

"Can't believe this is it – my brother is finally married. Properly," Tamwar added.

Christian was having a similarly emotional cuddle with Jane.

"Promise me – you too are going to be happy together, and you'll have the best honeymoon ever," Jane laughed happily.

"Oh don't worry, we plan to have a lot of fun on our honeymoon," Christian winked. Jane rolled her eyes lovingly. "As for the rest...he already makes me happier beyond my wildest dreams."

"Never thought I'd see the day. Congratulations!" It was James.

Christian thanked everybody before turning around to locate Sye, but instead, bumped into Zainab. She had quietly made her way up the aisle and was now staring at him with an unreadable expression.

"Zainab," Christian said.

The place went silent. Everybody knew about the tension between the two of them.

Slowly, Zainab extended her right hand in order to shake Christian's. Christian, who was too happy, laughed loudly, grabbed her hand, and instead pulled her into a full embrace.

The talking resumed and there was huge applause. Zainab looked shocked, and her hands hung limply by her side, Syed noticed. But it was a start. She had turned up, she had made an – albeit feeble – attempt at reconciliation with his...with his husband! Syed realised, catching himself grinning hugely and knowing that once again, the tips of his ears would be tinged red.

"Mum." he said.

Zainab looked extremely pained as she turned to him and said,

"Promise me you'll be happy."

He nodded.

"Baby steps yet, Syed, eh?" She said, attempting to smile and faltering.

He nodded solemnly.

"That's Yasmin over there," he said, pointing over to where Amira had the small child hoisted on her hips. A real smile broke appeared on Zainab's face as she walked over to her granddaughter.

"Husband..." Christian drew out the word, enjoying the delectable way it sounded as it rolled off his tongue. He put an arm around Syed's midriff, pulling him close so that their hips were touching.

Together they looked out around the church. People were busy talking and laughing, Amira was smiling at Zainab as she held Yasmin.

As Christian had said, their relationship was never rehearsed. Never predictable. And so at least, it was never boring. They'd had their fair share of troubles, but since life was never fair, both of them realised there would be more difficult times to face. For Syed, he knew that he might have to re-evaluate his relationship with his mother. She hadn't fully come to terms with him and Christian, that was clear. But she'd turned up to the wedding, and could he really revoke her rights to seeing Yasmin? Looking at her with his daughter now, he knew that he couldn't.

Another thing he knew was that he'd never been happier in his whole life.

Christian grinned hugely. He could feel the slight pressure of the ring on his finger, something that he loved already and would quickly get used to. He realised now, with his heart bursting with pride and joy, that it wasn't a pressure he wanted to get rid of.

Their life together was always going to be sustained by their love, immovable by their desire for each other, coupled and strengthened by the support of others.

Their future was as never-ending as the rings they wore; as radiant as the sun that sparkled on the silver dew.

The End.

Believe it or not, the dream I had JUST actually consisted of Chryed's wedding day, Christian walking with Roxy, her saying 'You scared?' and him replying 'Terrified.'

Somehow this entire fic just materialised around that one scene – and Roxy was even replaced by Lumen so...

Haha :')

It was planned to be finished in around 5 chapters...and this is the 34th. So yeah

Hope you've enjoyed this. It's taken many months to write.

If you liked it – let me know :)

If you didn't like it – let me know :)

If you want me to write more fic – let me know :)

So yes, ahhhhhh, it's been fun writing this, and I hope you all liked the chapter. I myself am not a huge Zainab fan, but I know some of you out there are still holding for her to have some huge, tear-filled apology to Syed, so I wrote a chapter that would hopefully make everyone happy.

I really enjoyed writing this, although it frustrated me at times.

I'd like to say thanks to everyone who's read this, added me to their favourite author, favourited it, added it to their stories, reviewed and generally been amazing...


