Hey everyone! This is a story that I am currently co-writing with my really close friend, Luneara Eclipse. She is like a sister to me.

I highly recommend going to read her stories. She's an amazing writer.

My character is Alex and her's is Sam.

I only own Alex and she owns Sam. Everything else we do not own and the rights go to their respective owners.


Dave led me back to the hotel parking lot and there in the space next to my chopper was a Hummer. He opened the door for me but I shook my head and climbed onto my Harley. I didn't bother with a helmet, because frankly they were annoying. I slipped on my shades and motioned for Dave to lead the way.

He smirked and I could tell he was impressed by the motorcycle. I followed him to a lovely ranch styled house in the suburbs. It had a simple wooden fence surrounding it, and it was a lovely shade of peach with a white door with stained glass. I was practically in love with it. I smiled when an adorable Rottweiler puppy ran to the gate as Dave and I walked in.

"Carly, down! Bad girl!" Dave said.
"It's alright. I love dogs and she's just saying hello." I smiled as I knelt down to pet the dog. She was so sweet. I had always adored Rottweilers.
"Well my former mother-in-law should be here soon." He glanced at the clock as we entered the house.
"What happed to your late wife? If it's okay to ask, I mean." I bit my lip.
"Died having our son three years ago. The doctors said having a child at forty was going to be tough." He sighed.
"So you're in your forties?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm actually forty-five." He answered.

I couldn't believe that I was married to a guy almost as old as my father! But for some strange reason it didn't bother me. I saw a framed photo of Dave smiling with three kids, two girls around eight and six, and a three year old boy. The girls had dark brown hair with Dave's eyes while the boy was a mini version of Dave himself.

I took off my jacket ad carefully placed it on the footstool as I sat in an armchair. I smiled when the dog, Carly, jumped onto my lap. I scratched her behind the ears as Dave went to change his clothes. He came back in a wifebeater and grey sweats. He looked so much hotter now.

The door flew open and I heard running. Dave's two girls ran to him and ave him big hugs. An older woman walked in carrying the son and set him down. She looked and me and glared.

"Who are you?" She snapped.
"That's Samantha, my wife." Dave smiled proudly at me.
"You married a biker? Well that figures, you work in a strip club and attempt that MMA bullshit." The woman sneered.
"Yo, sweetie, why don't check your attitude at the door and bounce on out of here. I just so happen to be an interior designer for the rich folk of NYC; but yeah my family is bikers." I snapped.
"You're our step-mom?" The older girl asked.
"You can call me Sam if you want." I smiled after their grandmother left.
"I'm Vicky, she's Aaliyah, and that's our brother Avery." The oldest girl said.
"It's nice to meet you three." I smiled.
"Is that your Harley in the driveway?" Aaliyah asked.
"Sure is, I can take you for a ride later." I couldn't help but feel a bit proud that she knew a Harley.

I decided to spend the day getting to know the kids.

Alex POV

Matt and I walked over to the parking lot.

He fished a set of keys from his pocket and handed them to me.

"You want me to drive your car?" I asked.

"Actually those are your truck keys. You didn't want to take my car last night. My car is still at the strip club." He replied.

We walked over to my truck and climbed inside.

"Okay, Honey, where to?"

Leaning over he gave me a kiss and smiled.

"You're so cute when you're sarcastic. But anyways, I need to go back to my place and get my gym bag."

"Then, on second thought, how about you drive? Since it'd be easier because you actually know where we're going."

We both got out and switch sides. I tossed him the keys and off we went.

Shortly, we pulled up to this brown duplex. Parking he shut off the ignition and smiled at me.


"Ready for what?"

He got out and walked over to my side and opened the door.

"Come on." He said, holding out his hand.

I took it and he helped me out. We went inside and I was surprised. It was pretty clean for a guys place.

"Well since we're married, I should probably give you a tour."

He showed me the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room. I followed him upstairs to the bedroom.

"Well here's mine...well now our bedroom. There's the bathroom and the closet." He said pointing them out.

I nodded.

"Cute place."


He walked over to his dresser and started pulling a few things out and started stripping. Not that I'm complaining. After he was dressed he put a change of clothes in a dufflebag and slung it over his shoulder.

"Alright. Let's go!" He said snapping me from my little trance.

I knew that he was built but I never knew he was in that good of shape. We headed back downstairs and back to my truck. Matt didn't live far rom the gym so it took us about 10 minutes to get there.

"So, you never told me where you're from." Matt said as he laid down on the bench press.

"New York City, New York."


"Yeah. Why?"

"I'm from Long Island,New York." He smiled.

"Wow. Maybe that's why we have such a good connection." I joked.

"Maybe." He chuckled. "So what's the story? Why are you in Vegas?"

"Well Sam and I were bored with our lives. Our jobs, our boyfriends.."

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Not anymore. Sam and I dumped them before we came here. We wanted to have a weekend of party and..."

"And what?"

"Strippers." I chuckled.

"Well you certainly got one." He laughed.

After about an most of the day practically drooling at the sight of Matt working out, he finished up his workout and then went to shower and change.

"So now what?" I asked as he walked back with his dufflebag.

"I don't know. Maybe meet back up with Sam and Dave at the hotel and go from there, I guess."

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled as I grabbed his hand.

And with that, I called Sam and we headed back to the hotel.


I adored Dave's kids! Avery was so sweet, he wouldn't leave my side at all. Vicky loved my Dirt Wolvesjacket so I told her she could have one when she's older. The initiation was rather tame and safe compared to other packs, she would just have to fix a broken bike. Aaliyah and I drove around the block twice before coming back.

"I think I should be upset that my youngest daughter was on a motorcycle." Dave chuckled.
"I think you should be, but no better driver than a biker." I smirked. He leaned in and kissed me. I could honestly say his kisses were better than Jack's anyday.
"I think that's your phone." He said when Steppenwolf's Born to be Wild played.
"You're right." I sighed. I smiled though when I saw that it was Alex.

We ended up going to meet her and Matt, as it turn out was Zack's real name, at the hotel. I insisted on Dave bringing his kids with us. I drove my Harley with Dave following. We pulled up just as Alex and Matt did.

"Alex, meet my new stepchildren Vicky, Aaliyah, and Avery." I giggled when Avery ran to me and latched onto my legs.
"Aww they are adorable." She smiled.
"I know right? I think I could make a good mother. Damn" I looked down at Avery and mouthed Jackass Jack "Never wanted any."
"Sam, can we get something to eat?" Vicky asked.
"Yeah, what do you guys want?" I smiled.
"How about after we get your things, we all go to mine and Sam's house for a cookout?" Dave suggested.
"Why are we getting my things?" I aked.
"Well we are married, I figured you'd want to live with us." He shrugged.
"Of course! My last place was an apartment so I never got to do yardwork or have cookout before." I grinned.

Dave and Matt strapped my chopper to the back of Alex's truck while her and I and Dave's kids went to my room to pack my things.

Alex POV

We rode the elevator up to the very top floor where our suites were located. I went into my suite to pack my stuff while Sam and the kids went into hers.

I didn't have much, so I was packed with in 15 minutes. After I was done, I grabbed my bags and knocked on the door of her room. The eldest girl, Vicky, opened the door smiling. She stepped aside and I walked in. Setting my bags near the door we headed over to Sam.

It was so cute how Avery never left her side. I walked over and sat down on the bed with the girls sitting on either side of me. We waited as Sam finished up. Only one problem though. Her suitcase wouldn't shut! She mumbled under her breath as she pushed on it then tried zipping it up. No luck. Everytime she went to zip it, the lid popped up.

"Sam, I have an idea." I got off the bed and picked up Avery and sat him on yop of the suitcase earning chuckles from the girls "Now try."

She tried and it finally zipped.

"Thanks Alex."


"And thank you Avery." She smiled at the little boy.

He hopped off the suitcase and the girls helped carry a few of the bags. I had never in all my life seen kids as helpful as Dave's. I'll have to praise him on his parenting skill later. We got ino the elevator and the guys loaded everything up into my truck while I paid for our rooms. Afterwards, we all headed back to Dave and now Sam's place. Zack and I were in my pickup as Dave,Sam and the kids took Dave's hummer. We followed him to this beautiful peace colored ranch styled house in the suburbs. Perfect place to raise a family. We both pulled into the driveway and parked. We headed inside and i smiled as this little rottweiler puppy ran up and sniffing MAtt and I and jumping up on us. I knelt down and pet it. It was damn cute! Dave led us you to the backyard where he fired up his grill. Sam helped him grab the food and everything while Matt and I sat together on the little patio swing. We were talking when this elderly woman walked through the house and out onto the patio.

"David, you kids forgot a toy."

She handed the toy to Dave and turned to leave but stopped whne she saw me. She crossed her arms across her chest and glared at me.

"Now who the hell are you?"

"I'm the Grim reaper." I replied, flatly. "I've been expecting you. It's your time."

She scowled at me as Matt wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Be nice."

"I apologize for that. I'm Dave's friend Matt and this is my wife, Alex." Matt smiled holding out his hand.

Shockingly, she shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you Matthew."

She glanced at me for a moment and looked back at Matt.

"Maybe you should keep a leash on that one." She said, motioning to me.

"Bark!" I smirked making her jump.

"So rude!" She muttered before leaving.

"Babe." Matt chuckled. "Be nice, please. Just relax and have a good time."

"Hey that old bitch deserved it! But fine, I'll relax."

I gave him a kiss and leaned my head on his shoulder and we watched the kids play in the yard.

What do you think so far?

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