This is my first Harry Potter story, a Harry OC. Since HP is my fave series and J.K Rowling is my most favorite author ever! So In honor of my fave author, im writing my own Harry OC. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: The Jealousy Begins…

It was a dark, cold eerie night. Crows were cawing loudly, old & ancient tombstones all around, all standing in front of a gothic looking house. But away from it all of it was a small cottage, where a caretaker by the name of frank. A family by the last name of Riddle was buried nearby, and the house that stood nearby belonged to the Riddle family many years ago. Frank the caretaker watched over the house, making sure no one broke into it or did anything to it.

Frank stood in his small house, the t.v going in the background, and the tea kettle being out on the stove. He looked up towards the Riddle house to see it was dark like it always was but then he saw the lights flash on. Gritting his teeth he put the dishcloth he had in his hand down in a angrily manner. "Bloody kids." he mumbled irritably. He grabbed the keys, his flashlight, and hat and was out the door. He slowly walked up to the house, flashlight shining so he could see, and was soon inside the house. 'Gather our old comrades, sending them a sign.' said a raspy voice. Frank walked upstairs to see who it was, one of the steps was loud & creaky, he carefully walked over it, and stood there, listening to the conversation now taking place.

'"perhaps were to do it without the boy." said a long haired rat like man standing in front of a man with a snake like face, and raspy voice. "No, the boy is everything, it cannot without him. It will be done as I say." Then another man appeared, wearing a long leather jacket. "I will not disappoint you my lord.' "good." Then out of nowhere, a long, big snake came slithering by, hissing at Frank who held up his flashlight. Then the snake began speaking a weird language. "Nagini tells me the old muggle caretaker is standing just outside the door. Step aside Wormtail so I can give our guest a proper greeting." He held up his wand and yelled, "AVADA Kadavra!" A jet of green light flashed towards him sending him flying.

A loud steam of a tea kettle squealed loudly, loud enough to wake a young boy, who was thrashing wildly. "Harry!" Called out a girl. Harry awoke in a instant, putting his glasses on, and saw who was calling him. "Hermione, bad dream, When did you and Lauren get here?" he asked. "just now, you?" she asked ."last night." he said. Lauren stood there looking at Harry. "I saw it too." she simply said. He nodded. "Wake up, wake up Ronald." Hermione shook him. "Bloody hell" Hermione rolled her eyes. Harry rubbed his scar. "Honestly get dressed and don't go back to sleep. Come on Ron! Your mother says breakfast is ready." Ron fell back asleep, as Hermione and Lauren walked out.

It was cool as the entire Weasley family, minus Mrs. Weasley, walked out towards the forest, along with Harry, Hermione, and Lauren. They were all going to the 422nd Quidditch World Cup, Ireland vs. Bulgaria, it was the last Quidditch match, the final one. Everyone walked through the woods. "How far do we got?" Harry asked. Ron shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno. Hey Dad, where are going?" "Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" Arthur Weasley called back. Lauren giggled, along with Ginny & Hermione. "Arthur!" called a man. Arthur held up his hand, a small smile on his face. "It's about time son!" Arthur chuckled. "Sorry Amos, but some of had a bit of a sleepy start." he motioned towards Ron who was yawning loudly.

Lauren giggled, walking alongside Hermione and Ginny.

"This is Amos Diggory, works with me, at the Ministry." Mr. Weasley explained.

Then out from nowhere came a figure from the trees, jumping down.

"And this strapping young man must be Cedric am I right?" Arthur asked, shaking Cedric's hand.

"Yes sir." Cedric replied.

As everyone walked ahead, Cedric and Lauren's eyes suddenly met.

Lauren could feel her heart beating rapidly, her face slightly turning red.

Cedric was tall, had golden colored hair, and the most breathtaking eyes Lauren had ever seen.

Cedric smiled and held out his hand. "I'm Cedric,"

Lauren smiled softly and took his hand, sending chills up and down her spine. "Lauren," she replied.

Harry looked back, seeing Lauren & Cedric walking together, smiling and laughing, sent a jealous feeling to the pit of his stomach, he turned his attention elsewhere.

Everyone crowded around a manky old boot, which was a port key.

Once everyone touched it, it was as if they were flying high in the sky, laughs of joy came from various.

"Let go kids!" Arthur shouted.

"What?" Lauren shouted.

"Let go!" He shouted.

Lauren, Harry, Ron, & Hermione let go and they felt as though they were falling through a very long pit, they all screamed as they landed on the ground.

Sorry if this chapter sucks, but I promise it will get better and the drama etc etc will get better as the story goes on. Please R & R