Chapter 10: A Night Where Anything

Happens 11/15/2012

Thank you all who are reviewing, alerting, and favoriting this story and even favorting me as an author, it really means a lot, thanks guys! And without further ado, here's chapter 10 with some shocks, surprises, and heartbreak. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own the world of Harry Potter, it belongs to my Idol, the ever so amazing J.K Rowling. While Lauren and the plot all belong to me.

It was the night everyone had been waiting for and no one was more nervous than Lauren.

Lauren stood there in front of the mirror with her long black halter top dress with her hair all loose and wavy, her long sparkly black dangling diamond earrings, and her light makeup. Her heart was pounding, she could feel herself sweating a bit. Anything could happen tonight, she knew that, and that's what made her nervous.

"Come on, we got to get down to the Great Hall." Hermione said.

Lauren nodded, seeing Hermione dressed in her elegant violet/pink dress, as they walked down together.

Harry and Ron on the other hand were already down near the Great Hall, Harry with Cho and Ron with Pavarti Patil.

"The girl's probably up in her room crying her eyes out." Ron said.

"Who?" Harry asked.

"Hermione of course. Why do you think she wouldn't tell us who she was going with?" Ron asked.

"Cause we'd take the mickey out of her if she did." Harry said.

Before Ron could say anymore, Professor MonGongcall came up to tell him and Cho that the champions are the first to dance.

"Wow, they look beautiful." Cho said, turning around in awe.

Harry turned around to see Hermione and Lauren walking down the steps. Harry couldn't take his eyes off them, Cho was right, they were beautiful. When he looked at Lauren, he heart stopped, he was speechless. She was stunning.

Hermione walked to her date, who was non other than Viktor Krum, as he clicked his heels and bowed in front of her, smiling softly.

Lauren walked past Harry, giving him a nod and a small smile walking towards Cedric, who was ever so handsome in his tuxedo.

He cleared his throat. "Wow Lauren, you look.. Amazingly beautiful."

Lauren blushed, "You're not too bad yourself."

Cedric chuckled, offering her his arm. "Shall we?"

She gladly took his arm, smiling. "We shall."

They walked in with the rest of the champions, as everyone inside clapped and cheered for them as they got on the dance floor, the music began to play.

They were dancing and twirling about, listening to the music play. When it came time for the lift off part of the dance, Cedric placed both hands on Lauren's waist and lifted her high in the air, hearing her laugh and giggle as he brought her back down as the rest of the people did the same.

When that dance was over, everyone in the Great Hall was soon crowded around the stage as Professor Filtwick introduced a band that got everyone cheering loudly and screaming loudly. As the music began to play, people were moving their bodies and bobbing their heads to the music, just enjoying themselves.

When that ended, everyone soon headed off towards the drink table and others going of to do other things.

Lauren's head was spinning from all the excitement, not leaving Cedric's side as they were both laughing and smiling at one another.

While Cedric went to go get drinks, Lauren took a seat next to Harry, who couldn't stop looking at her, and her looking at him. Before they could say a word, Hermione showed up, spinning around happily taking a seat next to Lauren.

"Hot isn't it? Viktor's gone to get drinks. Would you care to join us?"

"No we don't care to join you and Viktor." Ron said in a mockingly angry tone.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "What's got your wand in a knot?"

As they continued arguing, Harry motioned to Lauren with his eyes if she wanted to go on the dance floor and of course she accepted. They got on the dance floor where very few people were, and began swaying softly, staring at one another, smiling softly.

For Harry, having Lauren in his arms was more than he could ask for in a million years, it was the perfect moment for him, if only it didn't have to end. He figured now was a better time than ever to tell her how he felt for her.

"Lauren, there's something I need to tell you." Harry said, looking directly in her eyes.

Lauren looked at him, by the look on his face, she could tell it was something serious.

"What is it?"

Harry took a deep breath, holding her hand, looking at her. "Lauren, I'm in love with you. I always have been, I just didn't realize it till now. I know you're with Cedric but… I want you to know how I feel about you. Every time you're near I can't stop smiling, when we're close, it's hard for me to breathe. And when I look into your eyes, my heart stops. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever known and I love you and care about you. And I hope in time you feel the same for me."

All Lauren could do was stare at him, tears filling up in her eyes. She knew Harry felt this way about her, it was only a matter of time before he actually told her. She looked back Cedric who was laughing with his friends, then back to Harry. She had no idea what to say, but she had to be honest with him and herself.

"Harry, I… feel the same about you, I really do. But I can't possibly be with you and Cedric at the same time. I love Cedric, but I also love you and I can't deny that, anymore than I want too. You're my best friend, whom I'm now falling for. But… I need time." She softly kissed his cheek and walked to where Cedric and his friends were.

Harry was full of emotions, words couldn't describe how he felt at that moment, standing there on the dance floor.

After standing there for 10 minutes, he went back to his table and sat down next to Ron, who was fuming.

"How'd it go?" Ron asked.

Harry sighed. "She feels the same but she doesn't want to leave Cedric. She needs time."

Ron put a supportive hand on his shoulder. "Things will work out mate, you'll see."

Harry nodded, looking towards Lauren who was now slow dancing with Cedric.

While slow dancing with Cedric, having him hold her close, all she could think about was what Harry said to her. It was too much for her to think about.

"This has been the best night of my life." Cedric softly said, interrupting Lauren's thoughts.

Lauren smiled softly, blushing. "I could say the same."

Cedric smiled at her. "I love you Lauren."

Lauren was taken aback. She was speechless, she knew Cedric was going to tell her this, it was only a matter of time before he told her. She wanted to cry, she loved Cedric, but she also loved Harry.

Lauren held his hand, looking him in the eyes. "I love you too."

Smiling, Cedric slowly leaned down and softly pressed his lips unexpectedly against Lauren's.

The kiss took Lauren by complete surprise and shock. She kissed him back softly, a smile appearing on her face. Fireworks were going off, sparks were flying. But during the kiss all Lauren could see was… Harry.

Walking back inside, Harry saw what he didn't want to see, Lauren and Cedric kissing. He was furious, fuming on the inside to know that she kissed him back, made him beyond jealous. Not wanting to watch anymore, he walked out.

Pulling back from Cedric, Lauren saw Harry walk away, her heart fell, he saw the kiss.

"Give me a second."

She went to Harry. "Harry wait! I can explain."

Harry turned around towards her, angry.

"How can you explain what I just saw!? You, snogging Cedric. There's nothing you can say that will change that! After I poured out my heart to you, you go and do what you just did, like what I said meant nothing to you! I just need sometime to myself." Without another word, Harry walked back up to the Gryffindor common room.

Lauren stood there, feeling like her heart had been ripped out of her chest and stepped on repeatedly. She sat on the steps, letting tears fall freely from her eyes, letting out a soft sob. She wiped the tears from her eyes, looking up to see Cedric coming towards her.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Lauren shook her head. "Can you walk me back to the common room?"

Cedric nodded his head. "Sure, I'll do anything for you."

He helped her up and walked her back.

They soon reached the Gryffindor common room. They looked at each other.

"Thanks for a great night. I really had fun." Lauren said.

Cedric nodded. "Thanks for accompying me."

Lauren smiled as Cedric kissed her once more. "Goodnight."

Lauren said the same, walking inside, also watching him walk away.

She got inside to see Harry sitting near the fireplace. They looked at each other for a few seconds. Lauren tore away from his gaze and walked up to the girls common room, while Harry sat there, staring hard at the flames.

Trust me when I say this was a VERY hard chapter for me to write and I cried as I was writing it. Alright you guys know the drill. REVIEW!

I'll be posting a poll on who you think Lauren should end up with, Harry or Cedric? VOTE!