Title: Damn, Erik!

Warning: Erik/Charles fluff/love. A little bit of swearing, but otherwise, there's nothing else!

Author's Note: I got this idea from a friend. It was supposed to be a friendship fic, but as you can see it turned out otherwise. Haha! Let me know what you think! Constructive criticism always helps!

[Charles's POV]

Scrolling through the various channels on the television, I let out an audible sigh. I pursed my lips; my mind thinking of other ways to pass the time. Slumped in the comfy sofa, my eyes barely stayed open as midnight approached.

'So much for the new cable TV package,' I thought to myself. In frustration, I threw the remote controller to the carpeted ground. Running my fingers through my brown hair, I glanced around the living room; and there was no one in sight. I furrowed my eyebrows and cocked my head sideways to get a clearer view. I swore I saw Erik just sitting at the table minutes ago…


I jerked back in shock. There he was – right next to me. Raising his eyebrow in amusement, the sides of his mouth curled up to form a smirk.

"For God's sake, Erik!" I let out a laugh, forgetting how exhausted I was. Chuckling, he turned to me and flashed a grin. Damn, the man had the sexiest smile alive.

"Someone couldn't find me?" Erik leaned over, his mouth just inches away from mine. I tried to fight a blush as it threatened to creep up my cheeks. However, by the look of his triumphant expression, the effort was all in vain.

"Perhaps you could-" I placed a hand on his chest, lightly pushing him away, "-learn to respect my private space," A playful smile played on my lips, as my eyes looked straight into his. Instead, he came closer to me, his cheek brushing against my jaw. My heart skipped a beat; my breathing almost coming to a complete stop. That beast.

"I don't think so." He whispered softly in my ear. I could hear every single breath he took. It was as clear as day.

'Control yourself, bloody hell.'

"Hmm," I pulled away and turned my focus back to staring at the television. I knew very well what he wanted and he wasn't getting any of it. Let's just say I read his mind, and it wasn't the purest of thoughts.

He wasn't the least bit deterred, however, and continued to stare at me with his bluish-grey eyes. Shit.

"You know, the girls used to say they could figure out a man in a second, but no matter how hard I look at you, I just can't seem to get inside your head."

'What the fu-'

"Erik Lensherr, are you trying to imply something here?" I asked.

"That was very clever of you, Charles," His grin stretched from ear to ear. I shook my head, throwing my hands in the air.

"I give up," I got up from the sofa, ready to leave. It was then I felt a hand attempting to intertwine with mine.

"Oh, what now-"

Before I knew it, a pair of lips came crashing into mine. Suddenly, everything became a blur – all I felt was how soft, how sweet his lips tasted. I remembered how Raven used to rave about his seductive ability – if you would call it that – and this was a hell lot better than what she described.

His hand slowly made his way up to my waist, with the other caressing my cheek. As the need for oxygen got the better of us, I reluctantly broke away from his kiss, taking in a deep breath.

I was trying to think of another witty remark, but I couldn't even construct a proper sentence. Damn.

"Don't go," Our foreheads pressed up against each other. I could feel his strong gaze on me, the same gaze which made me fall in love.

I sighed before I looked into his eyes once more.

"I won't."