Author's Note: Hey everyone! So this is the first in what I hope will be a long line of drabble-type shorts. All of them will focus around Matt and Mello. Why Drabble Rainbow? Because some stories will be darker, some will be lighter, and everything in between. I'll just post shorts as I come up with them. :3

Title: Health Scare

Rating: T (For minimal swearing.)

"Let me lick it, Matt."




"Then it's an order!"

"I said no, Mello. Seriously. Just wait a bit. It'll only be able twenty minutes."

Mello blinked, staring at Matt. Matt, who always obeyed him. Matt, who did what he wanted. Matt, who forever wanted to make him happy. That Matt…was now disobeying him.

Mello wanted to get angry. He wanted to scream at Matt, and force the ginger boy to let him have his way.

Despite his desire to maintain his aggravation, Mello didn't scream or attack Matt.

"But why not?" Mello whined, knowing just how incredibly childish he sounded.

"Because the cookies have egg in them, and uncooked egg can lead to salmonella!" Matt replied, raising his voice, obviously frustrated. "No, you may not lick batter off of the mixing spoon!"

Mello's lips pushed out, pouting in a way only Mello could pout.

"I only want a little."

Matt just turned to glare at the blond.


To that, Matt just rolled his eyes.

"Cookies cook fast, Mells. Deal with it. You'll just have to wait."

Mello stared at Matt for a few seconds, looking injured after having his request denied. Sighing a little, he backed off slowly.

"Fine. I'm going to watch TV then until they're finished," the blond said, watching Matt's back.

"You do that," Matt sighed. "I'll join you once the dishes are done."

"Sounds good," Mello replied, slowly reaching to take one of the small balls of chocolate chip cookie dough off the pan, thinking the ginger wouldn't notice if he was sneaky.

"Put that back, Mello," Matt said slowly, his voice almost dangerous.

Mello blinked, surprised that Matt had even heard him.

"Damnit, Matt! You're so fucking mean to me sometimes!" Mello snapped, throwing the dough back onto the pan, before storming off.

Matt rolled his eyes. It really wasn't that big of a deal like Mello thought it was. As soon as Mello had left the kitchen, he went to put the baking sheet into the oven, and set the timer. As he started to run the water to wash the dishes, however, he got an idea. One that meant he was caving in, in a way, but an idea, none the less.

Getting out another box of cookie mix, he started the dough again, this time skipping out on the eggs.

"Hey, Mello," he called gently, walking out towards the couch. "I have something for you."

"I don't want it," Mello replied, focusing on the TV, trying to ignore Matt. He knew he had no right to be so angry. Matt was just trying to keep Mello from catching a disease. Still though…he always loved eating raw cookie dough. It wasn't fair for Matt to keep that from him.

"You don't want cookie dough?" Matt asked, half-grinning.

"It'll make me sick," Mello replied back irritably.

"Not this batch," Matt replied, sauntering over to the couch, and setting the cooking bowl on Mello's lap.

Looking down, Mello saw the dough, before glancing up at Matt.

"I made more, without egg, this time," the ginger said, grinning as he dipped a finger in the dough, withdrawing some, before pressing his finger to Mello's lips.

Without taking his eyes off of Matt, Mello slid his mouth around Matt's finger, licking off the dough.

"Happy?" Matt asked. Mello just nodded, before dipping into the dough to have another bite.

"You know…" Mello said, leaning back into the couch. "…there's only about a 1 in 30,000 chance of getting salmonella poisoning from raw cookie dough."

Matt laughed. "Not worth the risk, Mells. Sorry. Just be happy I made you safe, eggless cookie dough."

Mello sighed. "Fine, Matt."

"Love you, blondie."

"Love you too, ginger."