The world's greatest ass

By kira

For Kat, who wanted a Sokka fic and got me to pop my avatar: the last airbender cherry… XD

Sokka took five pairs of jeans into the dressing room. He normally just pulled his size off the shelf and bought them, but that news story about new cameras in dressing rooms designed to give one the best image of their derriere had him intrigued. So armed with the maximum amount of pants allowed, Sokka entered the dressing room. He quickly shimmied out of the ratty old pair he was wearing and slid on the brand new stiff pair of Levis.

Sokka stood there, admiring the view in the dressing room mirror, when he remembered the new camera. Slowly turning around, because there was no way to do it any faster without a lot of chaffing, he pointed his butt at the mirror. "Magic mirror on the wall, who's got the greatest ass of all?" he said as an image of his behind appeared on the wall in front of him. "Damn, that's a mighty fine ass you've got there, Sokka!" he said to himself. "Why thank you!" he replied.

This went on for the next twenty minutes, when a mis-sized pair of Wranglers got stuck on his butt. He tugged and tugged, and finally managed to get them down while taking his underwear with them. The camera caught it all and instead of getting angry, Sokka laughed himself silly as he mooned the camera.

"Magic mirror on the wall, who's got the greatest ass of all?" he chortled as he mooned the camera for the fiftieth time. "You do, Sokka!"

After playing in there for the past two hours, security was called. Sokka heard a knock on the door, followed by an, "Are you alright in there?" Pulling up his pants, he opened the door. "Yeah… uh, can I ask you something?"

The security guard quirked an eyebrow at him and nodded.

Sokka turned around and stuck out his bottom. "Do these make my ass look big?" Ten minutes later, he was hastily dressed in his ratty old jeans and tossed out on said ass…