I keep having new ideas for this story, so I'm back… kind of.

Danny gasped and dropped his luggage in surprise. He had seen this sort of thing before, a door leading to another world, but in only one place. Did I slip into the ghost zone? No. He was in the real world back when he entered the box, he was sure of this. The next question that came to his mind: Is this man a ghost? Did he really just get kidnapped by a ghost? Danny looked over at the man who was whirling around the center column of the room, flipping switches and pressing buttons.

No, he was not a ghost. He did not have that eerie-familiar presence that engulfed Danny when he was in the presence of the other dimensional creatures.

"Alright, here are the basics:" The man stepped away from the column and down a step towards Danny. "I'm The Doctor. This is Amy." The Doctor gestured to the red head who waived at him. " And this…" He put his arms up and spun in a circle, referring to the room they were in. "beauty is the TARDIS. As you probably already noticed: it's bigger on the inside. It is a spaceship. And a time machine." Danny just starred analytically at The Doctor.

"Okay." Danny said as he picked up his luggage and started going up the steps to the central platform. The Doctor raised his eyebrows.

"You're taking this all in surprisingly well." And Danny was. All of these things before him… were things he'd seen before. The doors in the ghost zone, Clockwork's lair that could transport you anywhere in time. Clockwork. Just thinking of the name made Danny cringe.

"My parents were scientists… this is the kind of stuff they loved to talk about."

"Ah, yes." The Doctor said, remembering his encounters with Danny's parents. "I do love brilliant people. Anyways, I have an important appointment with Winston Churchill, but after that we'll give you a say in where we go. How about that, eh?" He slapped Danny's shoulder and threw a big lever, which started the TARDIS up, the entire room shaking as the ship took flight.

"Wait… did you say Winston Churchill? You mean THE Winston Churchill?" Danny asked the Doctor, who smiled at his question.

I'm VERY busy, so all I could squeeze out was this sneak peak for the next chapter. More will hopefully come as the year goes by.