Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Inuyasha, belong to their respective owners. I never have, and never will, own any part of them. Thank you.

Daughter of a Wizard

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kagome stared imploringly at her mother as she clutched the small photo in her hand the four men laughing uproariously at something unexplained while a younger version of her mother stood behind the camera.

"I thought it was best that you didn't know." Her mother's voice was calm and placating, though it did nothing to calm her irate daughter.

"But isn't that my choice?"

"Kagome, you were only a child when I met your fathe–" she cut the word off before correcting, "step-father. I didn't think it would have made a difference if you knew that he wasn't your birth father. He loved you and Souta equally. I know that he would be very proud of what you have done. You are only seventeen but you have already saved the world and are trying to make a future for yourself here. You are graduating in a few months. I am very proud of you. But letting you know about my mistake was never a priority. Your father loved you and that was all that mattered."

Kagome understood this, but she still felt hurt and a little betrayed. Why did her mother never tell her? Even after going through all that she did in the past, and her mother never once felt the need to clarify her origins for her? What about all those times when she wondered why she looked different than the other children? What about those times where she wondered where her blue eyes came from? She thought she was just different, a freak. And yet now that she was nearly an adult her mother informs her that her father was not her birth father. Well, now that she was nearly an adult, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

"I'm going to look for him."


"No, he has a right to know that he has a daughter. I'm going to look for him. Even... even if I don't find him, this will be a good opportunity to get out and see the world for a little bit. As much as I love being back home with you and Souta and Gramps, I haven't felt the same ever since the well sent me back here. I need this little bit of adventure, Momma."

Her mother looked at her sadly, but there was understanding in her eyes as well. She remembered that feeling all too well. After all, she had said nearly the exactly same thing when she was Kagome's age. That was what led her to England, where she met Kagome's father. He was quite a handsome fellow and very charming. She met him at a bar where he was celebrating the good news of his friend's wife's pregnancy with a small group of his friends. It was apparently their first child and they were all ecstatic. Needless to say, he had a few too many drinks and he was far too charming for his own good.

Nine months later and she was back in Japan without a way to contact him and a child to raise all alone. She never once held her actions against her daughter. Kagome had nothing to do with her mistake. But she also never felt the need to inform her of her true origins. A decision she never regretted, but now Kagome was determined to try and find her father. Her mother wasn't sure if it was even possible. She didn't know where he lived and he seemed pretty secretive about his family and origins. For all she knew, he was a serial killer that just happened to have a friend that was having his firstborn child. He didn't really give off that feeling, but she didn't really know him. All she got was his name and that of his friends along with the one picture she was able to take of them. She would offer Kagome all the help she could, but ultimately there wasn't much help she could offer her.

With a sigh, she glanced at the determined face of her only daughter and relented, "Alright, I will tell you what I can, but there isn't much I know myself."

Kagome didn't seem to mind the lack of information. She was determined to find her father, if it was that last thing she did. Her mother sighed one more time. There was no going back.

"His name's Sirius Black."

Kagome looked up at the daunting building before here. She didn't really know where else to start looking, but the Department for Lost or Missing Persons seemed to be a good place to start. With a deep breath, Kagome clutched her bag closer to her side before stepping up the stairs and through the large, double glass doors. She felt out of place as she stood near the entrance trying to decide where to go. Spotting a nice enough looking woman sitting at a desk, Kagome decided to approach and ask her questions. At the very least, she should be able to direct Kagome to where she needed to go.

"Excuse me," when the woman looked up from her computer and gave Kagome her attention, she continued with a smile, "I'm trying to find someone, but all I have is his name and a photo. Where should I go?"

The woman looked at her appraisingly before asking, "Name?"

"Ah, Hig– Kagome Higurashi."

The woman blinked before shaking her head. "The name of the person you are looking for."

Kagome blushed but blinked a bit in confusion. She didn't think it would be that easy, but maybe they needed the name before deciding where to direct her. "Sirius Black," she answered as she pulled out the photo with his name and the names of his friends written on the back. If she couldn't find him, then maybe she could find one of his friends.

The woman looked at her once more, before typing furiously at her computer. A minute later something must have come up because she looked at Kagome again, this time with an even more daunting stare. Kagome would have shifted where she stood if she wasn't used to being on the receiving end of such stares from her time in the past.

"Why are you trying to find this person?"

Kagome wondered why she hadn't asked that question in the first place. That seemed incredibly unsafe, in her opinion. "He's my father, but he doesn't know I exist. My mother met him almost twenty years ago and she didn't feel it important enough to tell me about him until a few months ago. So now I am trying to find him to at least let him know that he has a kid." Even if he doesn't want me.

The woman looked her over once more before standing from her seat. "I think there is someone that should be able to help you. If you could take a seat over there, I will be right back. Excuse me."

Though confused, Kagome nodded before replacing the photo in her bag and sitting down. She shifted for a moment to try and get comfortable. It wasn't too hard, the seats were fairly cushy and she didn't mind sitting in them. She only hoped that the people were able to help her. She didn't know anywhere else to go if it didn't work out.

The woman returned a few minutes later with a man of relatively short stature and a rounded belly. His dark eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark rimmed glasses and as he walked over to her she noticed that they were a dark hazel color. There was something different about him, but she couldn't quite place it. He gave off a peculiar feel, one that she could not place.

"Hello, Miss...?"

Kagome stood as was customary and held out her hand to his already upraised one. He had a strong grip, which she returned while smiling. "Higurashi, Kagome Higurashi."

The beefy man nodded his head while pulling his hand away to readjust his glasses. "Carl Morris, it's a pleasure. Please, follow me."

She did, but not without one last confused glance his way. They walked into the back door and down a hall before he motioned her into his office. She sat in front of his desk and got comfortable while he sat in his own seat. Once he was situated, he sat and stared at her for a few moments, causing her to become even more unsettled the longer he did so. Was this normal behavior for when people were trying to find someone? She didn't know, because she had never looked for someone she didn't know previously.

"Miss Higurashi, you say you are looking for your... father, Sirius Black?" She nodded. "And why do you think he is your father?"

The question confused her, but she answered nonetheless. "Because my mother said he was and that that was his name. Unless he changed it in the last twenty years, my birth father's name is Sirius Black." When his expression didn't seem to change, Kagome once again pulled out the photo with the names and handed it over to him. "My mother didn't know much about him, but she did get a photo of him and his friends. Their names are on the back. If you can't find him, then maybe you could find one of these men? She said that she thought their names were unusual, which was why she could remember them." Mr. Morris took the photo from her hand and examined the image with keen eyes. Kagome continued while he looked over the picture before turning to the back and staring intensely at the names. "She also said that Sirius was a fairly unforgettable character by himself, though I wouldn't know. She met them almost twenty years ago at a bar. They were celebrating the news of the pregnancy of the wife of one of his friends. I think it was that Porter fellow?"


"Hm, oh yes, Potter. That's right. And he was one of the normal names," she mumbled that last part to herself. Mr. Morris didn't seem to hear her, or he didn't care. His attention was focused solely on the little photo in his hand.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Mr. Morris set the image down but continued to think. She didn't have anything better to do, so she took her time looking around his office. It seemed pretty bland. A few photographs of scenery here or there, a potted plant or two in the corners, a window to the side that didn't show much but the street outside, a clock that ticked the seconds away, and his furniture made up the majority of his office space.

"Miss Higurashi, it is never easy to confirm things like this. Are you absolutely certain that what your mother said was true?" Miffed at his apparent distrust of her mother's word, Kagome only gave a curt nod. "That's what I was afraid of. If what your mother said was correct, then I am afraid that Sirius Black no longer lives."

Kagome didn't feel sad for his apparent death, but she was a bit disappointed to never get the chance to meet him. Swallowing a bit to give her time to put her thoughts in order, Kagome asked, "When?"

"About three years ago." If Kagome wasn't sitting down already, she would have sat down heavily at the news. She missed him by three years? Sure that was about the time she was traipsing around in the past, but it would have been nice to meet him at least. Now she would never get the chance. But maybe she could do the next best thing. His friends, they knew him, maybe she could talk to them to get to know what he was like at least.

"Wha– what about his friends? Could I talk to them?"

His hazel eyes seemed to sadden a bit more at her inquiry. "I'm afraid, that they are all dead as well."

What? They are all dead? Why? How? "What about his family?" Surely he had some family somewhere? Maybe she had an aunt or uncle, maybe another grandmother or grandfather. Perhaps he even had another kid? He was handsome enough to have plenty of attention from women. She would not be surprised if he did have another child. It would be nice to get to know them if she had the chance.

He shook his head, and she felt her insides drop. Who was this man? His close friends were all dead, and he didn't have any family? What was wrong with him?

"Sirius Black was the last Heir to the Black family. Of course, now that you're here we will have to look more into this. His godson will have something to say I am sure. If what you are claiming is proved to be true, then the entire Black Estate rightfully belongs to you."

"What?" She didn't even know what he was talking about. The Heir to the Black family? What was he...? What exactly did the Black family do? She didn't want to deal with any of that. All she wanted to do was meet her father. And wait... what did he say?

"Godson? He has a godson? Could I meet him?"

Mr. Morris looked into her eager blue eyes and was surprised to see that she didn't seem to care about the fortune that was rightfully hers if they could prove that she truly was the daughter of Sirius Black. No matter how this situation turned out, it was bound to cause quite the stir in the magical community. He didn't even think she knew about the Wizardry world, or else she would have gone there to look for Sirius Black. As it was, he was only too glad that he worked in such a profession. It was actually quite surprising how many people showed up looking for a witch or wizard and it was his job to inform the Ministry about these inquiries. He had already informed his friend Arthur Weasley about it and he was sure to get the word onto Harry Potter or the Minister. It was a very interesting turn of events after all. It was not every day that someone showed up claiming to be the daughter of the notorious Sirius Black. Though, with his reputation, Morris was surprised that there weren't more of his illegitimate children running around.

"I have already sent word to Mr. Harry Potter to see if he would be willing to meet with you. I should hear back from him shortly. In the meantime, why don't you go get something to eat? There is a nice café right down the street that serves some wonderful tea and scones." He gauged her response to the name, but she didn't even twitch. It was an expected response, if his suspicions about her origins were correct.

Though she wasn't hungry, Kagome understood that he was trying to politely get her to leave. She didn't really know what was going on, but she would leave him to his work.

"Of course, when should I come back?"

Mr. Morris looked at the clock on the wall, before turning back to face her. "Maybe about half past the hour or so. That should be enough time to hear back from him and to set up a time."

"Alright, I will see you later then." Kagome nodded as a farewell before turning to the door and making her way outside of the building. It didn't appear quite as daunting as it had before, but it was still somewhat strange to look at. She didn't know what was going on, but she felt like something big was happening. Her gut told her to tread carefully and she always trusted her gut. She didn't know what to expect, but she was ready for anything. Now more than ever she was glad for her experience in the past. It helped to prepare her not to expect anything. Whatever happened would happen, and she would try her hardest to get through it.

"Do you really think she is his daughter?"

"It's hard to say, Mr. Potter. But she doesn't appear to be lying. If she is not his daughter, then she has been just as deceived as the rest of us."

Harry's green eyes gleamed with a sort of glee that he had not felt in a long time. Sirius was his godfather. Even if he wasn't there to play the role for long, he was more of a father-figure than anyone else had been. And if Sirius had a daughter that he never knew about, then it was Harry's job to make sure that she was safe and that she knew about what happened to her father. He didn't mind having to give her the Black fortune if she asked for it. He was never a fan of Grimmauld Place. It was dark and depressing in his opinion, and he much rather preferred Godric's Hollow. As for the money, he had plenty of it from his parents and he didn't need the Black fortune as well. However, before he could make any plans to hand over the keys, they needed to determine if she truly was Sirius' daughter. If she was Sirius' daughter did that mean she was also a witch?

"Mr. Morris, does she know about... magic?"

"As far as I could tell, no. But we will have to tell her about it eventually if she really is his daughter. And if she is, then she would not be a Muggle, so the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy would not be violated."

Harry nodded before turning his attention inward. His thoughts were moving at a fast pace and he didn't quite know what to do with them. This brought along with it so many problems, but many possibilities as well.

"You said that she was at the café on the corner?"

"Yes, she should be back here in about fifteen minutes or so."

Harry contemplated this before deciding. "I will go meet her there." He stood from his seat and held his hand out. "Thank you for your help. I will take care of everything from now on. I'm sure you will hear about whatever happens in the Daily Prophet, though I wouldn't believe all it has to say."

Mr. Morris smiled in understanding, before replying, "Of course, Mr. Potter. I don't read that drivel anyway. But if you ever need anything, be sure to let me know."

"Of course. Good day, Mr. Morris."

"Good day."

Harry walked into the half-empty café and tried to spot the girl based off of the description Mr. Morris gave him. It didn't take long. There were not many Asian-looking people in the shop. Walking over to her table, he waited for her to acknowledge him before offering her a smile and his hand.

"Are you Miss Higurashi?" The foreign language sounded odd on his tongue, but he didn't think he messed it up. That was the way Mr. Morris said it at least. And she didn't give him an odd look at the pronunciation, so it seemed to be all right.

Kagome looked up at the young man when he said her name. He appeared to be about her age and had a head of unruly dark hair, with some of the brightest green eyes she had ever seen. On a human at least, Shippo's were exceptionally bright as well. Again, there was that same oddness that she felt around Mr. Morris. Except, this time it coated the young man like a cloak instead of simply being there like it was with Mr. Morris. Kagome stood and took his proffered hand. It was warm to the touch and she felt a moment of something pass between them. She couldn't place the feeling, but it was not unwelcome.

"Harry Potter," he introduced himself as he took the indicated seat across from her.

Potter? Kagome was trying to remember where she had heard that name before. A light bulb went off in her head when she remembered where she had heard the name before. "Potter, as in James Potter? Sirius' friend?"

Harry was surprised by her rather thick accent, but he had no problems understanding her question. But the question itself also surprised him. How did she know his father?

"James is my dad. How do you know him?"

"Oh, he was there the night Sirius and my mom met and... um..." she coughed in embarrassment and couldn't bring herself to say it. Fortunately, Harry seemed to understand. If the light splash of redness on his cheeks was any indication.

"I see."

Kagome nodded before a thought crossed her mind. "Do you have any siblings?"

Taken aback, Harry only shook his head in response. He hadn't had anyone ask him that before. Because it was common knowledge that he was the only son of James and Lily Potter. Perhaps she really didn't know anything about their world. That would make the next few hours quite interesting. Maybe he would enlist the help of Hermione to talk with her. After all, she was a girl and a muggleborn witch. Yes, he would give her a Flow call later.

He was pulled from his thoughts when Kagome seemed to jump in her seat. She appeared to be really excited about something, but he had no idea what it could be. Before he could ask, she smiled and explained.

"You are the reason they were celebrating! If you hadn't been conceived, my parents wouldn't have met at that bar and I wouldn't be here. They were celebrating your up-and-coming birth after all." This was such an interesting turn of events that Kagome couldn't believe. She knew that something good was going to happen on this trip, and now she knew that for some reason, she was supposed to meet Harry. She didn't know why, but they met for a reason. She could feel it. And even though she wouldn't get the chance to meet her father, she felt that Harry would be able to tell her about him. Before returning home, she would make it her mission to learn as much about her father as she possible could. She just had to!

Harry's cough brought her back to the present and she looked at him to see that he was shifting his eyes back and forth. She didn't know why though. And she wasn't going to ask. That was his business not hers.

"Um, before we can do much of anything else, we need to take a sample of your blood for a blood test. We want to make sure that Sirius is actually your father before doing anything with his property. You understand, of course?"

Kagome blinked before saying, "Of course, that makes sense. I'm more than happy to help in any way I can. I only came here to learn as much as I could about Siri– my father. Unfortunately, he is apparently dead so I can't meet him. So now I want to learn as much as possible. Did you know him?"

Harry blinked before replying, "He was my godfather. But I only really knew him for maybe a year in total. Um... it's a long story. One I will be willing to tell you once the blood test results are back."

"Oh, sure I understand. Um, when and where shall we do those?"

"We can go to the hospital now and get the blood, if that's all right?"

"That's fine. I don't have anything planned for today. I'm thinking I will do a bit of sightseeing." Kagome took the last sips of her tea before standing. "Well, shall we go?"

"Sure." Harry stood after her and motioned toward the door. He opened it for her and waited until Kagome past him before following. He was rather eager to see the results and he wanted to get them done as soon as possible. After all, the results could change the way the rest of his life went.

Harry held his breath as he waited for her response. The tests were finished not more than a day after getting the blood and they came back positive. She was the daughter of Sirius Black. He told her this and then proceeded to tell her a bit more about her father. Namely the fact that he was a wizard and she had the possibility of being a witch. So far, she hadn't said anything and seemed to be taking everything in. He didn't blame her. It was quite a bombshell to drop in one sitting. But at least she wasn't adamantly denying it. That was a good sign.

For her part, Kagome was taking it all in stride. So not only was the man she grew up thinking of as her father not her father, but the man who was her father was a wizard. That did explain the strange feeling she got from Harry, but it was still quite a bit to take in after a few years of normal. She had wanted to find some kind of adventure on this trip, but she had never expected anything of such magnitude. It was incredible. And she couldn't wait to learn more about her father's world.

Harry saw the smile creep on her face and he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Now all that was left was to bring her to her father's home, what would be her home if she wanted it. He still didn't know how to broach the subject of her inheritance, but he wasn't worried. They would get to that eventually. But first, he was going to introduce her to her father's memory.

"They did what?" Kagome couldn't stop laughing at the tales of her father's and Harry's father's exploits while in school. Hogwarts was the name, and she thought it sounded incredibly fascinating. Harry promised to show it to her one day soon. She had only been introduced to the Wizarding world a couple of days ago, but she felt so connected to it that it felt more like a lifetime. For a moment she wondered what her life would be like if she had grown up with her father. But that thought was tossed away as soon as it arrived. Her father spent most of her childhood in prison. That was no place to raise a child. She would have probably ended up with her mother either way. But, she may have also been able to at least meet him before his death. Now, she would never know what he was really like.

But she could at least experience a bit of him through Harry. And she could tell that it was good for him to talk about it. She didn't know at first that Harry had been carrying the burden of her father's death around with him for years, but the more she talked to him the more she could see it reflected in his eyes. She was learning about her father and in doing so was helping Harry cope and finally get over Sirius' death. Her father's death was not Harry's fault and she was slowly, but surely, making him see that. It would take time, but she would help him heal and he would, unknowingly, help her as well.

The road ahead of them would be tough, but they would pull through. No matter what obstacles land in their path, they would get through them together as a family. They were family. For now and always.

Happy Father's Day 2012!

Make sure to give your father (grandfather, uncle, friend's father, etc.) all of the love and appreciation they deserve (or more)!

And have a blessed day.

God Bless,
