Yes, I am alive. No, I do not own Doctor Who

Lulled by the sound of the rain and the warm body next to him, John Smith couldn't find a single reason why he should have to get up. It was a Saturday, no work, and the rain pretty much meant no outdoor activities(unless he was looking to get sick, which he wasn't), so no reason whatsoever.

He stretched his arms out in front of him, curling and uncurling his fingers. The glint of gold on his finger made him bring his left hand closer to his face with a smile. He rubbed the wedding band with his thumb, finding another reason not to get up. He rolled onto his side and wrapped an arm around his wife, pulling her closer and burying his face into her neck and breathing deep.

Rose turned in his arms when she felt her husband snuggling closer, sliding an arm around his waist and up his back, tracing gentle circles and throwing a thigh over his. "Hello," she said with a sleepy smile. He returned the sentiment, complete with a good morning kiss. "Hello, wife." Oh, he knew she loved it when he did that. Called her 'wife'. Just as much as he loved it when she called him 'husband'.

He didn't know how in the world they had managed to patch things up, considering how they parted ways, but with hard work (on both their parts) and their never ending love, they were able to get back to where they were before and now things were better than ever.

Rose reached up and ran a hand through his hair, smiling when he hummed happily in his throat. He leaned his forehead against hers and whispered "I love you, Rose."

"Hmm, I love you, too, Doctor."


The door burst open, giving John ten seconds to sit up and catching his bouncing son. "Easy, Jack. Lily is sleeping, remember." He cautioned before a loud cry from the baby monitor on Rose's side told a different story. "Not anymore," Rose said, throwing back the covers over their giggling son's head before he pushed them off. She grabbed her dressing gown as she left the room.

John took this time to study his son. Jack Peter Tyler-Smith was a perfect blend of his dad and mum. He had dirty blonde hair, Rose's eyes and John's wide grin. At two and a half, Jack was quite the charmer, thanks to Uncle Captain Jack's teachings. John had lost count of the number of times Rose had torn the Captain a new one. Donna was the perfect doting aunt, but more often than not heaped her affections on the littlest member of the Tyler-Smith clan.

John gathered Jack up onto his lap when Rose came back with the room with their daughter. Lily Jane Tyler-Smith looked exactly like her mum. Except for her eyes; the wide expressive brown eyes she got from John. Rose cooed at her Lily as she made herself comfortable and John slung an arm around them both. "Good morning, baby girl," John greeted, reaching out to touch Lily's cheek. She arched into her father's touch and Rose handed the six month old to John, who immediately cuddled her. Yep, John Smith's life was perfect.


"Hmm." John cocked his head slightly towards his wife.


"Yes, Rose, what is it?"


John rolled out of bed and slammed onto the floor, knocking the wind out of himself at impact. He watched as head full of messy brown hair popped into his line of sight, and Rory Williams, his assistant looked down at him. "You slept through your alarm again, Doctor."

John laid there stunned, the reality of the moment smacking him across the face. He wasn't in London, spending a rainy morning with his wife and two kids.

It had all been…just a dream

OH SNAP! Ladies and Gentlemen I have finally returned! It has been way too long, with life attempting to kick me in the teeth at every turn, but I have prevailed!

I present to you the sequel! I have a bunch of plot lines written down already, but this one gets a little more complicated. Here we're introduced to more charatcers, which of course means some names will need to changed up slightly, but I think I can pull it off :)

At the number of responses I got, River Song will NOT be in the story. You're welcome. I have chosen some of the couples based on my person feelings, although some of you may not agreed, sorry, it's my story. Anyway, this one may not be as long as the first story, but who knows.

So, please sit back and enjoy "Something Worh Living For"